These school administrators marched these girls into the locker room and stood there to make sure that they undressed in front of a tranny with a penis. The school didn’t just say “you’ll lose PE credit if you don’t change,” they literally marched the girls into the locker room and stood there while the girls were forced to undress in front of him.
Administrators then supervised the locker room to ensure that all girls were changing into their physical education clothes without protest, [one of the girls’ parents] claimed.
The school board meeting was attended by a large group of faggots who shouted down the parents and silenced them.
Georgas’s school board testimony was booed on Thursday evening by a large audience of transgender activists who spoke in support of the district’s bathroom policy.
I identify as the person who will begin kicking the shit out of anyone who violates my daughter.
“The discomfort or privacy concerns of other students, teachers, or parents are not valid reasons to deny or limit the full and equal use of those facilities based on a student’s gender related identity,” Charlie added. “Instead any student, teacher or other individuals seeking more privacy should be accommodated by providing that individual with a more private option.”
The number one duty of a parent is to protect their children. Violate my daughter, and we have a problem. Let me correct that, violate my daughter and YOU have a problem. I couldn’t call my self a father or a man if I let some tranny ogle my daughter with his penis hanging out while school administrators stood by and forced her to do so. That is sexual assault in my book, and there would be consequences for that.