I was asked why I hadn’t posted any stories on the DC plane crash. I replied that there weren’t yet enough facts, but I bowed to pressure from my readers and went ahead and posted a couple of stories.
It turns out that there are still more stories coming out about the pilot who was the apparent cause of the crash. Let me post a collage picture that shows you what I mean.

What do you know- a DEI hire because she hit the checkboxes for the Biden Administration- a lesbian LGTBQ activist.
This statement from her family reinforces that position:

Her sexuality wasn’t a factor in the crash, but her lack of experience was, and she was in the Whitehouse because of that sexuality. Once an Army officer is favored by the President, they tend to be promoted to and given opportunities that they are otherwise unqualified for. That certainly WAS a factor in the crash.
Sure enough, there are people who read this blog that are jumping to defend her because they don’t like to see me call out the military. One commenter said “It is enough time to know what you are doing, and he was an evaluator, which means his command thought he was experienced.”
So the commander of the helicopter squadron that has been responsible for transporting Democrat bigwigs all over the DC area would never bow to DEI pressure from the Whitehouse, I am sure. After all, we know that President Poopy Pants was in full command of his faculties, and there was absolutely no shenanigans from the lefties who were really running the show.
Old Farmer · February 3, 2025 at 6:14 am
The elephant in the room is the 1,000 hour check pilot, with flight controls and radio sitting next to her looking out the window. I’m not saying accidents don’t happen, but a Crusty Warrant officer pilot that was chosen as a check pilot is not going to let that king of thing happen. Lighting, angles, altitudes (military aircraft also have radar altimeters), etc.,…….something is not adding up from the helo side of things.
Out West · February 3, 2025 at 9:36 am
Exactly and agree. In that airspace on a check and training ride, first time with an altitude deviation would have been a warning, second time would have been, I’ve got the controls. It could have been a one in a billion chance fueled by incompetence, in fact the narrative is pointing to that being the case. Still, something about this smells very wrong.
Old Farmer · February 3, 2025 at 1:43 pm
How many times have we heard trust the narrative? I’m sure there will be an official explanation that everyone will nod in agreement with. When in doubt, trust your nose.
Jonathan · February 4, 2025 at 12:54 am
The check pilot only had 1,000 hours?!? What was he doing giving check flights that were that demanding?
Night time, heavy traffic, urban area is a difficult flight at best.
I’d like to hear more about the check pilot and his qualifications.
I heard a claim that they were practicing evacuation flights as part of government continuity – if so, they could have intentionally NOT done the normal coordination described below, and could have been blacked out or otherwise less noticeable than usual.
It doesn’t add up well…
Old Farmer · February 4, 2025 at 6:11 am
1,000 hours is plenty of time to be a check pilot in military aircraft. It’s not like transports at all. Warrants have a good reputation as far as skills normally, and that unit would get the best (because generals and admirals). Another interesting thing; by the time you get thousands of hours in military aircraft you are older, with reduced reflexes and reduced eyeball acuity, so youth and skill overcome old age and treachery.
Echo Hotel · February 4, 2025 at 4:54 pm
So where was the CW on this flight? Should he not have taken the controls? There goes the reputation…
“so youth and skill overcome old age and treachery.”, yep, as evidenced by all the dead bodies in the river. Forgive me if I’d rather have old age and treachery because by definition the old guy is still around and probably because he was not too fucking cocky to get himself into such a sticky wicket to begin with. YMMV.
Out West · February 3, 2025 at 6:43 am
450 hours in a RW isn’t squat. Imagine a newly minted 16 year-old with a drivers license. That’s the reference point. I wouldn’t get in a helicopter with a pilot who only had those hours. As you pointed out, her hours consisted solely of training and concurrency. There’s no evidence she ever flew mission profiles. In the NE corridor there is a well known aviation company, flies RW exclusively in an environment every bit as challenging and dangerous as the DC area. Their minimum flight hours to be considered for a co-pilot position are 1000, but they rarely consider under 1500, partly because of competition for the jobs. Its important to note the group of pilots with the highest rejection rate for hire are ex-BH pilots with no civilian time in any other flying environment. They can’t handle the demands of the aircraft or the very exacting flying required. And if there’s any doubt who was at the controls of the BH, it was her. Who was making the radio calls? Male voice. That means she was flying.
EN2 SS · February 3, 2025 at 8:19 am
To me it has been simple from the time her ‘experience’ came out. She was on another check ride for additional benefits to her resume, she was uncomfortable flying at 200 feet in the dark and the pilot in command allowed her to go up to the airplanes altitude. 350 feet or so. Her fault for not admitting she was incapable of doing her job, his fault for not making her follow the rules so as not to embarrass her or him get in trouble for demanding she do the job as required. Another, this time fatal, of lowering the standards for the incompetent DIE, opps, DEI hires. He was’t man enough to his job properly.
Banzaibob · February 3, 2025 at 8:22 pm
The CWO choose career over safety and now he and and 66 others are dead.
Lowkey · February 4, 2025 at 11:32 am
Jerseygirl Angie · February 3, 2025 at 8:41 am
I think that Democrat politicians should be flown around exclusively by DEI hire pilots .
Trumpeter. · February 4, 2025 at 12:40 pm
And guarded by DEI Secret Service agents
Steve S6 · February 3, 2025 at 8:51 am
But how many of those hours were with NVGs in that kind of airspace? When was the last time she flew much? (seeing articles indicating her last 2 years were in the WH)
Oh, and social media scrub immediately – so FB is still taking orders from the gov.
