The country music awards featured an anti-gun speech by the host, who then performed on stage with four dudes who were pretending to be women.
Is there any way that I can sit at home and not be bombarded by antigun, antiAmerican, socialist faggotry?
Big Ruckus D · April 4, 2023 at 6:31 pm
Not if these shitlib pedofaggots can help it, you won’t. They know normal, decent people hate their stupid and disgusting shit, which is why they are so damn determimed to make exposure to it compulsory and unavoidable..
24/7 faggotry in your face and up your ass is the game they’re playing.
Beans · April 4, 2023 at 6:32 pm
‘Professional’ Country has been sliding leftist for a long time. So this stupid move does not surprise me. Saddens me, but does not surprise me.
Everything the Left touches turns to poo. It is by design. The Power Left saw the way Country supported the country, supported conservative concepts, supported the Constitution back during the Clinton administration and has been working hard to subvert it since. They really got shocked when 9/11 happened and Bubba Country became really dominant.
Look at who the music companies are run by, who the agents are, who owns the radio stations and so forth. Leftists.
Just look at how leftist Nashville is.
The elite Left really want us dead or demoralized.
MrLiberty · April 4, 2023 at 7:46 pm
CMT was purchased by MTV a while ago. Since then, country music has slowly been destroyed by the folks leading the destruction of western civilization.
Anonymous · April 4, 2023 at 8:07 pm
So I did some digging on this: CMT is part of the Paramount Global “family” of corporations, and they broadcast the CMT Music Awards on their partner station CBS. The award show used to be broadcast on TNN (The Nashville Network) until 1999. Paramount is the umbrella company (used to be CBS/Viacom); their controlling shareholder is “National Amusements”.
Paramount is MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, BET, Showtime, Dreamworks (which of course feeds Disney), Soros Strategic Partners (!!!)… and of course they own the Star Trek franchise and many, many others under the Paramount Pictures label. None of those guys would EVER promote un-American, anti-gun woke Commie agendas, would they?!? *barfs*
Worth noting: Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger) bought a $2.6 billion stake in Paramount in May 2022. Bill Gates used to be on the BH Board of Directors before “leaving to focus on his philanthropic (I’d suggest “misanthropic” would be the more appropriate term) efforts”.
He who pays the piper calls the tune… and birds of a Globalist Commie feather flock together. Why WOULDN’T these slimeballs use their ownership of CMT to put a woke anti-gun, anti-American spokes-chick front at center at their country music awards show to try to slip their agenda in the back door to country music fans?
After all, slipping things in the back door of real Americans seems to be their favorite pastime…
Just me · April 4, 2023 at 9:54 pm
You ask “is there any way that I can sit at home and not be bombarded by antigun, antiAmerican, socialist faggotry?”
Yup… Turn off the Electric Jew.
Francis W. Porretto · April 5, 2023 at 4:22 am
— Is there any way that I can sit at home and not be bombarded by antigun, antiAmerican, socialist faggotry? —
I once thought so, but the Enemy is determined to leave no way out.
Reltney McFee · April 5, 2023 at 11:26 am
Who watches (award shows)(television)?
I even have TDW-Mark II not watching the idiot box.
Reading is only one alternative.
James · April 5, 2023 at 6:08 pm
Goats go for 900.00 USD? holy crap.
joe · April 5, 2023 at 6:52 pm
i don’t watch everyday tv…only watch the old crap…no wokeness, and if they are gay, they ain’t in your face about it…just good old tv…metv/h&e…
EN2 SS · April 6, 2023 at 8:22 pm
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