Ukraine Thoughts

In the entirety of the biological world, the strong seek to prey on the week. Every living thing in the world is in competition with other living things for food, shelter, and someone with whom to make offspring. Similarly, throughout recorded history, weaker nations have been conquered by stronger nations. That’s just how life works.

If you are the leader of a weaker nation, you need to seek the protection of a strong ally, or a coalition of allies who together are strong enough to fend off an aggressor. For the past 80 or so years, that ally has been the United States. The nations of the world have turned to the US and begged for help from the US time and time again. The US has responded by lending out its treasure and the lives of its sons and daughters over and over again, largely without ever asking for or receiving anything in return. Many of the nations receiving that help have then criticized and bad mouthed the US the entire time they were receiving handouts.

It hasn’t just been other nations. The citizens of the world keep coming here, sneaking into our country, accepting handouts, then badmouthing the country the entire time. The American people are tired of it. We are no longer willing to be your bitches. So we have elected Trump.

Trump is the embodiment of a business ethos- you want our help? What is in it for us? The only thing that Ukraine and Zelensky have to offer us is mineral rights. Zelensky doesn’t want to do that. Trump has him over a barrel- you grant us mineral rights, and we will help you by securing a peace deal. Refuse that deal and continue the war, you are going to do it without our blood and treasure. That’s just how it is. We are under no requirement to fight the wars of the entire world.

If Ukraine can’t accept those terms, they are free to ask the European Union, the UK, or Canada. When those nations pledge their help and can’t deliver it, the US will be happy to come to an agreement to loan them some money on terms that both nations find acceptable. No more free rides.

With that being said, the reality is that Ukraine can’t win against Russia without outside help. Even with all of the help they have been given, the best that Ukraine has done is fight to a bloody 3 year long stalemate. At this point, Ukraine has been given nearly $400 billion in aid over the past three years, including $120 billion in weapons. That places Ukraine in 6th place for military spending worldwide in terms of real money, and as a percentage of GDP, Ukraine is spending three and a half times as much as any other nation.

I have heard Europeans call the US every name in the book because we won’t just give them our money. Whatever. Every time you insult us, the cost of our help should increase. Show some gratitude and come to a deal or fuck off.

My social media feed is filled with people from Poland, Canada, and the Czech Republic who are calling the US bullies and other names because we won’t go to war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf. There are also tons of lefty Americans demanding the same. To those of you who are aren’t American- pressure your own country to go to war with Russia. To those of you who ARE American, put your money where your mouth is:

Mobile Home

This woman is upset because FEMA says they want her to bring her 75 year old mobile home up to current flood and hurricane standards.

I don’t have any problems with this. If you want to live in an area that is prone to hurricanes and flooding, either bring your house up to current standards or don’t expect government handouts.

Your house is a 75 year old trailer. Don’t expect taxpayers to give you thousands of dollars to fix it.

On the other hand, the county is taxing an ancient mobile home on an assessed value of $237,000 not counting the land. That is ridiculous

Your Money

This man racked up $250,000 in student loans going to college getting a Masters Degree in Music, Violin Performance. Then he chose to live a life pursing music as a professional meditation musician, but it didn’t pay him enough to make the payments on his student loans. In his own words he did not want to give up his dream of being a musician to get a job that would allow him to pay off his loans. (This is the perfect example of a useless college degree.) Here is his Linked In description of his job:

I am a meditator, musician, and web developer that is interested in finding ways these things can be combined and applied to make people’s lives more peaceful and fulfilling. My work in music technology and longterm cultural outreach has taught me just how great an impact opening perceived barriers to knowledge can have on individual lives and communities. It is meditation and this impact that motivate all of my work.

His “web developer” credentials, as posted on Linked In? He attended a single 18 week web developer boot camp. His job as a musician is for the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center in NYC:

I develop chamber music focused classes for public school children that introduce general musical concepts and highlight its contemporary relevance.

He also gives private violin lessons to kids that want to be just as successful as he is.

His student loan debt was just wiped clean by Joe Biden. With your tax dollars.

Now he is planning a sabbatical to study with his meditation teacher in India. It’s amazing what a $250,000 gift from the taxpayers of this country will enable a spoiled New Yorker to do with this spare time.

Charles Cook from the National Review summed this up for me, and I can’t say it any better:

This year, though, I feel unusually great about paying my taxes, and for that I have to thank a 49-year-old American named Joel Lambdin, who, thanks to President Biden’s remarkable generosity with other people’s money, was recently given $250,000 from the Treasury as a reward for being a financially illiterate dilettante. As Business Insider reports, Lambdin left graduate school in 1998, but, since then, he has chosen to make almost no money. “The only way he could make a significant dent in his student loans,” Business Insider notes, “was by switching careers.” Lambdin “didn’t want to do that because he loved working in music.” So he didn’t.

He loved working in music so much, he didn’t want to pay his bills. Now that he has no bills, music can go fuck itself, he’s going meditating in India.

Free Stuff

The Democrats have introduced a law that would provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack to every school child, regardless of the income level of the student. Called the Universal School Meals Program Act of 2023, it would mandate that schools provide the food, but no mention of how these kids will be fed during school holidays, summer, the weekends, or on how late the school cafeteria will be open to provide dinner. Since most schools let out between 2:30 and 3:30, this would most likely require that the school cafeteria stay open until 7 or 8 o’clock at night.

Also not mentioned is how this will be funded. Borrow and spend.