Ed and Brian Krassenstein were making money from Ponzi schemes and illegal porn sites. One of the web addresses that they owned was 17onlygirls (dot) com. They were domain name squatters who specialized in web addresses that promoted child porn and illegal Ponzi schemes. Ponzi fraud type sites were also a part of their business. They ran investment forums TalkGold and MoneyMakerGroup until the Department of Justice accused them of profiting from Ponzi scheme promoters through the sites. They owned tens of thousands of web domains, which they sold to the highest bidder while pretending not to know that the domains would be used for.
Screenshots of his messages from 2007 appear to show him negotiating over buying three addresses: TeenPies.com, TeenPie.com, and TeenPorn101.com.
There is no suggestion that the Krassensteins ran porn sites themselves. But by buying porn site domains, they stood to gain from selling or leasing those addresses.
They were being investigated by the FBI. A civil asset forfeiture was filed against them. Federal agents raided their homes and seized almost half a million dollars from the brothers in 2017, obtained from selling ads for Ponzi schemes on investment web forums that they ran. They entered a plea agreement to forfeit the some of the profits and avoid jail.

In exchange for returning some of the funds, the Krassenstein twins gave up nearly half a million dollars of the millions that they made on the Ponzi and porn site schemes that they were accused of, and the FBI agreed not to prosecute them. That was in August of 2017.
Just after that, the Krassensteins purchased a Twitter account that was being run as a Justin Bieber fan club, because the account had a follower account that was over half a million people strong. This allowed them maximum reach. Keep in mind that this was bought after the FBI let them keep money from the illicit gains of their Ponzi and porn site business. It certainly gives the impression that at least some of the funds for that purchase were gains from the business activities that the DOJ was investigating.
Then the Bieber account transitioned to become one of Trump’s largest critics on Twitter. Today, the accounts of those two fraudsters have almost 2 million followers and are major supporters of both Democrats and Harris, while being major critics of Trump.
So two guys who were admittedly involved in child porn sites and were alleged by the DOJ as being involved in Ponzi schemes, Fraud, and porn sites enter a plea agreement where they return a fraction of what they were alleged to have defrauded people out of, and the investigation is dropped. Then they use large sums of money to buy influence on social media and immediately begin targeting the President of the United States (Trump) as part of a coordinated a propaganda and disinformation campaign. Now they are shilling for Kamala Harris and the Democrats on social media.
Now that the facts are done, we get into my conclusions. This has all of the appearances of being an FBI (or other intel organization) funded and controlled operation.
This isn’t the first time that I have suspected US intel organizations from operating here in the US to do illegal things. I am fairly sure that the Vegas shooting was a US intel operation. The recent assassination attempt on Trump appears to be one as well.
I’ve been asking where the money to influence elections and favoring Democrats is coming from. My theory is that the sums of money are so large that it must be a nation state that is sponsoring the billions (perhaps tens of billions) of dollars that is being used to influence our elections. No individual has that kind of money to toss around without sure results.
The answer that most easily fits all of these facts is the most frightening of any possible one that I can come up with: I think that the nation state that is funding the rigging of US elections is none other than the US government itself. The money is being funneled from the US bureaucracy through the Ukraine, China, through criminal organizations, and through grants to NGOs to benefit the members of our elected officials, who in turn are giving large sums of money to the swamp. This is more frightening than thinking a foreign nation is interfering. A representative government that is interfering in its own elections is the most frightening of all scenarios.
This would explain why the left has so much money, how the riots and election shenanigans were so well coordinated, and how the Wuhan lab was being funded by Fauci to perform gain of function research is all explained when looked at through this lens. It explains why almost no one in the riots of 2020 faced jail time, while those who participated in J6 are rotting away even four years later, many without trials and only charged with trespassing or other minor crimes.
This is why Trump is their enemy. He swore to drain the swamp, without even realizing that he was up to his ass in alligators. This is also why I fear that the days of this blog are coming to an end. I am willing to argue with idiot leftists. I have no illusions of being able to stay active criticizing the American version of the KGB or the Stazi. I do not want to be vzyali.
big al · August 31, 2024 at 2:30 pm
In my opinion you are correct. Obvious money laundering through Ukraine, to the benefit of the uniparty.
Decades of corruption in the ‘war on drugs’, with the alphabet agencies being involved in importation.
Vote counting has been screwed for decades. And on, and on…
Yeah, times getting close to shut it down time. Thanks for doing it as long as you have, with your busy life.
It has helped.
TakeAHardLook · August 31, 2024 at 3:00 pm
Guess which civilization-destroying demographic owns Pornhub (and most of the U.S. porn industry)?
Hint: Ex-rabbi Solomon Friedman is co-owner of the website, acquired through his capital acquisition company.
