The Democrats are in full fledged panic mode over Biden’s performance in the debate last night. His dementia was on full display and obvious to all, even the Democrat faithful. This generates a couple of interesting questions. The inner circle of the left KNOWS how bad Joe’s mental state is, yet his campaign allowed the debate. This tells me that either the Dems WANTED to showcase how bad he is, or the campaign really is clueless.

We know that they aren’t clueless, so that leaves us with it being purposeful. After all, if they are simply going to cheat the election, all they had to do was- nothing. But they decided to let the world see what Biden is all about. To what end? Do they want to replace him? There are a few options.

  • Gavin Newsome. The rainbow coalition of the Democrat party is not going to accept another cis-gendered (straight) white male as its candidate if Biden is out. I just don’t see him being the pick.
  • Kamala Harris. If it’s possible, she is even less popular than the President. Sure, she will garner some women, the party faithful, and the black vote. Is that enough to win her the Presidency, even with the margin of cheat? I don’t think so.
  • Big Mike. I know that he has said he isn’t running, but that can change. This is the most viable of the picks, and people would be salivating for another Obama White House.
  • Whoever they pick, it will be interesting to see it unfold.

But how do they get Joe out? 25th Amendment? Assassination? Simply replace him?

I still say that the left won’t allow Trump back in office. He is too dangerous, and he is pissed. They will assassinate him before he ever gets near to the inauguration podium. The FBI alone will never allow him to gut their agency, which is sure to happen if he gets in office again.

Categories: Presidency


dc · June 28, 2024 at 10:01 am

I’ve been thinking Newsome is the candidate. He will certainly have West Coast appeal and real-life Aunt Nancy Pelosi’s not-so-insignificant political machine/money backing him all the way.

IcyReaper · June 28, 2024 at 11:13 am

As an aside to all this. For those who think that SCOTUS will save us all. They used the tired old you have no standing judicial bullshit for plaintiff groups when they ruled this week that the govt can basically silence free speech if it uses private companies even when the people running these programs are suddenly former govt workers, who just show up as a private employee to control speech.
I REALLY would like to see what the Intell agencies have on all these fuckers. It must be pretty bad or these pussies are just selling us out for their dignity. Me I always said Clinton fucked up when he denied the Lewinsky BJ’s. He should have just said Fuck yea, I got blown by a 22 year in the WH. Look at that bitch wife of mine, wouldn’t you? He would have been a national hero to a large group of males.

Dan D. · June 28, 2024 at 11:35 am

“This is the most viable of the picks”

You misspelled pricks.

Skyler the Weird · June 28, 2024 at 11:40 am

They’ll get Bragg to incarcerate Trump soon and She’s rested, she’s tanned,and she’s been waiting in the Chautauqua wilderness for 8 years. The Democrats will go with HER.

Southernborne · June 28, 2024 at 11:47 am

Yeah, I think you are spot on. My two cents is it will come down between Big Mike and H. Clinton, could be some blood letting between those two factions.

Out West · June 28, 2024 at 11:56 am

I have an alternate theory: The Democratic playbook is all about chaos, diversion, division and violence. What would bring about the highest levels of those goals? Biden stays in and the election is again stolen. Alternatively, eliminating Trump would produce the same outcome, civil war.

Michael · June 28, 2024 at 12:15 pm

Maybe they are PLANNING on Letting Trump “Win”, dumping this burning economic of cards on him and MAGA and let HIM take the fall.

Then afterwards as Joe 6 pack has the memory of a goldfish THEY can ride in as Heros to save the day.

Sun Tzu said, “An evil leader will burn down his own country to rule over the ashes”.

Economic disaster, internal chaos, riots and all that. Given that’s almost Democrat City Operating standards what’s the problem? Need I add a sarc tag here?

Proverbs 27:12 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Ready for trouble friends? Far more than guns needed.

Henry · June 28, 2024 at 2:39 pm

Dan Bongino insists Big Mike will not be the one. His hunch is that Hillary might be the replacement.

nones · June 28, 2024 at 2:40 pm

I agree with DM, I think Trump is the walking dead. He has my vote and I hope he wins but the deep state is big and powerful.

Zarba · June 28, 2024 at 3:05 pm

I think the Democrat-Republican DC Swamp is going to stand aside and let Biden lose. Here’s why:

1) Ukraine is a disaster; better for them if it falls when Trump is in office.
2) Israel’s war is going to either end ugly or spread in the Middle East. Better again (for them) if it happens under Trump.
3) The end of the PetroDollar supremacy will be an economic disaster for the US long-term. Better again (for them) it happens under Trump.
4) China will take Taiwan. Better again (for them) if it happens under Trump.
5) The Debt Bomb will just keep blowing up the budget. Yet again, better for them if it happens under Trump.
6) It rids them of the Kamala Harris problem; she’ll be sunk with Biden. They’ll have a clean slate of new faces to choose from.

