If this was my daughter…

These school administrators marched these girls into the locker room and stood there to make sure that they undressed in front of a tranny with a penis. The school didn’t just say “you’ll lose PE credit if you don’t change,” they literally marched the girls into the locker room and stood there while the girls were forced to undress in front of him.

Administrators then supervised the locker room to ensure that all girls were changing into their physical education clothes without protest, [one of the girls’ parents] claimed.

The school board meeting was attended by a large group of faggots who shouted down the parents and silenced them.

Georgas’s school board testimony was booed on Thursday evening by a large audience of transgender activists who spoke in support of the district’s bathroom policy.

I identify as the person who will begin kicking the shit out of anyone who violates my daughter.

“The discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of those facilities based on a student’s gender related identity,” Charlie added. “Instead any student, teacher or other individuals seeking more privacy should be accommodated by providing that individual with a more private option.”

The number one duty of a parent is to protect their children. Violate my daughter, and we have a problem. Let me correct that, violate my daughter and YOU have a problem. I couldn’t call my self a father or a man if I let some tranny ogle my daughter with his penis hanging out while school administrators stood by and forced her to do so. That is sexual assault in my book, and there would be consequences for that.

I Guess the Climate Isn’t That Important

According to Canadian climate warriors, beating people who don’t follow their communist belief system is more important than saving the environment. Canada has decided that preventing Tesla from installing battery systems, solar panels, charging stations, and inverters in order to punish and attack Elon Musk is more important than saving the environment. They have removed Tesla from the list of products that are eligible for clean energy rebates, and are even talking about revoking Musk’s citizenship.

Leftism is a religion, and Musk has been excommunicated.


A Congressional hearing was derailed when the Democrats refused to participate in the hearing because the Chairman ‘misgendered’ male Representative Tim McBride by referring to him as Mr. McBride.

Look, I don’t care if you identify yourself as a dog and insist on being called Snuffles, you cannot force me to participate in your delusions. Every time you get in a discussion with a tranny, they always try to gaslight you by claiming that gender and sex aren’t the same thing. That is complete and total horseshit. Gender has been the linguistic representation of sex since, well, forever. From the 1898 version of Webster’s dictionary:

GEN’DERnoun [Latin genus, from geno, gigno; Gr.to beget, or to be born; Eng. kind. Gr. a woman, a wife; Sans. gena, a wife, and genaga, a father. We have begin from the same root. See Begin and Can.]

1. Properly, kind; sort.

2. A sex, male or female. Hence,

3. In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; usually a difference of termination in nouns, adjectives and participles, to express the distinction of male and female. But although this was the original design of different terminations, yet in the progress of language, other words having no relation to one sex or the other, came to have genders assigned them by custom. Words expressing males are said to be of the masculine gender; those expressing females, of the feminine gender; and in some languages, words expressing things having no sex, are of the neuter or neither gender

Gender is from the word “engender,” a word which literally describes how something was created, caused, or born. If you have a Y chromosome, you were born with a penis, you are a man. There are only four lights.

The Florida model

Remember when I explained how Florida got burned once, and changed the way that they handle forestry and wildland fires? California doesn’t do that. The people in forestry are trying to do an experiment to see if it will work, but lefty environmentalists are suing to prevent it.

The forest service plans to use prescribed burns, forest thinning, and herbicides as part of the massive fuel reduction project. It’s designed to protect communities in Plumas and Butte Counties from future wildfires…Josh Hart, a spokesman for Feather River Action explained the group’s concerns. The lawsuit plaintiffs are environmental groups including Feather River Action, Plumas Forest Project John Muir Project. Hart said his group refers to the plan as the forest devastation project. “What the forest service is proposing is only going to make the situation worse,”

They are pretending that fires don’t naturally occur, which of course reduces the availability of fuel that makes wildfires larger. You see, it’s better to have smaller fires every couple of years than it is to suppress that until the fuel is so prevalent that the fire is impossible to put out.

This is the problem with the left- they are morons who deserve to see their homes burn down due to their stupid voting habits.

You get what you vote for.

Feminism: The End of Women’s Sports

Women’s sports were set up exactly because women aren’t as strong as men. Now there are many feminist women who will tell you that women are just as strong and capable as men, and you are a sexist misogynist for claiming otherwise. Of course, we know this to be false, or else the NFL and NBA would have female athletes and save money in the process, because we all know that women make 20% less than men.

