With those numbers, the national teamsters union announced that they would not be endorsing any candidate.
“While the Executive Board of the Teamsters is making no formal endorsement, the vast majority of rank-and-file working men and women in this important organization want President Donald Trump back in the White House,”
Ed and Brian Krassenstein were making money from Ponzi schemes and illegal porn sites. One of the web addresses that they owned was 17onlygirls (dot) com. They were domain name squatters who specialized in web addresses that promoted child porn and illegal Ponzi schemes. Ponzi fraud type sites were also a part of their business. They ran investment forums TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup until the Department of Justice accused them of profiting from Ponzi scheme promoters through the sites. They owned tens of thousands of web domains, which they sold to the highest bidder while pretending not to know that the domains would be used for.
Screenshots of his messages from 2007 appear to show him negotiating over buying three addresses: TeenPies.com, TeenPie.com, and TeenPorn101.com.
There is no suggestion that the Krassensteins ran porn sites themselves. But by buying porn site domains, they stood to gain from selling or leasing those addresses.
They were being investigated by the FBI. A civil asset forfeiture was filed against them. Federal agents raided their homes and seized almost half a million dollars from the brothers in 2017, obtained from selling ads for Ponzi schemes on investment web forums that they ran. They entered a plea agreement to forfeit the some of the profits and avoid jail.
In exchange for returning some of the funds, the Krassenstein twins gave up nearly half a million dollars of the millions that they made on the Ponzi and porn site schemes that they were accused of, and the FBI agreed not to prosecute them. That was in August of 2017.
Just after that, the Krassensteins purchased a Twitter account that was being run as a Justin Bieber fan club, because the account had a follower account that was over half a million people strong. This allowed them maximum reach. Keep in mind that this was bought after the FBI let them keep money from the illicit gains of their Ponzi and porn site business. It certainly gives the impression that at least some of the funds for that purchase were gains from the business activities that the DOJ was investigating.
Then the Bieber account transitioned to become one of Trump’s largest critics on Twitter. Today, the accounts of those two fraudsters have almost 2 million followers and are major supporters of both Democrats and Harris, while being major critics of Trump.
So two guys who were admittedly involved in child porn sites and were alleged by the DOJ as being involved in Ponzi schemes, Fraud, and porn sites enter a plea agreement where they return a fraction of what they were alleged to have defrauded people out of, and the investigation is dropped. Then they use large sums of money to buy influence on social media and immediately begin targeting the President of the United States (Trump) as part of a coordinated a propaganda and disinformation campaign. Now they are shilling for Kamala Harris and the Democrats on social media.
Now that the facts are done, we get into my conclusions. This has all of the appearances of being an FBI (or other intel organization) funded and controlled operation.
I’ve been asking where the money to influence elections and favoring Democrats is coming from. My theory is that the sums of money are so large that it must be a nation state that is sponsoring the billions (perhaps tens of billions) of dollars that is being used to influence our elections. No individual has that kind of money to toss around without sure results.
The answer that most easily fits all of these facts is the most frightening of any possible one that I can come up with: I think that the nation state that is funding the rigging of US elections is none other than the US government itself. The money is being funneled from the US bureaucracy through the Ukraine, China, through criminal organizations, and through grants to NGOs to benefit the members of our elected officials, who in turn are giving large sums of money to the swamp. This is more frightening than thinking a foreign nation is interfering. A representative government that is interfering in its own elections is the most frightening of all scenarios.
This would explain why the left has so much money, how the riots and election shenanigans were so well coordinated, and how the Wuhan lab was being funded by Fauci to perform gain of function research is all explained when looked at through this lens. It explains why almost no one in the riots of 2020 faced jail time, while those who participated in J6 are rotting away even four years later, many without trials and only charged with trespassing or other minor crimes.
This is why Trump is their enemy. He swore to drain the swamp, without even realizing that he was up to his ass in alligators. This is also why I fear that the days of this blog are coming to an end. I am willing to argue with idiot leftists. I have no illusions of being able to stay active criticizing the American version of the KGB or the Stazi. I do not want to be vzyali.
There are law firms paying people to bait businesses into law violations, so those law firms can sue the business. For example, there are disabled people admitting that they are being paid $200 per visit to enter certain businesses to prove that the business isn’t ADA compliant.
If you listen to the left, all of this is conspiracy theory nonsense, and our elections are more secure than they have ever been. Of course, that is all bullshit, but it isn’t intended to fool everyone. It just needs to fool some people into believing it, so they remain docile long enough for the takeover to be complete.
All of this costs money. In the case of the law offices, they are making money through legal Lawfare- they entice people to break the law, and then they sue them. Still illegal, but it’s easy to see the profit motive and the source of funding.
