No Saving This Sinking Ship

Proving that Trump is merely trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic, a total of 26 Republicans in the Senate voted to keep funding USAID in full. Of course, some of them made vague claims in order to make it seem pragmatic that they do so. The Republicans have both houses of Congress AND the White House, yet don’t seem willing to use that power to do anything useful. You have to admire the Democrats- they at least know how to get shit done. When they had power, they forced things through.

There is no saving this nation. We will keep spending until the entire thing collapses. Why? Because everyone agrees that cuts need to be made, but no one wants to actually make them.

This nation is doomed to failure, and anyone who can use a calculator should be able to see that.

Just because Democrats are your enemy doesn’t mean that the Republicans are your friends. They are all, every politician, in it for money and unchecked power.

AOC Corruption

At this point, I am convinced that every elected official in both parties is corrupt.

  • AOC had a Colombian ILLEGAL for a campaign aide.
  • She used the power of her office to help him get a social security number.
  • She gave him a job at $80,000/year.
  • Then the ILLEGAL helped AOC get a $2.1 billion fund that gave $15,000 relief checks to ILLEGALS
  • Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why she isn’t being investigated and arrested?
  • What happened to all that “nobody is above the law” bullshit?

Graft and Corruption

Trump talked about the graft and corruption that has been the modus operandi of our government when he mentioned that Stacey Abrams was one of the leaders of a coalition of NGOs that got $2 billion to reduce carbon emissions. The left immediately circled the wagons to say that Trump had been “debunked.”

“Stacey Abrams has not received a penny of this EPA grant,”

Of course there isn’t going to be a check that reads “kickbacks” or “corruption” in the memo line, but let’s look at what she herself had to say:

In 2023 and 2024, I led a program called Vitalizing De Soto. We worked in a tiny town in south Georgia to demonstrate that by replacing energy-inefficient appliances with efficient appliances, you can lower your cost. And in fact, we accomplished that for 75% of the community. They got appliances that are lowering their bills,

Look at the facts:

There are 400 people in Desoto, Georgia living in 125 households. If she bought new appliances for 75% of them, that makes new appliances for 94 households. She claims that each household got 6 appliances. At $2,000 per appliance, the entire project should cost no more than two and a quarter million. Setting aside the fact that this project to reduce electric bills through buying new appliances is an incredibly inefficient way to do it, one has to wonder how many people skimmed off the top, received kickbacks, and were paid inflated salaries.

If the goal is to get people to purchase new, energy saving appliances, all the government had to do was give a tax rebate for people who buy new appliances. Instead, this was obviously a Democratic strategy that used taxpayer funds to hand out freebies in the contested state of Georgia in the run up to the 2024 election. That funds were skimmed off the top and pain to corrupt politicians was also part of the plan. That’s how so many in Congress get rich.

Article 94

Donald Trump just fired a significant portion of the senior military leadership, and I don’t think that the bloodletting is finished yet. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, as well as the JAG officers for all three branches. The reason? The press would have you believe that it’s simply politics as usual. However, there are media outlets reporting that it was much more serious than that. The story goes that they, along with portions of the FBI, were engaged in a mutiny against the President of the United States, which means that we were on the verge of an actual military coup. This is HUGE.

The implications here are downright grave- we were on the cusp of having a nuclear armed military engaged in overthrowing civil authority. I can’t understate how serious this was and is. How did it come about?

James O’Keefe released a report just before the inauguration, where a former FBI agent was bragging to an undercover reporter about how he had been in the Tank (that is the Pentagon underground command post) meeting with a number of senior military Generals, and they were planning to resist the legitimate orders of the President upon his inauguration. This wasn’t a one time conversation- this FBI agent was a senior advisor to the Pentagon, and also a key player in the efforts to torpedo Trump’s 2016 campaign for the Clinton campaign.

