Teaching the truth

If you believe that there are two genders, you cannot be a teacher in the state of New York, as one teaching student by the name of Owen Stevens discovered. Mr. Stevens was suspended by the state university from his teaching certification program for posting on Instagram that he believes that “a man is a man, and a woman is a woman.” This, they claim, means that he cannot create an environment that is inclusive of all students. His suspension will continue until he completes a reeducation program and renounces his earlier statements. The Dean of the college claims that future teachers are required to support all aspects of homosexuality and gender identity.

To his credit, Mr. Stevens is refusing to do so. The Dean told Stevens that his scientific stance on biology is “in conflict” with the state’s Dignity for All Students Act. A SUNY Geneseo spokeswoman said that the school does not believe that it is infringing on any student’s right to free speech.

“Although we cannot comment on any particular student, SUNY Geneseo respects every student’s right to freedom of speech and expression,” the spokeswoman said. “By choosing to enter into certain professional fields, students agree to abide by the professional standards of their chosen field. At times, these professional standards dictate that students act and behave in certain ways that may differ from their personal predilections.”

Up until this school year, I taught Biology. When we reached the section on human genetics and reproduction, I would talk about how the X and Y chromosomes determined if a person was a male or a female. I would always get the question about transgender. My statement was like this: “When you get down to basics, the Y chromosome has one job: it tells the developing fetus to grow a penis, and tells it to develop male secondary sex and gender characteristics. So a person either has a Y chromosome and a penis, or they don’t. Male or female, that’s it. Anything else is not supported by biology and would fall into the realm of psychology.”

Every once in awhile, a student would reply with: “What about those born with intersex characteristics, where they have both sets of genitals?” To which I would reply, “That is a birth defect, an abnormality in fetal development. When children are born without arms, we do not declare them to be snakes, likewise, a child born with incomplete dual genitalia are abnormal. They do not define the rest of human development. Such individuals are less than one in a thousand live births, and do not excuse people with normal genitalia for the delusional belief that they can select their own biology, even when their DNA plainly states otherwise. That is a psychological problem, not a biological one.”

That statement would mean that I am not qualified to teach in New York.

Pentagon Purge

The Pentagon sent a report to Congress back in October, claiming that the military had been ‘infiltrated’ by white supremacists. It was released to the public on February 25, with Pravda and Isvestia immediately parroting the report. What is odd about that is the UN Secretary General claimed on February 22 that white supremacy was the main threat to the world.

What an amazing coincidence. That was obviously not a coordinated release or anything. Nope. Completely coincidental.

Guess what- being a white supremacist isn’t a crime. That whole ‘freedom of speech’ thing says that you can believe whatever you want. What is happening here is that the left is using this accusation of white supremacy to conduct a purge of anyone in the military who doesn’t pass the ideological purity test. For decades, I have been hearing those on the right claim that the US military would never fire on its own citizens. The left is purging the military of anyone who would refuse such an order.

Dictatorial powers

Fail to follow the orders of a minor politician in a Communist run state, and get summarily punished without trial. That is what one man in California discovered when he held a party in violation of the mayor’s orders. The mayor responded by having his electric and water services turned off.

There are some who say that this isn’t punishment, so a trial isn’t required. What next? Have a goon show up and break his kneecaps?

More censorship coming

Time to remind people about censorship and the ability to blog. If you have seen this offer before, or if you aren’t interested in blogging, don’t bother reading this.

Congress is still threatening more censorship. The left not just going after blogs and social media- they are going after podcasts as well. The powers that be intend to shut down all media that is not state approved. See this report here.

I was trying to listen to conservative talk radio on Sirius and on Blaze TV, but the hosts are refusing to admit that the election was bogus, but saying “we will get them next time.” Conservative talk has been brought to heel and has been told what they can and cannot say. Alternative media like bloggers are all that is left of the free press.

There is still room to share this server. The cost to host a blog on this server is $25 per month, billed quarterly. My IT support team charges a small fee to import the contents of your blog to this server. I have domains that are included in the price, or we can get you a custom domain. The only rule that I have is: no porn sites. I am not interested in having porn on my site for two reasons: they are resource hogs (both storage space and bandwidth) and I don’t feel like having to expend my own time and energy defending porn distributors.

Even if you don’t contact me, find an alternative server now, or your blogs and podcasts may be gone forever. An XML backup is no longer sufficient, as Blogger and WordPress no longer support migration by XML. If your blog is cancelled, there may be no way to recover it.

If interested in having your blog hosted here, the email is Divemedic@sectorocho.com.

Rent control

In reference to the article that was the subject of yesterday’s post on evictions, there is this comment:

Maybe it’s time for nationwide rent control. We can set a specific allowable profit percentage on all rentals and take greed out of the mix. Kinda like they do for public utilities. You want an increase, you petition the oversight board and prove you need it.

