Mississippi says to isolate after testing positive for COVID-19, or face up to 5 years in prison and a fine. They are going to make it a FELONY to not isolate after testing positive. The crime? Failure to obey an order of a health official that involves a fatal disease. This is the same penalty as battery on a LEO or selling small amounts of weed.
Under this order, you can’t have visitors and must lock yourself in a different room of the house from the rest of your family.
Or you could not take a COVID test. If you take a COVID test, what will it change, except to possibly make you a felon? Just don’t take the test.
Also in the same story, the state’s only Level 1 trauma center, the University of Mississippi Medical Center, also announced on Friday that it would require all staff and students to be vaccinated, a reversal from its previous policy that allowed employees and students to choose not to be vaccinated so long as they wore N95 masks.
Refusing to take the test will only work for awhile. Prison times are here for not isolating. Soon, there will be prison time for not vaccinating. The isolation camps are coming.
I won’t be put in a camp, no matter what it is called, or why they want to do it.