Don’t Let Your Guard Down

I spent years telling everyone who would listen, and some who wouldn’t, that the US was being subjected to an attempted coup. I pointed out that Antifa and BLM were carrying out attacks and ambushes like they were receiving professional training, equipment, and funding. This Central Florida cell is a prime example. The entire thing was following the CIA insurgency manual. Many people thought I was nuts. They told me that my tinfoil hat was too tight. One prominent blogger publicly laughed at me.

Now seeing all of the things that DOGE is turning up, it turns out that I was right. Our own government was trying to toss out legitimate elected officials and take over. They were using our own tax dollars to do it.

Don’t think that it’s over. Trump has given us a brief respite, but they will start up again. Soon. Perhaps as soon as the run up to next year’s elections.

Article 94

Donald Trump just fired a significant portion of the senior military leadership, and I don’t think that the bloodletting is finished yet. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, as well as the JAG officers for all three branches. The reason? The press would have you believe that it’s simply politics as usual. However, there are media outlets reporting that it was much more serious than that. The story goes that they, along with portions of the FBI, were engaged in a mutiny against the President of the United States, which means that we were on the verge of an actual military coup. This is HUGE.

The implications here are downright grave- we were on the cusp of having a nuclear armed military engaged in overthrowing civil authority. I can’t understate how serious this was and is. How did it come about?

James O’Keefe released a report just before the inauguration, where a former FBI agent was bragging to an undercover reporter about how he had been in the Tank (that is the Pentagon underground command post) meeting with a number of senior military Generals, and they were planning to resist the legitimate orders of the President upon his inauguration. This wasn’t a one time conversation- this FBI agent was a senior advisor to the Pentagon, and also a key player in the efforts to torpedo Trump’s 2016 campaign for the Clinton campaign.

During these meetings, according to the interview, high-level Pentagon officials were discussing in secret meetings defying and potentially overthrowing Trump if he issued orders deemed controversial by military leadership. If that sentence doesn’t send a shiver down your spine, you don’t understand the US military.

I believe that Biden knew about all of this, which is why Milley got a Presidential pardon. After all, we already knew that Milley had staged a coup back in 2021.

What’s important here going forward is in the title of this post: Article 94. Being that most of these players are in the military, they are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice: the UCMJ. It’s the law for all members of the US military that are in Federal Service that is second only to the Constitution. Article 94 of the UCMJ deals with mutiny and sedition. Read what it has to say:

Article 94:

(a)Any person subject to this chapter who—
(1)with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny;
(2) with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition;
(3) fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
(b) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.

You read that right- anyone who was involved, assisted, or who knew and didn’t report it can be given any penalty that a court martial directs, up to and including the death penalty.

What’s even more important here is the timing. Mark Milley was given an full and unconditional Presidential pardon on January 19, 2025 (pdf warning). If it can be proven that this mutiny was still being discussed on or after January 20, and especially if Milley was still discussing this with the plotters, his pardon means jack shit. He, along with the other plotters can (and in my opinion should) be lined up against the wall and shot. There is no other penalty that will suffice for playing with military officers overthrowing the legitimate civilian authority of the Presidency.

This is also why the three service’s JAG officers needed to be relieved. They cannot be impartial in investigating and prosecuting their bosses. Mutinies are a HUGE deal. Here are a few examples of US mutinies:

  • The Houston Riot of 1917 was an example of 156 Black troops disobeyed orders from their superiors, seized weapons and attempted to march on the City of Houston. Nineteen of them were executed, and 41 of them received life sentences.
  • In the wake of a magazine explosion in Port Chicago in 1944, black sailors (258 of them) refused to return to work, saying that it was unsafe. Fifty of them were charged with mutiny, and received 8 to 15 years of hard labor and dishonorable discharges.
  • Up to this point, nearly every mutiny involved black troops violently refusing to obey orders of white officers. To my knowledge, there has never been a case of an officer refusing to obey orders, and certainly never a case of a group of officers discussing overthrowing the President.

To be fair, the left is claiming that the FBI agent’s statements, while provocative, lack specific details about actionable plans, and some argue they reflect personal frustrations rather than an organized conspiracy. People who claim this don’t understand the military. Even rolling your eyes when given an order is sufficient to see a military member tossed in prison. There is no such thing as free speech in the US military. Want an example of just how harsh the military treats minor infractions? Read this story about how trials are done, than read this about a person making a small joke.

At the VERY least, the officers involved are guilty of Article 134, making disloyal statements. A conviction under Article 134 for Disloyal Statements can mean a maximum possible punishment of a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (meaning pension, as well), reduction in rank to E1, and confinement for three years. Upon release, the person would be a convicted felon. That would be the minimum if those excusing the meetings were taken in the light most favorable to them. Personally, I think that this goes far beyond that.