Communism always starts by vilifying the landlords.

Landlord not the issue

This story talks about how blacks are being evicted more often than whites. The story is written to make you believe that discrimination is at play. They detail the eviction of Deltonya Thomas, her boyfriend, and their five kids.

A look at the facts of the case tell a different story. Deltonya is a 34 year old woman with 5 kids, aged 16 to 5. She and her boyfriend signed a 12 month lease in November of 2019, with the move out date being October 31, 2020. A year later, November 2020, they didn’t pay rent. Even though the lease had expired, they didn’t pay rent, nor did they vacate the property.

On November 19, the landlord filed for the eviction. The only response from Deltonya was to write a letter to the judge on December 2, asking for 30 days to find another apartment. The case dragged on for two more months, until the family was finally evicted on February 2, three months after the expiration of the lease.

This family got to live in a $1400 a month apartment for three months without paying a dime. The real victim here is the landlord, who lost $4200 in unpaid rent, $400 in court and service fees, plus whatever their lawyer cost them. Sure, they got to keep the security deposit, but that likely got eaten up in repairing the damage done to the property. It isn’t like tenants being evicted are known for taking care of the rental property they are being removed from.


At 73 years old, Marion Lambert ran a farm where he sold eggs, honey, milk, and produce on the honor system. You stop by the farm, leave some money, then take what you want. Mr. Lambert was also one of the most hated men in Central Florida. He was recently found dead on his farm with head trauma. The police claim that foul play is not suspected. His family thinks that he may have been injured by a bull while working on his farm.

So why is this death suspicious to me? Why was Mr Lambert hated so much? If you have ever driven down I-75 or I-4, you have seen his handiwork. He received a permit to build a monument to fallen soldiers, then built that monument. The left hated him for it. So did many local politicians. Why? The monument was built to honor

Confederate soldiers.

That monument included flying the world’s largest “Confederate flag.” Lambert told reporters that his goal in raising the huge Confederate flag was to “preserve Southern heritage” and create “a memorial to those who served.” He said he wasn’t racist and was bothered by the fact that people feel bad and divided when they see the flag. “It does bother me, a lot,” he said. “They don’t understand what it means.”

The left hated him for it. The flag itself had to be taken down for a time last summer, because there were those on the left who were threatening to destroy the flag and attack the owners. According to the left that is terrorism, unless they are the ones doing it.

So even though he was 73, he didn’t die of an age related malady. He died of head trauma. When “white supremacists” are being declared to be public enemies and terrorists and a man who is so hated dies of head trauma, that to me is suspicious until proven otherwise.


It sometimes seems as if you are alone in the world. That was what happened to me yesterday. I let those who have no fight in them get to me. I needed a short breather. It seems as though the news is all bad. In the middle of all of this bad news, the bill from my ER visit two weeks ago arrived: It was for $53,000. Luckily, some calls to the insurance company got my part of the bill down to a more reasonable $1700.

Then I saw Larry Correia’s post. Here is what got me back on my feet:

Some of you know it, but you’re too scared to talk. You’re the ones who piss me off the most. The ones who come to me at events in confidence or send me sheepish emails about what goes on behind the scenes, and how you recognize the rot, the fucking cancer in the bones of your organization. But you do nothing, you say nothing in public, you never take a stand, and so you get bulldozed. Great. You fucking deserve it, cowards. You know who you are.

You cowards know who you are- the ones who demand that OTHERS take a stand. While you ask that others take the risks, saying that YOUR life, YOUR pension, YOUR job, and YOUR fortune are too important to risk because “it’s just an AR-15,” or “it was only a little bit of fraud, not enough to change anything,” or even “they protesters only burned down a few businesses.”

When my fire department hired a fire chief from New York, who immediately declared that ALL firearms we came in contact with were to be turned over to police so they would be confiscated and lost in bureaucratic mazes until the owner gave up, I risked my job by compromising. I unloaded them, held on to them until our business was concluded, then returned them to the owner. Those who are on my side called me a jackboot and said if I had any guts, I would have told the chief to kiss my ass. Those are the same people who today tell me that “Be realistic here. Who is going to risk their lives, their family’s lives, their retirement, their home, etc… to keep an AR-15? Will you?” Yes. Not only will I, but I already have.

Now that they are trying to silence those of us who value liberty, there are those of us who are using our own money and resources to fight back. This server? I have laid out about a kilobuck of my own cash setting it up. This isn’t a plea for money. It’s a fact. I believe in freedom, I believe in the ideals of this nation, and I am willing to sacrifice for them. Are you?