Where is the funding coming from for the fake voters casting the fake votes? A network of dozens of NGOs in every state, each with dozens or even hundreds of employees is expensive. I still think that the only organization with that sort of cash is a nation-state.
All of this costs money, but one has to wonder where it’s coming from. Did you know that Harris’ campaign raised $40 million in only 3 days last week? Not only that, but she raised $540 in the 34 days between Joe dropping out on July 21 and August 25.
The windfall brings the total amount of money raised for Harris’ election efforts to $540 million since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race on July 21 and endorsed the vice president, according to the campaign.
They claim that her campaign collected $41 million on July 22 alone. That is an incredible amount of fundraising. The Democrats claim that these amounts of fundraising are coming in small amounts from new donors. Let’s put this in perspective. Here is what the Presidential candidates have spent in every election since 1984:
First, look at what Biden spent in 2020. He didn’t really run a campaign, yet spent 3 times as much as any previous campaign (Obama in 2008), and four times what Trump spent- a total of $3.155 billion, or more than $40 for every vote that was tallied in his favor. One wonders where it all went.
I can believe that Obama had over a billion dollars in small donations. There was obviously a lot of interest in his campaign, and it did appear to be organic, grassroots interest. Remember the school kids singing songs praising his name?
Since HOTUS inherited Biden’s $91 million war chest, she now has around $650 million in funds. I wonder where all of that money is coming from. I don’t think that it is all small donor money. The Democrats have already shown that they are falsifying donor records in order to circumvent campaign finance laws.
There are big money donors that are very interested in faking popular support for the Democrats, that much is obvious. I can’t imagine that it is any individual, or even small group of individuals that are doing this. My guess is that the only people with this kind of money to toss around aren’t people, but a nation-state.
lol! For Kamala Harris’s visit to Primanti’s this afternoon they kicked out all the customers at 4pm so they could bring in their own audience. 🤦♂️ look at all the white vans. Keep that in mind as you see video of them interacting inside. 🤣 Kudos to the Trump supporters who… pic.twitter.com/8Q4pKEpUNv
About two hours after the new “patrons” were in place, Kamala and Walz showed up to be greeted by the crowd, with the crowd fawning all over them.
One little beta male thanked Kamala for “bringing it back” (at the 8 minute mark). This is how they are going to press the “Aw, shucks, we are regular folks like all of you. Despite the fact that we have been in charge for the past 4 years, we are going to fix everything that the previous administration did. Everyone loves us” narrative.
It’s all theater. The supposed crowds are all paid actors. The social media is all paid shills. Keep in mind that the place was closed during a crowded event, with normal patrons being kicked out. That means the entire staff was screwed out of their tips. Far from caring about the little guy, HOTUS screwed all of them over.
The press was there, they filmed it, they reported it as if it were a real event. They are complicit. What you are seeing is theater. What you are seeing is that the press is actively conspiring to destroy this nation.
After leaving the restaurant, Harris stopped at a nearby gas station for some Doritos. The gas station is being sued by the Biden administration for using background checks in their hiring process, which the administration says is discriminatory. I wonder if these places will see their lawsuits dismissed for allowing her to use the place, or if this is just legal arm twisting?
Fake administration. Fake support. Fake events. Fake votes. Real communism. Real tyranny.
Star Wars came out when I was a young boy. When I was a kid, I used to fall asleep wishing I had a lightsaber and an X-wing fighter. I dreamed of what it would be like to fly it to school. Those are the dreams of a young boy.
In this scenario, there will likely be a good amount of cheating involved, just like in 2020. How hard we are screwed depends upon how far down the cheating goes. Heading into the election, the Republicans have a 220 seat majority over the Democrats’ 215 seats. (There are three vacant seats.) Democrats need to gain five districts to win a majority in the chamber. That would be bad.
The silver lining there is that the Democrats would need to gain 75 seats to have an Amendment approving 2/3 majority, and that isn’t likely to happen.
Things are almost as bad in the Senate, where the Democrats hold a 2 seat majority. There are 34 seats up in 2024 – including a special election in Nebraska. 23 of those seats are currently held by Democrats or Independents. Republicans can retake control with a net gain of two seats.
If the Democrats win the Presidency and both houses of Congress, Kamala is planning on Federalizing the patents of any company that doesn’t comply with her price controls.
Now on to the other possibility:
What if Trump wins and takes office?
OK, now what? The US has more than $142 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and we are bleeding to the tune of $3 trillion or more per year. That number is so staggeringly large, it’s difficult to imagine. To put it in perspective, this number is equal to more than 93% of everything that every American has. This includes all of their assets in savings, real estate, corporate stocks, private businesses, and consumer durable goods like automobiles and furniture.
