In the wake of yesterday’s post about Harris renting crowds of adoring fans for the appearance of a groundswell of public support, I also noted that social media is awash is posts of lefty supporters. My social media feeds are swamped with what appear to be paid shills. The photoshopping of giant crowds into photos where no one was really there.
All of this costs money, but one has to wonder where it’s coming from. Did you know that Harris’ campaign raised $40 million in only 3 days last week? Not only that, but she raised $540 in the 34 days between Joe dropping out on July 21 and August 25.
The windfall brings the total amount of money raised for Harris’ election efforts to $540 million since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on July 21 and endorsed the vice president, according to the campaign.
They claim that her campaign collected $41 million on July 22 alone. That is an incredible amount of fundraising. The Democrats claim that these amounts of fundraising are coming in small amounts from new donors. Let’s put this in perspective. Here is what the Presidential candidates have spent in every election since 1984:

First, look at what Biden spent in 2020. He didn’t really run a campaign, yet spent 3 times as much as any previous campaign (Obama in 2008), and four times what Trump spent- a total of $3.155 billion, or more than $40 for every vote that was tallied in his favor. One wonders where it all went.
I can believe that Obama had over a billion dollars in small donations. There was obviously a lot of interest in his campaign, and it did appear to be organic, grassroots interest. Remember the school kids singing songs praising his name?
Since HOTUS inherited Biden’s $91 million war chest, she now has around $650 million in funds. I wonder where all of that money is coming from. I don’t think that it is all small donor money. The Democrats have already shown that they are falsifying donor records in order to circumvent campaign finance laws.
There are big money donors that are very interested in faking popular support for the Democrats, that much is obvious. I can’t imagine that it is any individual, or even small group of individuals that are doing this. My guess is that the only people with this kind of money to toss around aren’t people, but a nation-state.
Steady Steve · August 25, 2024 at 4:26 pm
As in a nation state such as China?
Iron Stinkface · August 25, 2024 at 4:37 pm
Hollywood Long Marchers, Mini-Sorrows who is even worse, various CPUSA (D) laundering machines in blue states, the legal muh weed kickbacks also in blue states, Cartels in bed with the CPUSA (D), CCP/PRC, other external enemies who want the former America deeper than Atlantis.
Tree Mike · August 25, 2024 at 5:37 pm
The money comes from Chynah and a few billionaires. Cumallah is in like Flint. (((They))) have fixed the system. Your voat will get Dominioned the to (((Them))).
49%mfer · August 25, 2024 at 8:59 pm
Mun-ee Lawn-dur-ing.
wojtek · August 25, 2024 at 10:36 pm
In the end, you’re paying for this. And he, and her, and they. Everyone.
SiG · August 26, 2024 at 6:53 am
The opportunities are endless. Probably the big one is the Ukraine money recycling project, where we send billions to the Ukraine and they return “10% for the big guy” Every place in the world we send money could be the same. Cost-plus contracts, like Boeing’s Starliner or the Artemis/SLS project kick back money to congress critters, too.
Danny · August 26, 2024 at 8:31 am
Our host here (Divemedic) predicted a long time back that Trump would never again be president. “They” wouldn’t allow it. And I thought that might be incorrect – that it was too early to tell definitively. But recently, when “they” pulled the switcheroo and the reanimated corpse was pushed aside, I knew DM was correct.
I told my wife to be ready because it’s coming … and with a downcast look she says “I know.”
Rick · August 26, 2024 at 6:40 pm
Harris had to be next. Because she was on the ticket with joepedo, she was the rightful heir to his campaign monies.
I think that is all she was worth. I still think she won’t make it to November.
But are they really raising that kind of dough? I mean 90 million doesn’t seem like much compared to the numbers they’re boasting.
Sailorcurt · August 26, 2024 at 10:02 am
James O’keefe has been documenting the money laundering through the democrat “fund raising” entity “ActBlue” for a while now. Basically, they’re attributing thousands and thousands of dollars in donations to people who’ve either donated small amounts a couple of times, or who’ve never donated at all.
My guess is that they’re doing this to disguise money coming from China, Russia and other international actors trying to affect our elections in ways that would be favorable to them. ActBlue can’t just accept donations from the Chinese government, so they fake donations from thousands of small donors to attribute the income.
One thing I’ve noticed recently. I’ve started seeing ads for Kamala Harris on youtube, but not a single one of them has asked me to vote for her…all of them have been pleas for donations. “We need your help with sticking it to the Donald so donate today…”
Seems strange to me that if they’re raking in all this dough, they’d be wasting it on advertising asking for more dough. Not sure I completely understand what’s going on here, but the whole thing smells very fishy.
Elrod · August 26, 2024 at 10:13 am
If, indeed, it is nation states coughing up the bucks, then things are going to get interesting, as in really, really interesting because it is illegal to accept money from non-American sources for election campaigning, and this goes way, way beyond the accusations against Obama about accepting campaign contributions via credit cards from illegal sources. What he did was pocket change compared to what Harris/Walz and the Dems are doing, if this it is true that nation states are involved.
This will put them in the position of not being able to afford losing; they will have no choice but to use every means available, legal and illegal, legitimate or fraudulent, to win because if they lose the price will be severe, and not just for the dems but also for every nation state that tried to buy an election outcome.
If it is true, I don’t see how we avoid settling all this without gunfire and lots of it, and, maybe, even some canned sunshine or at least a sincere threat of it. .
Very scary shit, this.
Rick · August 26, 2024 at 6:45 pm
You’d think both the FCC and FEC would have a thing or two to say about misuse of public comms and falsification of filings.
I mean in a just world.
Elrod · August 27, 2024 at 7:41 am
Been thinking about this.
One billion dollars is 1,000 x 1,000,000. A billionaire could donate $25-50M and still have $950-975M; a billionaire with $2 billion (or more) would, probably, not be significantly inconvenienced by donating $50M (or more) to the Commie Democrats, especially if such a donation had the possibility of paying off handsomely after a Dem win.
So, how many multi-billionaires are there on the hard Left who would embrace the Dem goals and might profit substantially from a Dem win? (And, that profit doen’t have to be monetary, it could be power-based. Which, of course, could lead to “more money.”)
RE: Nation states donating money to the Dems. That’s not only felony illegal, it could constitute “attempt by a foreign power to subvert U.S. elections” and the recipient of such funds could be guilty of treason, among the listed punishments for which is death, not to mention the posible consequences for that nation state.
So, if – and the if is important – there is nation state funding involvement it increases the motivation to win, probably increasing it enough to eliminate any consideration of rationality or legality in pursuing am electoral win because the potential penalty for losing could be severe.
Interestinger and interestinger.
Divemedic · August 27, 2024 at 8:38 am
With the exception of Obama, the D and R candidates had rough parity all the way until 2020. Then, the D candidates outspent the R by 4:1 in 2020, and despite only being in the race for 6 weeks, is raising money at a rate that is roughly double what Joe’s was in 2020. I don’t think that she is THAT popular to have that kind of grassroots support.
So it begs the question: “Where is the money coming from?”
The billionaires that the left purports to hate?
Or other nations?
I’m sure some of it is coming from Ukraine, who stands to lost a bundle if Trump wins.
Likewise, China.
Perhaps even Mexico. Think of the remittances lost in a Trump victory.
We KNOW that HRC was grifting from other countries.
The scariest part is that no one in the MSM or on the Republican side is even trying to find out.
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