Long time readers know that I have been saying for more than three years that the left would kill Donald Trump before letting him retake the Oval office. Even Tucker Carlson said the same last August and was lambasted for it, I believed the term used was “bonkers.”
At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, what happened yesterday was genius. The pictures of the shooter, wearing a t-shirt from a progun Youtube channel, then news that he was a Republican are simply genius. Had a purple-haired tranny been the shooter, the civil war would have begun almost immediately.
Instead, what we now see is a fig leaf that will keep many on the fence and allow both sides of the aisle to pander for gun control, thus creating enough of a smoke screen to permit an organized PR campaign calling people who disagree “conspiracy theorists.” He is supposedly a registered Republican, yet was donating money to leftist causes?
A voter-registration record showed that Mr. Crooks was registered as a Republican, though federal campaign-finance records show he donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a liberal voter turnout group, through the Democratic donation platform ActBlue in January 2021.
I don’t believe it.
I have worked with the Secret Service (not as an employee- they enlist local government for assistance) during three different Presidencies, and they are pretty good at what they do. They don’t let anyone get that close to their protectees. So how, I am asking, did a man armed with a rifle get within 150 yards of a secret service principal and no one noticed? Then there is this story with video of how they were warned about the armed man, and did nothing.
I don’t believe that story.
This was the swamp, trying to take Trump out. They are scared, they are willing to kill him, and by extension, they are willing to kill you. We have reached the point where people are voting from the rooftops, but the only people voting appear to me to be intelligence agency operatives.

Robert · July 14, 2024 at 8:25 am
This was rank incompetence at the very least. The shooter was on what was literally the closest rooftop to the podium. Why was the left building unsecured? Why was there no police team on that roof for overwatch? Why did the police counter-snipers wait until the assassin fired and only then shoot? They clearly had him in their sights before the first shot. There is video with sound recorded which shows that.
The presence of multiple witnesses to the shooter setting and a three-minute warning time pushes things well past the “incompetence” line. There is even a cell phone video of the shooter setting up, getting off his shots and then getting killed by the return fire. Witnesses saw this developing and were screaming at authorities to do something.
Yes, I am going with “Deep State conspiracy” on this one.
Alex Martinez · July 14, 2024 at 9:16 am
When all the SS surround Trump why was the lady SS ducking instead of raising her arms. I understand she was of short stature, the men around Trump were raising their arms trying to shield. She was flat out ducking, was she expecting additional rounds to fly? Just my thoughts.
Dirty Dingus McGee · July 14, 2024 at 10:49 am
Whether conspiracy or incompetence, all they have done are:
A) Insure Trump wins in November
B) Show Trump he needs to up his OWN personal security detail.
Personally, I lean towards incompetence.What “pro” hit would use a rank amateur to attempt a hit of this magnitude?
As far as the 20 year old mush head being a registered Republican; that’s an old trick the Dems have used for years to keep candidates they fear off the ballot by voting in primary’s for someone less likely to beat the Dem that’s running. Given his age, I don’t see him voting on much more than local races, possibly one national, House or Senate, race.
A question I have, as I’ve had in a number of these past shootings, where does an unemployed 20 year old come up with the $1,000+ to purchase a good rifle? I’m quite certain that like in the past, we will never hear how that came to happen. Apparently there is a “rifle fairy” that drops off quality weapons to certain folks. I’m certainly not on that list of recipients as every weapon I own required an outlay of cash I had to EARN.
The one noise not being reported on, was the sound of every Dem’s, and RINO’s, sphincter snapping shut when Trump stood back up.The one chance they had to take him out in this manner has now gone by the wayside. It has also given a “green light” to anyone so inclined to return the serve to any Dem. I figure every deep stater will now be screaming for more protection for their worthless carcass’s.
I see it being an interesting summer and fall, leading up to open season on EVERYBODY after the election.
Birdog357 · July 14, 2024 at 12:45 pm
Why assume it was some expensive rifle? A bone stock A1 should hold 1MOA to 300 yards with irons. At the 125 yard range of the actual shot, 1MOA is less than 2 inches.
Dirty Dingus McGee · July 14, 2024 at 6:46 pm
“Looks at my post”
I never said expensive rifle, I said good. I also qualified it by stating $1,000+. Any decent AR platform rifle you are going to buy will cost you that, or more. So again, I’m just curious how an unemployed 20 year old can come up with that.
It’s now being said that the gun was either bought by, or “borrowed” from, his father which makes more sense.
ModernDayJeremiah · July 14, 2024 at 9:41 pm
He wasn’t unemployed. He worked at a nursing home passing out meal trays.
He lived at home with his parents.
His father purchased the gun.
His parents were both social workers/counselors.
tfourier · July 14, 2024 at 11:27 am
What’s really interesting is the positive ID of the shooter was using DNA. He had no ID on him. Where did the DNA sample come from? As PA only has DNA sampling for limited arrestees.
Assuming the sample was acquired in PA.
Plus so far none of the guys social media seems to have surfaced. Which is unusual. Looking increasing like it was very efficiently scrubbed. Very quickly. If not pre-emptively.
Divemedic · July 14, 2024 at 11:31 am
Another odd part- the FEC donor files no longer show his political donations.
JK/AR · July 14, 2024 at 3:10 pm
Just spotted on Powerline DM:
“ANOTHER THING: I meant to mention this earlier. Reportedly, Crooks was not carrying identification and was identified through DNA. I don’t understand that. How was the FBI or Secret Service able to identify Crooks through his DNA, almost immediately? Crooks apparently didn’t have a criminal record, so why would his DNA be somehow on file with law enforcement? Obviously there is an answer, but I don’t know what it is.”
Doesn’t add anything but as the day is long and I’ve much to do I’m figuring, as that site’s comments line is longer, perhaps some help.
wojtek · July 15, 2024 at 12:56 pm
Supposedly from his house. They run the gun, found his father, went to his house, realized Father’s home, so checked for son’s DNA.
The only intriguing question is why not to let the family identify him. One possible explanation would be that they suspected his father, and did not want anyone from the household to possibly mislead them.
Having said all that, one cause of concern would be if immediately following the DNA identification the family was not asked to confirm.
Exile1981 · July 14, 2024 at 1:01 pm
I’m going with he’s spent last 2 years in counselling, but no one can find the place.
In 2022 the dems were pushing kids to register as Repub to undermine the primary.
Elrod · July 14, 2024 at 4:57 pm
“I’m going with he’s spent last 2 years in counselling, but no one can find the place.”
If he was in serious treatment, that may be where the DNA came from. If not, someone needs to explain why Joe Nobody had DNA in a system where the authorities could access it within hours, and, specifically, what system.
None of which matters, really, because info on this will be laundered so thoroughly we’ll be told he landed from Mars last Thursday, complete with pictures of the spacecraft and the little green pilot.
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