Mediocre male athletes who aren’t good enough to compete against other men are taking advantage of these feminist morons by declaring themselves to be women in order to gain access to some of that sweet, sweet scholarship cash.

The left, who is busy destroying women’s sports in favor of tranny sports, is not going to let this go without a fight:

Women’s sports is now pointless. Men who can’t compete can simply declare themselves to be women, and thereby eliminate the entire field of women’s sports. Pretty soon, all women’s sports will consist of “women” sporting beards and playing the game.

Why I Got A PWS

A few years ago, a hurricane passed over my house, and even though the weather service was telling us that the winds were hurricane strength, the wind didn’t look that bad, even when the eyewall was over my house. So I bought a personal weather station.

Last night’s wind never went over 30 miles per hour here, and I watched online as the storm made landfall near Perry, Florida. The power is out in the area, so I can’t pull up many weather stations, but the one that is still online in the area is reporting the fastest winds at 52 miles per hour.

I would very much like to see the weather stations that were exactly on the coast to see what the real winds were. I think that the NWS has been overhyping these things for years. I do know that “subtropical” storms were not included in named storms until 2002. What does this mean? In the 29 hurricane seasons that subtropical storms have been added to the naming system, there have been an average of 16 named storms per year, with only 4 of those seasons seeing fewer than 12 storms. In the 19 seasons prior to 2002, there were an average of 11 named storms per year, with ten of those seasons having fewer than 12 storms.

So why did the criteria for naming storms change? If you look at the statistics for named storms, something jumps out at you. The number of storms drastically increases beginning in 1995. What changed in 1995? Was it global warming?

Nope. The director of the National Hurricane Center, Doctor Bob Sheets, retired in 1995. The director of the NHC sets the criteria by which storms are classified. Politics, or science? Now the left can point to the larger number of named storms and blame the climate change boogieman.

I am not saying that the people who are dealing with damage are not suffering. I am saying that the NHC is overstating the strength of these storms in order to support pushes for “green new deal” type laws.

Shooter Manifesto

The Tennessee Star released the journal of Audrey Hale, the female to male tranny that shot up her former school. I downloaded the journal and have archived it here on this site. She decided to call herself Aiden and carried out the shooting less than a year after she began pretending that she was a man.

The journal is a weeks long picture into the random train of consciousness of a person who has lost touch with reality, spending page after page of rage, sadness, and thoughts of using a penis on “beautiful brown girls” while claiming that if she had a penis, it would be a “big and rock hard one” before lamenting that she was only born with a puny vagina. By the time March 11 rolled around, she wrote a 3 page dissertation about what her imaginary penis was like, and it was a disjointed psychotic screed.

The common thread running through the book is about pain, sadness, and the desire to massacre people. Even as she wished to be a man, she also claimed that all men should die because they are a waste of life and time. Then she claimed that it was a blow to women that she was a man born in a woman’s body, because they were missing out on all of the good things that she brought to the world.

This was a person who hated herself, and hated the world as well. She wanted to kill as many people as possible. She journals that she was seeing a therapist, and I can’t believe that this supposed mental health professional didn’t see the madness there.

Only One Book Is Banned

Libraries decide which books to carry, and which books to pass on. School libraries do the same. That doesn’t mean that the book is banned. If a person wants a book that the library doesn’t carry, all they have to do is go buy it. I am a voracious reader, and even I don’t think that we need public libraries any longer. The Internet has effectively replaced them. School libraries need only carry books that directly reflect what is being taught, and a small fiction section that contains books appropriate for the age group that will be checking them out. That means no sexual content. None.

You are free to read and write whatever books you wish- but the taxpayer isn’t obligated to pay for them or to provide them.

If you, as a parent, want your child to read a book of instructions on how to suck dicks, all you have to do is buy it and give it to your child. Just because a book isn’t carried in the school library doesn’t mean that the book is banned. The left has done this with Bibles for my entire life- try to find a copy of a Bible in a school library. That doesn’t mean that the Bible is banned.

As far as I know, there is only one book that is banned in the United States– Cody Wilson’s “The Liberator Code Book: An Exercise in Freedom of Speech.” That book is banned for sale. Not available anywhere.

So why is a book on how to build your own guns banned, but books telling children how to suck dicks aren’t? I will leave that discussion to my readers.