I just found out that, although my family weathered the storm, not all were so lucky. A firefighter that I worked with for several years passed away during the storm. Details just now are sketchy, but from the few facts I was able to gather, it appears that he was at home during the peak of Hurricane Irene and had some sort of medical emergency. When he was finally able to get to the Emergency Room several hours later, he was scheduled for emergency surgery, but by the time weather and road conditions allowed an on call surgeon to arrive, it was too late.

When he showed up for his first day at work at the age of 22, I remember that he was wearing a backpack. He is what you would call a very big man at 6’4″ and 300 pounds. Someone asked him if he had brought a change of clothes, as firefighters are known to do. He replied that t wasn’t clothes, but his lunch. His nickname was born. We called him lunchbox.

He just turned 35 years old, and leaves behind a wife and a 3 year old son. As you can imagine, his family is devastated.

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1 Comment

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window · September 13, 2017 at 4:17 pm

Sad news. I am sorry for the loss of your friend 🙁

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