I have been told ad nauseum how the Second Amendment only applies to muskets, because that is what existed when the Amendment was written.
Now I want one of those faggot pedophiles to explain to me how a judge can order a government webpage promoting faggotry be put back up. What part of the constitution says anything about queers or webpages?
If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
SoCoRuss · February 11, 2025 at 5:21 pm
Again, not a surprise mainly because they know nothing will be done about it or to them by any party, official or anyone.
Same as all the politicians and various govt types and NGO groups helping the illegals avoid ICE. There is a very strict Fed code on it but funny how its never used or enforced.
If it was enforced and a few of these fucks got swatted, publicly trialed and convicted then sent to prison all of this crap would stop.
This is part of why I Know the total collapse MUST happen, nothing else will change in this country no matter how HARD people HOPE for the MAGA messiah or someone else will fix it for them since none of the people want to do anything that’s hard and what would be needed to fix things.. It all MUST burn to the ground and the survivors get the chance to fix things because they wont have ANY choice not to.. For those not watching the distraction circus that is Trump and his latest pontification’s. Have you noticed how suddenly various states are pushing gun control hard and no one seems to be complying outside SOME of the feds?. Maybe they know something will be changing very soon.
oldvet50 · February 12, 2025 at 7:01 am
I still want someone to explain to me how if the 2nd applies to every adult citizen, how can they restrict gun possession to people that have been convicted of crimes with guns previously. I am in favor of it, but how can they do it according to our Constitution? I’ve never read any part that excludes criminals, but then again, back then they probably didn’t live long enough to be a problem. They DID hang you for stealing a horse…….
Divemedic · February 12, 2025 at 7:15 am
I can answer that one- the answer is the Fifth Amendment:
If that weren’t in there, people who are in prison would have the right to possess weapons, and prison would be unconstitutional in the first place. There has to be a legal mechanism to remove rights from people.
oldvet50 · February 12, 2025 at 7:45 am
“due process of law” is quite open-ended. They could use that to justify anything that Congress decides to implement as a law. Isn’t that how they take real property from people through the due process of Eminent Domain?
Divemedic · February 12, 2025 at 7:47 am
Yes, but it CAN be done.
Aesop · February 12, 2025 at 7:02 am
The answer to that sort of overreach is always Malicious Compliance.
Put the website back up, and lard it up with the raunchiest streaming gay porn and the most offensive language you can find. AMke it so bad even the LGBTEIEIO community vomits.
Then be sure and post that the reason it’s up is because Federal Judge Dilbert Boydoinker of Division 102 of the Southern District of Bumfuck so ordered, along with a list of the names of every Democommunist legislator at the state and federal level who ever burped out a supporting reply.
Bonus points if photoshop caricatures of said federal judge and legislators are giffed onto the bodies of gay pornstars in flagrante with not-quite-underage performers.
Which parody, btw, is protected first amendment speech.*
Federal judges should be careful what they wish for. The internet is forever, and not always in a flattering way.
*(Putting up statues of MLK doggystyling a mistress, or Malcolm X et al diddling children, all in phenomenal anatomical clarity, on private property, but visible from public property, should have been the default response to pulling down Confederate statues, btw. That nonsense would have ended the phenomenon in about 0.2 seconds, and the photographs would have lived for a century or more, online, worldwide. Fight fire with napalm. And remember, it’s not funny until it’s not funny. Commit to the comedy.
“A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” – Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals)
SoCoRuss · February 12, 2025 at 1:02 pm
Dam, a quote from our current lord and master Saul Alinsky, BRAVO, Bravo I say.
If more folks just read what these fuckers write in their books you would know what they plan and how they plan to do it. But sadly no,the right just wont read the words of their enemies and that’s why the right is always surprised by the actions of the commies and loses.
If you read Patton, he always said his victories were largely shaped in part to reading the German generals books on their tactics in their own words.
If you know the man from his own words, then you can predict the mans action.
Buck Turgidson · February 13, 2025 at 12:04 am
I’m beginning to smell a big fat commie RAT.
Actually they (Founder Fathers) intended for you to have a battleship if need be.
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