They can then wrap all their failures around Trump and finally sink him and those who support him and what he stands for. Then they’ll peacefully build their Thousand Year Reich.

They know the administrative state can stymie his plans for 4 years; hell, after 2 he’ll be a lame duck anyway.

It’s a win-win for The Swamp.

lynn · June 28, 2024 at 3:27 pm

“I still say that the left won’t allow Trump back in office. He is too dangerous, and he is pissed. They will assassinate him before he ever gets near to the inauguration podium. The FBI alone will never allow him to gut their agency, which is sure to happen if he gets in office again.”

I wish that I could disagree with you but you are probably correct. Trump will never see the Oval Office again.

wojtek · June 28, 2024 at 5:56 pm

A new virus. They already started saying last night he has a cold. I’m sure they have some plans for him. There’s an article in DM today about how deadly cold is among octogenarians.

Stefan v. · June 28, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Nobody has ruled out Bath-house Barry as VP…is that impossible? That way he’d get his fourth term after P47 Humming Harris has a sudden case of Arkanicitis. How about Alex Soros? Or Elon Musk?

The power centre of the world will return to where it was after the Noahide flood…..Babylon. Yes, south of Baghdad. First the USA goes down under debt and dilution, then Russia+Iran+Turkey+etc in the Ezekiel 38/39 cosmic catastrophe. And then it gets truly horrible. The threads are being woven…

Stefan v. · June 28, 2024 at 6:55 pm

This .pdf article (download manually from the linked page) examines the first horrifying suggestion in my previous comment:

Dirty Dingus McGee · June 28, 2024 at 9:45 pm

At this point does it even matter who wins the race for president? Or who controls the house or senate? They are all members of the uniparty, with a few vocal shit posters on each side, just to make it SEEM like there are 2 party’s. Not one of those swinging Richards give a flying flip for “we the people”, they only care about feathering their own nest.

Right now the house of cards that is the FUSA is held together my prayer and hopeium. One good mosquito fart in the right direction will send it crashing down. And currently there are probably 40 extra large mosquitos lined up, that have been eating beans and drinking beer.

Now would be a good time to make double sure you’re ready for the coming “troubles”, and they WILL be coming no matter who “wins” the vote for President. TPTB are counting on it, even encouraging it.

Robert · June 28, 2024 at 9:53 pm

I believe we are seeing a dispute between the faction which controls the Biden Administration and the other factions which control the media and Congress. It is not some clever plan, rather it is an argument among billionaire families that is breaking out into the public arena.

The “leaders” of the Democrat party are doing the bidding of their respective sponsors. The details of what they say in public mean little or nothing. They will do what the ruling families tell them to do. That might involve them destroying each other, before they destroy us. We can hope, anyway.

    Divemedic · June 28, 2024 at 11:15 pm

    It’s possible that we are seeing a power struggle

Brutus · June 29, 2024 at 12:01 am

They get a thrill out of rubbing our faces in it. What could be more thrilling than getting away with open election fraud? Getting away with open election fraud with an openly demented geriatric imbecile!

TLF · June 29, 2024 at 1:50 am

About what Trump would do if in office: I tend to agree that the deep state wouldn’t want to take the chance on Trump–and if he has Rubio as his VP pick, as some have suggested, then they might just like Rubio as president.

However, even if Trump gets into office, the reality is that he won’t be able to appoint the kind of agency heads–like AG–who would push for any meaningful change. The Senate and Schumer won’t allow it. So the reality will be that he’ll be stuck with either acting heads, who are permanent bureaucrats and hostile to him, or consensus picks. He had plenty of the latter in his first term–think Chris Wray at the FBI and Bill Barr as AG, who was good friends with Robert Mueller. They passively-aggressively stonewalled anything he wanted done.

Things he could do via executive order, he’d do. But even some of those would be stonewalled.

Jester · June 30, 2024 at 12:55 am

I’ve thought a lot about this. I think that Biden was a placeholder till their canidate could be more oh I don’t know vetted or trialed or whatever in the pubic eye. Chelsy Clinton could be a dark horse int hat but the DNC has known for the whole time Biden was senile. They I don’t think counted on him deterorating this bad this fast. I figure they counted on some stolen votes and the like carrying the water for another 4 years so they could have their canidate or canidates more… vetted. I think the bigger issue for us indivudally is that 1, he got in office at all and 2, the rest of the world is watching this now. I’m not talking the other .govs out there, the day to day people. And yes the terrorists out there see that no one is in charge of this country that can effectively defend it.

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