There are law firms paying people to bait businesses into law violations, so those law firms can sue the business. For example, there are disabled people admitting that they are being paid $200 per visit to enter certain businesses to prove that the business isn’t ADA compliant.

We know that states are allowing fake people to register to vote. We know that Michigan has two million more registered voters than they should have. 83.5% of the state is registered to vote, but only of the people who live in Michigan 77.9% is over 18 years of age. We also know that there are NGOs in every state which do nothing but fill out ballots for the faked registrants.

If you listen to the left, all of this is conspiracy theory nonsense, and our elections are more secure than they have ever been. Of course, that is all bullshit, but it isn’t intended to fool everyone. It just needs to fool some people into believing it, so they remain docile long enough for the takeover to be complete.

All of this costs money. In the case of the law offices, they are making money through legal Lawfare- they entice people to break the law, and then they sue them. Still illegal, but it’s easy to see the profit motive and the source of funding.

Where is the funding coming from for the fake voters casting the fake votes? A network of dozens of NGOs in every state, each with dozens or even hundreds of employees is expensive. I still think that the only organization with that sort of cash is a nation-state.

Categories: Rigging the vote


Aesop · August 30, 2024 at 9:44 am

Or Soros, who routinely funnels cash through multiple sub-entities.

    Divemedic · August 30, 2024 at 10:53 am

    Even Soros doesn’t have that kind of money to throw around.

      Michael · August 30, 2024 at 2:25 pm

      Soros has a lot more money DEDICATED to Open Boarders his NGO “Charity” to establish a lot of interesting stuff. Including DA’s and justice “equality”.

      From Wikipedia
      SNIP George Soros[a] HonFBA (born György Schwartz on August 12, 1930)[1][2] is a Hungarian-American[b] businessman, investor, and philanthropist.[7][8] As of October 2023, he had a net worth of US$6.7 billion,[9][10] having donated more than $32 billion to the Open Society Foundations,

        Divemedic · August 30, 2024 at 2:50 pm

        In the 2020 election alone, 3 billion went to Dems, and that doesn’t count dark money

Stefan v. · August 30, 2024 at 9:45 am

There are dynasties with far more real money than the nation states they maintain as illusions.

jimmyPx · August 30, 2024 at 11:28 am

Divemedic you are correct but as others have said, it is NOT a nation state.

Rather WHO is behind their front men Soros, Vanguard, State Street and the WEF ?
WHO can actually print money literally out of thin air ?
WHO has for at least the last 200 years and probably longer fomented wars and supplied both sides ?
It’s a “family” and their names start with an R and they control just about every central bank on the planet.
They are destroying the traditional US because we (and the Russians) have and would oppose their plans and have the militaries to do it.
Anyone with eyes can see that since the 1960s at least there has been a plan to destroy the US and its culture. We are in the end game and their masks are starting to slip hence even normies are starting to wake up but it is almost too late. Our society is in late stage collapse and I’m sorry to say most people thanks to propaganda are NOT with us.
Ask most people who are going to vote for Harris and they’ll give you CNN talking points. Scratch deeper and point out facts and they get pissed off at you.

Rick T · August 30, 2024 at 11:29 am

Soros, Schwab, Gates and the rest of the fat cats at the WEF together do have the money, even before you factor in the money then NGOs probably get from the FedGov now.

oldvet50 · August 30, 2024 at 12:01 pm

I still contend that since we require our military (mostly young men in combat roles) to lay down their life, if necessary, for our country and ideals, it should be a capital offense, punishable by death, to cheat in an election. I do believe we would have honest elections after the first person committing election fraud was executed.

Wallphone · August 30, 2024 at 3:04 pm

Got a 6×4 card with female “volunteer” handwriting on it urging me to register to vote by mail. It listed policy positions of the senate candidates in a manner far more neutral than the typical oversized partisan campaign card.

My first impression was it was from my local election commission. Nope. Very fine print showed it was funded by an entity named bluewavepostcards dot org.

Now why would I trade my tried and true tradition of voting in person for one that entrusts federal government employees with my ballot rather than state election officials?

    Divemedic · August 30, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    Bluewavepostcards is obviously a Democrat NGO collecting ballots

    Checkers · August 30, 2024 at 6:12 pm

    Catholic and Methodist and other denominations get lots of federal bucks to relocate and assist illegals. Not much of a stretch that they are participating in these activities.

Jay Bee · August 30, 2024 at 8:28 pm

Speaking of voting for profit, I remember reading an article with video of a a gal in California who was filmed picking up homeless folks, taking them to a polling place, then paying them after they walked out. I’ve been digging a little but haven’t been able to find the specific article/video.

Dan D. · August 30, 2024 at 11:18 pm

I would humbly suggest everyone work on their 30 day preps of water, food, comms and weapons if/when things go pear shaped in a few months. Time is running out; “How do I charge this shortwave radio?” is the wrong thing to be saying when you want to pull in info.

ModernDayJeremiah · August 31, 2024 at 12:35 am

China has a $400 billion annual trade surplus with the US. Using a few billion to manipulate our elections still leaves a hundred-fold return.

McChuck · September 2, 2024 at 5:45 am

It is a nation-state. And that nation-state is the USA.
How many billions does the Department of Just Us spend every year? Most of it goes to propaganda and “selective prosecution”. How many billions go to global warning “research”? How many billions get funneled through “green energy” companies? How many billions go to fund anti-gun “medical” research?

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