During these meetings, according to the interview, high-level Pentagon officials were discussing in secret meetings defying and potentially overthrowing Trump if he issued orders deemed controversial by military leadership. If that sentence doesn’t send a shiver down your spine, you don’t understand the US military.

I believe that Biden knew about all of this, which is why Milley got a Presidential pardon. After all, we already knew that Milley had staged a coup back in 2021.

What’s important here going forward is in the title of this post: Article 94. Being that most of these players are in the military, they are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice: the UCMJ. It’s the law for all members of the US military that are in Federal Service that is second only to the Constitution. Article 94 of the UCMJ deals with mutiny and sedition. Read what it has to say:

Article 94:

(a)Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1)with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;
(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;
(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

You read that right- anyone who was involved, assisted, or who knew and didn’t report it can be given any penalty that a court martial directs, up to and including the death penalty.

What’s even more important here is the timing. Mark Milley was given an full and unconditional Presidential pardon on January 19, 2025 (pdf warning). If it can be proven that this mutiny was still being discussed on or after January 20, and especially if Milley was still discussing this with the plotters, his pardon means jack shit. He, along with the other plotters can (and in my opinion should) be lined up against the wall and shot. There is no other penalty that will suffice for playing with military officers overthrowing the legitimate civilian authority of the Presidency.

This is also why the three service’s JAG officers needed to be relieved. They cannot be impartial in investigating and prosecuting their bosses. Mutinies are a HUGE deal. Here are a few examples of US mutinies:

  • The Houston Riot of 1917 was an example of 156 Black troops disobeyed orders from their superiors, seized weapons and attempted to march on the City of Houston. Nineteen of them were executed, and 41 of them received life sentences.
  • In the wake of a magazine explosion in Port Chicago in 1944, black sailors (258 of them) refused to return to work, saying that it was unsafe. Fifty of them were charged with mutiny, and received 8 to 15 years of hard labor and dishonorable discharges.
  • Up to this point, nearly every mutiny involved black troops violently refusing to obey orders of white officers. To my knowledge, there has never been a case of an officer refusing to obey orders, and certainly never a case of a group of officers discussing overthrowing the President.

To be fair, the left is claiming that the FBI agent’s statements, while provocative, lack specific details about actionable plans, and some argue they reflect personal frustrations rather than an organized conspiracy. People who claim this don’t understand the military. Even rolling your eyes when given an order is sufficient to see a military member tossed in prison. There is no such thing as free speech in the US military. Want an example of just how harsh the military treats minor infractions? Read this story about how trials are done, than read this about a person making a small joke.

At the VERY least, the officers involved are guilty of Article 134, making disloyal statements. A conviction under Article 134 for Disloyal Statements can mean a maximum possible punishment of a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (meaning pension, as well), reduction in rank to E1, and confinement for three years. Upon release, the person would be a convicted felon. That would be the minimum if those excusing the meetings were taken in the light most favorable to them. Personally, I think that this goes far beyond that.

Now I don’t think that any full action should be taken until a complete investigation is carried out. This needs to be fully investigated and brought to a courts martial of all individuals with any involvement or knowledge. Perhaps a deal can be cut with one or more of them to testify against the others. Say, an offer of “plead guilty to Article 92, dereliction of duty, we will give you a BCD, 12 month’s confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, but you testify against the others who were involved.” I promise that one or more staff officers who were in the room will sing like a bird.

It’s important that the entire government sees what happens when you engage in a mutiny. If this is investigated, who can be trusted to do the investigating? The steps that must be taken are immediate: Everyone who was even loosely involved needs to be relieved for loss of the trust of the chain of command. Then the President needs to request a special investigation team. That team should then begin an investigation, the results of which will be submitted to an Article 32 investigation. Those officers who are charged with offenses under the UCMJ should be held in military confinement until the conclusion of their courts martials.

There is no other way, unless you would like to see some general on TV with a shit load of ribbons on his chest, proclaiming himself to be the interim Supreme Commander, just until he can reestablish the government, of course.