Now I don’t think that any full action should be taken until a complete investigation is carried out. This needs to be fully investigated and brought to a courts martial of all individuals with any involvement or knowledge. Perhaps a deal can be cut with one or more of them to testify against the others. Say, an offer of “plead guilty to Article 92, dereliction of duty, we will give you a BCD, 12 month’s confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances, but you testify against the others who were involved.” I promise that one or more staff officers who were in the room will sing like a bird.

It’s important that the entire government sees what happens when you engage in a mutiny. If this is investigated, who can be trusted to do the investigating? The steps that must be taken are immediate: Everyone who was even loosely involved needs to be relieved for loss of the trust of the chain of command. Then the President needs to request a special investigation team. That team should then begin an investigation, the results of which will be submitted to an Article 32 investigation. Those officers who are charged with offenses under the UCMJ should be held in military confinement until the conclusion of their courts martials.

There is no other way, unless you would like to see some general on TV with a shit load of ribbons on his chest, proclaiming himself to be the interim Supreme Commander, just until he can reestablish the government, of course.

Hey guys

They want to play. The side that has a bunch of pink-haired sissies who don’t even know what bathroom they want to use, “men” who think they’re stunning and brave because they went to Starbucks without their emotional support animal, the side that has Harry Sisson and David Hogg as its leaders wants to take on the ones who have 600 million guns and several billion rounds of ammunition.


A brief slowing of the speed with which we are headed off the cliff as the corrupt Biden regime ends.

Now about the pardons for Fauci, Milley, et al: A pardon isn’t a pass to avoid all consequences for your past actions. There are many, many people who lost loved ones and couldn’t even say goodbye or attend a funeral due to COVID. All you have to do is release all of the evidence that Fauci was complicit. Then release the addresses of his home, work, and other places he is likely to be. Heck, have Elon host a live tracker of his location. That will sort itself out.

Then recall Milley back to active duty. A pardon can only insulate you for prosecution for past crimes, not future ones. If he refuses to return, court martial him for desertion. When he DOES return, send him to the base in Antartica. Or better yet, let it be known that he assisted the Chinese in the COVID pandemic and send him on an accompanied fact finding tour to areas hard hit by the disease.

Still, there has been very little heat, light, or noise from the left. They haven’t given up, so I just wonder what is coming…


The two attacks carried out on New Year’s day were connected, IMO. Read this article:

  • The men who carried them out were army veterans who served at the same base.
  • They both were carried out with electric vehicles
  • Both vehicles were rented through the same App
  • Neither attacker was especially competent with explosives, although they each tried to use them

Stay out of cities. Stay away from crowds. Be armed. Pay attention to surroundings.

Invading New York

Everyone has seen the video of the murdered woman on the New York subway who was killed when she was set on fire, so I won’t post a link to it here. It turns out that the asshole who is accused of committing the murder was deported in 2018, but immediately snuck back in just in time to commit at least one murder.

ICE issued an order to have him detained to Federal custody, but NY has refused the request, citing “sanctuary city” laws. If the state and city of New York can claim that Federal law doesn’t apply in their city, then DJT needs to issue a couple of executive orders on his first day.

  • All access to Federal law enforcement databases like NCIC will be suspended for the entire state of New York until such time as they participate with Federal Law Enforcement efforts
  • Any New York official who refuses to comply with Federal Law Enforcement gets arrested for obstruction. That includes the Governor, the mayo of NYC, state judges, and anyone else who says no to ICE detainers. If you or I refused to comply with a NY court order, we would go to jail, and we all know that “no one is above the law.”
  • All Federal funding or grants to NY are hereby suspended until NY pays by US law.

We all know that people in New York will then reply by claiming that they are not going to forward income tax payments, or some other nonsense. At that point, the President would then be permitted to declare that New York’s actions are making it impossible to enforce the law. The law here is 10 USC 252:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

You’re reading this correctly- the President could then order Federal troops (or the NY National Guard, under Federal orders) to suppress the rebellion and enforce Federal immigration laws.

Just after this is complete, Trump should then tell any other “sanctuary cities” that they are next, unless they comply with the law.

As much as I feel that the Federal government is outside of its constitutional authority, enforcing immigration laws and defending the border is well within Federal purview.

The Cold, Hard Truth

In our recent discussion, many of you say that this financial situation the nation finds itself in is fixable. All we have to do is eliminated this Federal department, that one, and then convince the recipients of all the Fed Bucks that it’s for everyone’s benefit that they stop getting government checks. Do you even hear what you are saying? Comments like this are simply not realistic:

  • Once DOGE is done and we quit using the Federal Reserve Note…
  • Flat Taxes have to come with spending cuts and entitlement program reform…
  • Did you know that snowballs last longer in hell if you put little hats on them?

Ok, that last one is me. Still, there is no way that millions of Federal employees, a hundred million welfare recipients, and 70 million Social Security recipients are going to sit idly by while DOGE and DJT tell them that the money faucet is being shut off. Even the medical field, my own profession, cannot survive without government money.

