National Guard extended

In another announcement of the war on its citizens, the Biden administration announced that the National Guard presence in DC has been extended again. It was just yesterday that the guard was going to be down to “only” 5,000 troops by mid-March.

This time, the Army has announced that the deployment will be through the end of March, and the new orders will not be voluntary, despite the fact that it was announced earlier this week that it would be.

The new order covers all members of the D.C. National Guard’s 74th Troop command at the rank of captain and below, aviation entities at sergeant first class and below, and the D.C. Air National Guard’s 113th Wing, which encompasses all mission support and medical staff. There are about 3,400 members of the D.C. National Guard. In addition to the D.C. Guard, troops from Maryland have been ordered to remain on duty through at least March 15.

EDITED TO ADD: Members of Congress say that the NG will be in place until they feel safe and secure.

“Due to threats around the impeachment and just generally, given what’s happened, and the fact that we don’t have a reset for the security apparatus around the Capitol building. We are in the process of figuring that out. How can we learn everything we need to learn to reset the posture on Capitol Hill? We’re not going to let the National Guard go home, or we’re not going to create an unsafe environment for the country’s business, until we have that figured out. I don’t think it will take super long to figure that out, get the best practices, get the investments that we need to make.”

Permanent Occupation

You have to read carefully to see the truth, because it is buried in spin. In the Army spokesman’s own words:

The Guard has been asked to continue supporting federal law enforcement agencies with about 7,000 personnel. That presence will likely draw down to about 5,000 by mid-March, he said.

7,000 troops until mid-March. Sounds like 5,000 is a more or less permanent palace guard.

Governing in secret

The Republicans are reportedly asking for a secret ballot for President Trump’s impeachment trial, so their voters won’t know who to blame.

1 The Constitution’s impeachment process was intended to permit Congress to remove a public official from office. It isn’t supposed to permit the Legislative branch to bypass the judiciary and conduct Kangaroo court proceedings.

2 SCOTUS are a bunch of cowards who are refusing to perform their duties under the Constitution. The Chief Justice punts again.

This is the part where we get to see that the show trials common to every communist takeover are being held.

Weapons and the Military

When I was in the Navy, a buddy of mine and I were FFL holders. We had gotten the FFL because we wanted to buy guns at wholesale prices. We also made a bit of cash on the side, selling guns to fellow service members. This was in the Reagan/Bush timeframe, so Clinton hadn’t yet begun his attempt at killing “kitchen table gun dealers.” To make it legal for the weapons to be in my off base apartment while we were out doing various Navy things, we made my (then) wife a part owner of the business.

I had this hardcore, lefty Lieutenant (O-3) from New York city that was in my chain of command, and he found out about our little side gig. He called us into the office and began yelling at us, calling us “Soldier of Fortune, Rambo wannabes.” He then ordered my buddy and I to shut down our business and turn over all inventory to the police. He claimed it was a direct order, and we would be prosecuted under the UCMJ under Articles 89, 91, 92, and 134, and he would have us court-martialed. We both refused, and pointed out that since my (then) wife was part owner of the business, such an order would be unlawful, as he had no jurisdiction.

He became irate, and called us “sea lawyers” and then promised to make our lives “a living hell.” The point of this story is that Big Country’s tale is not a surprise to me. It has been going on for years.

Leaving the party

Hundreds of voters who were registered to vote as Republicans are changing their party affiliation. The press is claiming that Republicans are leaving the party because they disagree with the riots in the Capitol.

I think that they are getting it wrong. There is a good number of voters who are sickened by how tone deaf the Republican leadership is towards its members. Perhaps many of them are leaving the party because they have come to realize, as I did more than a decade ago, that just because the Democrats are your enemy doesn’t mean that the Republicans are your friend, and the Democrats telling lies does not mean that Republicans are speaking the truth.

Too many of us are tired of being ignored by the political class in this country- a political class that intends to be our master, rather than our servant.

Spying on America

One of the first orders that Biden gave to his new director of intelligence (DNI) was an order to spy on American citizens. Sure, he couched it as if he is going after “domestic terrorism,” but that is merely a fig leaf. They have been spying on Parler and its users with the intent of making sure that they STAY shut down.

It is illegal for intelligence agencies to spy on American citizens within the United States, but the CIA and their assistants at the NSA and other US intelligence agencies don’t let little things like the law, the Constitution, or civil rights get in the way.

For at least the past twelve years, the government has claimed that you have no rights against searches and spying. I warned the right that the Patriot act would one day be used against them. They didn’t listen.