Endless Corruption

USAID payments and funding were cut off by DOGE. I’m sure that it was just a coincidence that Politico didn’t make payroll for the first time ever.

Politico is owned by Germany-based Axel Springer SE, a global media holding company that was once publicly traded but is now privately held. The firm’s flagship publications and digital ventures are predominantly European, although its 2021 acquisition of Politico significantly expanded its US market footprint. This made the situation that despite being headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Politico’s strategic and financial decisions can be influenced by its foreign parent.

We were told that foreigners can’t interfere in US elections. Even so, Politico has received more than 200 payments totaling more than $8 million from USAID. It turns out that the US government has turned the entire MSM into a disinformation, wholly government funded propaganda machine.

Even establishment Republicans are involved in the grift. Our entire government, both parties included, are busy stealing us blind.

But Andrew Natsios, who ran USAID under President George W. Bush and is a lifelong conservative Republican, calls such moves “illegal” and “outrageous.” What Musk and Rubio are doing “is criminal. They can’t abolish the aid program without a vote of Congress.”

So Trump is reorganizing, and placing USAID under the State Department, with Marco Rubio being in charge of it.

Burn it all down. Quickly, before someone succeeds in assassinating Trump.

Pardons Don’t Mean Shit

President Donald Trump ordered that the defendants from January 6 be pardoned. As the chief executive, the power to issue pardons is absolute. That doesn’t mean shit to the leftist enforcers. Although Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson III have been pardoned for their actions on January 6, the Feds still would not drop the counts of failure to appear in court from 2023. Why didn’t they appear in court?

After reading stories about the abuse suffered at the hands of police that are detaining J6 defendants for trial, knowing how cops will abuse and torture prisoners, and how they are transferring them to Supermax prisons, many J6 defendants began simply skipping out on their trials and sentencing hearings:

So Pollock and Hutchinson did what many would have done- they simply removed their ankle monitors and skipped town. Because of that, the Feds decided that Trump’s pardon didn’t excuse them from criminal charges.

The good news is that a Federal judge ordered that the charges be dismissed. The Federal employees are refusing to obey orders. This is being replayed all over the government- there are employees and former military members who still are loyal to the commies that are trying to overthrow our government. They need to be rooted out- every last one of them.


I am the law!

Oklahoma Senator Regina Goodwin famously demanded that Trump be “locked up” because no one is above the law.

So it comes as no surprise that she refused to show her driver’s license when she was pulled over for running several stop signs, escalating the traffic stop into a shouting match, simultaneously proving that she believes herself to be above the law, and disproving the claim that all cops are just looking for a reason to shoot black people.

If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.


The US under Trump is set to deport and return illegals from Honduras back to their home country. In response, the President of Honduras is threatening to shut down a US military base that is located at the Soto Cano air base. She claims that the US maintains this military base without cost.

OK, shut down our air base and we will cut off all money that is given to Honduras in any form whatsoever. Last year, that came to more than $152 million in direct payments.

Why do we continue to give money to countries that hate us? The only reason I can come up with is – money laundering. I really believe that most government expenditures see some form of kickbacks coming to the people in our government who decide who gets what funding. That includes everyone- legislators, government bureaucrats, all of them. Most of our middle level, and all of our senior level government officials are crooked.

It needs to stop.

Gangs with Badges

Read this story about cops selling NFA weapons to criminal gangs and then tell me again how only the government can be trusted with guns.

ICE lost $100 million worth of firearms and no one cares. BATFE says that police departments are let off off with warnings. They claim that prosecutors are reluctant to charge these cases, and the bureau stated that “it is our goal to educate, not investigate.”

“We’re not looking to prosecute fellow law enforcement officers,” said Eric Harden, former special agent in charge of the ATF’s Los Angeles field division.

What would BATFE do to a citizen or FFL who did this?

It’s time for Federal law enforcement to be disbanded. All they are is a tool of government tyranny.