  • In 2022, 53% of Americans received at least a quarter of their income from government aid, up from 1% in 1970.
  • Government transfers account for 18% of all personal income in the United States
  • One in four Americans received Medicaid in 2022
  • One in five Americans received Medicare in 2022
  • One in five Americans receive Social Security
  • 12% of Americans are on Food Stamps, and 39% of children in school receive free lunches at school
  • In fact, Americans received $3.8 trillion in government transfers in 2022
  • Then there are employees. There are 28.5 million people directly employed by governments in the US.
  • Millions more are employees of businesses that owe their livelihoods to government largesse.

More than half of the residents of this nation are net receivers of government funds, and there is no recovering from that. To illustrate- what would you say if DJT and DOGE announced tomorrow that to save the nation, the entire Social Security and Medicare system was ending on January 21, but the taxes would remain in order to pay off the massive $40 trillion in debt? Would you be OK with that, or would you scream some variation of “That’s my money! You took it from me, and I want it back?” Or would you calmly walk into personal bankruptcy, secure in the knowledge that your personal sacrifice saved the nation?

Call it doomsaying, call it black pill, call it what you want- but saying that we can vote our way out of this is foolishly mistaken. There are no cuts, no magic wand waving, and no solution that the people of this nation will accept until they are forced to accept it. This only ends when the current system collapses.

Whatever your own personal theory on how to save this sinking fiscal ship, there isn’t one that enough people will accept that will be doable. It just isn’t going to happen. Instead of fixing it, we kept kicking the can down the road, and we will continue to do so until it all collapses.

This isn’t a new thing- I have been telling people this for 20 years.

Nope, not now, not ever.

As you all know, I have been off on vacation for the past few weeks. We went to the Bahamas, then were back for a couple of days before leaving for 5 days to Myrtle Beach. While we were there, I went on a pilgrimage to Palmetto State Armory. I made a few small purchases and wound up $500 poorer as I left. (no firearms, of course) I did see some things there that have me ideas for my next build.

We stayed at a Hilton, and they were posted as not allowing any firearms, which has been Hilton’s policy forever. They don’t allow anyone, even off duty police, to carry. They are hypocritical assholes, because they make exceptions to their “no firearms” policy thusly:

  • Sworn federal, state or local law enforcement officers while on official business and, when off duty, are required to carry weapons in the jurisdiction by statute, ordinance or rule,
  • an exception otherwise made by a Regional Senior Vice President.
  • Insured and/or bonded armored car service employees under contract either to the hotel or to certain hotel guests
  • Airline flight crew members authorized by federal law who have current and valid credentials issued by the Department of Homeland Security/TSA as Federal Flight Deck Officers (“FFDOs”).

The Hilton family owns firearms and has 24/7 armed bodyguard protection. Well, I can’t afford armed bodyguards, so fuck them. I don’t give a shit. Concealed means concealed.

There were numerous businesses around Myrtle Beach that were posted, and signs have the force of law in SC, but again, I don’t care. If I get shot or robbed, those businesses aren’t going to pay for my medical bills, so fuck them.

I am done being nice.

While we are on the subject of being nice, the left is now demanding that the right play nice and play bipartisan games while trying to unite the country. No sale. For the past 8 years, I have been called racist, NAZI, misogynist, deplorable, uneducated, and ignorant. The left censored me and others with my views from social media, threatened to put me in a camp, locked me in my home for months, threatened to put me in jail, and said they wanted me dead. They tried to deplatform me, as well as trying to contact my employer to get me fired. At the same time, the left is saying that they don’t want to associate with members of their own families who didn’t vote like they did. For crying out loud, they have been KILLING people. Let’s not forget all that we have been through since 2015. Remember this shit?

I am not playing nice. As far as I am concerned, I am at war with the left. Sure, I haven’t yet gotten to the point of lethal means of combat, but I am fighting this war with everything that I have short of lethal force. I am not going to be nice, nor am I interested in being united with them. You said that you are my enemy and that you want me dead or in a camp. There is no reconciliation from that.

Election Fraud Prosecution

Arizona continues to prosecute people who claimed that Arizona’s 2020 election was fraudulent, even though Arizona’s Supreme court has ruled that 28,000 illegal immigrants were permitted to vote in previous Federal elections. For reference, Trump lost Arizona by less than 10,500 votes.

The court also ruled that the illegals could vote in state, but not Federal, elections in 2024. However, the illegals are getting full Federal ballots anyway:

The ruling came after a “coding oversight” in state software prompted the swing state’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes to insist that he would send out ballots to those affected anyway.

The supposed “coding error” saw as many as 100,000 ballots being sent to illegals, who cannot legally vote in Federal elections, but will anyhow. Isn’t it odd that these “errors” always benefit the Democrats? It’s becoming more and more plain that our elections are rigged in favor of the left. I have said this before, and I reiterate it now: Our nation has already had its last free and fair elections. We are in the post-republic phase of the American experiment.