Riverlover · February 3, 2025 at 9:00 am
I totally agree with the idea she was a DEI hire and probably not experienced enough to be pilot In command of the mission, but she wasn’t, the check pilot was. The ultimate blame falls on him. There’s no doubt she was flying, but he was responsible for the safety of the aircraft. There’s plenty of blame to go around in that tragedy. The helo should have been crewed by four, not three, the ATC was understaffed, and even the airline driver, who seemingly was totally blameless, let the controller divert him to a more difficult runway when his company aircraft ahead of him had turned it down. When you’re trying to find the VASI lights on short final you limit your traffic scan. Fate is often the hunter.
The Breakfast Club · February 3, 2025 at 9:39 am
Brandon is the turd in the punchbowl stinking up the whole joint.
The immaculate Hussen Hopenchange’s turd term that no one was asking for about wiped us out.
A feature to the CPUSA (D) branch of the big Uni.
Carrie · February 4, 2025 at 5:22 am
It still amazes me that there are people like you out there who are paying so little attention, as to believe that Brandon’s term was a BHO “third term.”
BHO can’t do s***t. He is a made-up character by our three-letter friends.
And you actually think he is going to take time away from the Vineyard and his golf game to go back to Washington to … what?
Destroy the world?
There are plenty who were doing that anonymously in Brandon’s regime.
DrBob · February 3, 2025 at 10:17 am
A couple things trouble me about this tale. It is very expensive to train military pilots, so why would the Army waste the most productive years of an airman sitting around the Whitehouse?
A friend of mine flew F4s in the 1970s until he crashed at Top Gun school. He was moved to a desk and never flew again. Could there have been an incident in this airman’s career that got her grounded? Then putting her in the sewer of perverts known as the Biden Whitehouse would have made sense given her apparent LGBTQI+/-#* identity.
Stealth Spaniel · February 3, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Once again, government pussy-rules result in many many deaths. Of innocents. This “pilot” had no business being anywhere near any helo, let alone the lead in this theater arts production. If I still flew-I don’t give a damn about the pilot’s sex, skin color, or any other miasma. I DO want someone competent in the cockpit who has flown war missions and knows what the hell is going on.
Danny · February 3, 2025 at 1:25 pm
The Army doesn’t get a pass on this one IMHO. It’s bad enough that their people were lost but it’s very bad that 63 civilians were lost as a result of this. Not to mention, the FAA responsibility – or lack thereof.
Not saying any travel is “safe” … obviously any of us could check out at any time for many reasons while traveling. But this one is most troubling.
Chutes Magoo · February 3, 2025 at 3:41 pm
I bet the previous Admins Marine One pilot was not DEI.
Danny · February 3, 2025 at 5:03 pm
A very perceptive wager indeed. Those bastards insist that everyone around them is the absolute best.
Skyler the Weird · February 3, 2025 at 4:10 pm
Since those flights carry VIPs around, I wondered if she wss the VIP being ferried or if the .mil confirmed it was a training flight. I also wonder why the quick social media scrub? Was she in a puppy masked being lead around on a leash by a former Secretary of State?
Gryphon · February 3, 2025 at 4:10 pm
About 10 Years ago, I worked as the A&P Mechanic/Crew Chief for a Commercial Helicopter Operator who was Certified to Fly in the DCA Airspace. We did Photo/Video and other specialized Work, for both Commercial and Government entities. Extensive Planning went into every Flight, coordination with FAA, Sponsoring Agencies, DOD, etc.,etc. Flight Routing was by Mil-Accurate GPS, the Width of a street.
The few Times I was needed to be Crew for some of the Equipment, every Instant I wasn’t ‘working’, I was Looking for other Aircraft, as that Airspace is about the most Crowded of any City in the Nation, and Daytime/VFR Weather was the Busiest Time. It’s like the ten-foot Radius from a Beehive, on a Warm Spring Day.
This Crash doesn’t surprise me at all, nor does it surprise all the Pilots I know who Fly to that Airport on a regular basis. The combination of Nighttime, Lots of Traffic, a low-time Pilot in the Helo (possibly using NVG’s) and the Airliner turning ‘away’ from the Helo on Final Approach to the Short Runway, added up to neither Pilot being ‘Effectively’ able to See and Avoid the other Aircraft.
Since both Aircraft had CVR/FDR Systems, the NTSB Investigators will be able to create a Second-by-Second Track of each one’s Speed, Altitude, Attitude, and Position, and then determine When and Whether each Pilot was able to (potentially) See that a Collision was imminent. But the bureaucrats responsible for allowing a Low-Time Pilot to be assigned to Fly in that Airspace won’t face any Consequences.
wojtek · February 3, 2025 at 6:58 pm
It’s a terrible tragedy. But still one must admit that it takes some special skills to score a direct hit on a flying jet with a helo.
will · February 4, 2025 at 7:16 am
Seems like a lot of people jumped to DEI conclusions be4fore all the facts are out. I’ll wait.
flyingjay · February 6, 2025 at 12:11 pm
If the military helicopter had been equipped with ADSB out, the pilot of the airline would have seen it coming and been able to maneuver out of the way.
A Busy Weekend and the ‘Mystery Pilot’ of the Crashhawk – Big Country Expat · February 3, 2025 at 6:45 pm
[…] they had a bad rep when they first showed up in the Army, hence the name.DiveMedic’s poast is HEREGo hither and then come back for my observations.Now.My points.OK: She joined in June 2019.To move […]
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