More than two thirds of that debt- $104 trillion- is Social Security. The only way to save everything that you own, the US will need to repudiate Social Security. The money that’s been coming out of your check every week? That money is gone. Even amongst my readers, I can hear the cries of “but, but, I had better get paid, that’s my money.”
What do you think will happen to any politician who tells you that the US can’t afford social security? Yeah.
So Trump can’t and won’t do a thing to stop that bleeding. Even were he to try, Congress won’t buy into that, and neither will the American public. There is no stopping this juggernaut. So everything that you own, all that you have saved, everything, is going to be gone. There is no choice but for the economy and the government as we know it to collapse. It’s just a matter of when.
Once the money stops flowing and people are hungry, they will cry out for a strong leader to fix everything. Sure, the government will be out of money, but they will still have guns, ammo, and lots of hungry enforcers. In collapsing governments, the people with the guns and the authority never go hungry. That’s why Kim Jong Un is fat in a country full of starving peasants. We will see a dictatorship in this country that will last for generations, and many in the government will support this if it means becoming rich.
So with the above facts, if you disagree, tell me how Trump winning will fix everything. I just don’t see any other end to this.
Knowing that, all we can do is prepare for the worst. Sure, vote for Trump because that’s all we can do, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t prepare for what is to come.
My prediction remains the same: The bureaucrats and Democrats (I know, same thing) will make sure that Trump doesn’t again become President, and we will be on the road to communism in short order. Even if Trump were to win and take office, we will wind up in a collapsed economy and people will demand that debts are cancelled, the rich will be blamed, and we will still be on the road to communism.
Tell me how I am wrong. Don’t just say silly, childish wishes like “Just because YOU can’t see it, doesn’t mean that there’s no way out.” Tell me how I am wrong, give me a realistic path out of this. If not, you are engaged in childish wishes that your government betters are going to somehow come up with a solution, and you might as well wish for an X-Wing fighter and a lightsaber.
Ever since her selection to be the Democrat candidate for President, the Harris campaign has appeared to be an unstoppable juggernaut of popular support. Here is one picture, purportedly showing a huge outpouring of support for her, as she arrives on Air Force 2;
Until you zoom in and take a look at the crowd:
Oopsie, that’s an AI altered picture. Zooming in to the engine, there is no crowd appearing in the reflection. Unless the entire crowd is made up of vampires, which is impossible, because vampires can’t survive in direct sunlight.
The left is saying that anyone who notices this is engaged in a misinformation campaign. Don’t believe your lying eyes- Harris is the most popular candidate ever. They cite Snopes as the authoritative source that this picture is totally not fake, and there were actually over 15,000 people there. After all, if the MSM says it, and Snopes fact checked it, that means it totally happened.
There is no isvestia in Pravda, and there is no pravda in Isvestia.
My social media feeds flipped to being overwhelmingly about THROATUS over the past few days. It’s been overwhelming to the point where social media is unreadable at this point. I am guessing that Kamala is using all of those campaign funding dollars to hire a few people to run thousands of social media accounts to shill for her. It wouldn’t be hard to do.
One person can easily send 30 messages/posts/tweets per hour, all on different accounts. That means a total of 240 messages in an 8 hour workday. If you were to hire 150 people at $15 an hour, if would cost you about half a million bucks per month. During that same month, more than a million messages would be posted in support of you from a million different accounts.
It would look like overwhelming support, and that is assuming you don’t use bots to get even more coverage.
They tried to smear him in 2016 by claiming Russian collusion. The evidence, as it turns out, was fake.
they tried impeaching him
they tried impeaching him again
they tried suing him into the poorhouse
they filed tons of criminal charges against him, finally getting a conviction on some rather dubious legal grounds. When SCOTUS issued the ruling on Presidential immunity, the court delayed sentencing.
All of the other cases were dead in the water. The left went apoplectic.
Then there was an assassination attempt on Trump’s life. In order for this event to have happened, at least one of two things must be true:
The Secret Service is entirely incompetent.
The Secret Service was complicit in the attempt.
There are no other possibilities. Where I am leaning is complicity.
In either event, the attempt failed. Then the poll numbers came out, and Trump’s numbers looked even better. It was at this point that Biden reversed course and decided to drop out of the race, citing health concerns. So now there are only two possibilities:
Biden is too addled and mentally incompetent to run for office, which makes him too addled to hold the office of President, and he needs to go under the 25th Amendment. Now.
Or, he resigned because his numbers looked so bad that it was unlikely that he would beat Trump in the election. In this case, the left is guilty of election tampering. The Democrat party can no longer claim to “support democracy(tm)”
No matter which of the above is true, welcome to banana republic status.
With that being said, I don’t think that this is good news. Biden was beatable, and I think everyone knew it, which is why he dropped out. The real question is- Who is replacing him, and what will they do to cheat their way into the win?