Remember when I explained how Florida got burned once, and changed the way that they handle forestry and wildland fires? California doesn’t do that. The people in forestry are trying to do an experiment to see if it will work, but lefty environmentalists are suing to prevent it.
The forest service plans to use prescribed burns, forest thinning, and herbicides as part of the massive fuel reduction project. It’s designed to protect communities in Plumas and Butte Counties from future wildfires…Josh Hart, a spokesman for Feather River Action explained the group’s concerns. The lawsuit plaintiffs are environmental groups including Feather River Action, Plumas Forest Project John Muir Project. Hart said his group refers to the plan as the forest devastation project. “What the forest service is proposing is only going to make the situation worse,”
They are pretending that fires don’t naturally occur, which of course reduces the availability of fuel that makes wildfires larger. You see, it’s better to have smaller fires every couple of years than it is to suppress that until the fuel is so prevalent that the fire is impossible to put out.
This is the problem with the left- they are morons who deserve to see their homes burn down due to their stupid voting habits.
You get what you vote for.