These are not The Chosen People of the Old Testament, they are something else entirely.
Members of their demographic run the world’s major monetary systems (think: Rothschild and its U.S. counterpart, Goldman Sachs), control >90% of the U.S. MSM and are 80% of the Biden FauxWhite House, with major players in Congress and the Bureaucracy (see, for example, head of the DOJ Merrick Garland, DHS traitor Alejandro Mayorkas, traitorous incompetent Janet Yellen of Treasury (late of the Federal Reserve).
I could go on for hours but my Vomit Meter’s needle is buried to the right….
The Chosen People. Riiiiiiight.
Divemedic · August 31, 2024 at 4:15 pm
Not willing to buy that the Jews are engaged in any sort of Jewish based conspiracy any more than whites conspire to go after blacks. I just don’t think that they have meetings to go after gentiles.
This is more of a “we are rich, power hungry people and want more money and power” than it is an ethnic thing, IMO. Nothing more than human greed and lust for power is the driver here.
TakeAHardLook · August 31, 2024 at 4:37 pm
I don’t mean to imply that Jews constantly meet to plan the destruction of other demographics. They do not need to, as they already have the means to control so much of what we consider the modern world.
As above, if a group owns, in large part, the monetary system of the world, controls the Information Technology/MSM, has infiltrated and massively influenced the U.S. FedGov (AIPAC/Schumer, etc/Larry Fink of Blackrock as a few examples), then they have a good lock on things (macromanagement), sparing them the daily tedium of micromanaging agendas of lesser import.
Greg · September 3, 2024 at 6:07 am
Divemedic, let’s get real here, yes the joos at the highest levels scheme, plan and plot. It’s blatantly obvious. They are a mafia although of religious heritage more than count of origin. There are many factions and they will fight to the death amongst themselves but are united against non tribe members. It’s like saying in the 1950’s the Italians don’t have meetings and plans they are just really wealthy and powerful from being great in the import / export business of olive oil.
Divemedic · September 3, 2024 at 6:35 am
I don’t buy it. There are people of Jewish descent who plot, just as there are those of Greek, Italian, and Russian heritage who do the same. I just can’t get on board with some grand conspiracy that has outlasted most of the nations in the world. Pointing to a segment of the Italian population and saying, “See, the mafia exists, that means Jews are trying to take over the world.” is a bit of a stretch.
Robert · August 31, 2024 at 6:03 pm
Hey, it has been fun and educational. Thanks for all the time you put into this forum.
Divemedic · August 31, 2024 at 7:13 pm
Not done quite yet, but that time approaches
Ford Falcon · August 31, 2024 at 8:00 pm
Pay for porn or poosie?
Anonymous · August 31, 2024 at 11:43 pm
> I am fairly sure that the Vegas shooting was a US intel operation. The recent assassination attempt on Trump appears to be one as well.
Everything is a Deep State operation. That’s what the Deep State does; that’s the point of the Deep State. Firing on Fort Sumter was Deep State. Deep State is not a new idea; the Egyptians who build pyramids with tax funding were Deep State.
> I think that the nation state that is funding the rigging of US elections is none other than the US government itself.
The political science term is “permanent bureaucracy”. Britain did a documentary TV series on this called “Yes, Minister”, which was sold as a comedy. I imagine all of you conservatives meeting in the same Nazi camp barracks, and realizing you were all touching parts of the same statist elephant.
> This would explain why the left has so much money, how the riots and election shenanigans were so well coordinated, and how the Wuhan lab was being funded by Fauci to perform gain of function research is all explained when looked at through this lens. It explains why almost no one in the riots of 2020 faced jail time, while those who participated in J6 are rotting away even four years later, many without trials and only charged with trespassing or other minor crimes.
Anonymous · August 31, 2024 at 11:58 pm
The libertarian conclusion is that every “government” is an organized crime protection racket, with an established state religion hiding its reality as a protection racket. In the US the established church is the public school system…which you worked for, in an attempt to get it to perform as its sales pitch said it would.
IcyReaper · September 1, 2024 at 10:50 am
Bingo, my friend. As an thought provoking aside. What very large .GOV world dominating organization has never been able to pass an financial audit no mater how hard some very good auditors try to find where the money has disappeared to. Trillions are missing from their accounts, think about what that much money can be used for.
As for the Jews comments, me personally I don’t judge or hate people for who or what they are but I do judge them for their actions. In this case as in much or the worlds problems there seems to be a strange coincidence where its seems a group of people who are a small portion of the population of the world, as of 2023 it was .02%, always seem to be in central positions of power(especially as it relates going back centuries to the managing by European elite families) that cause harm worldwide, ferment chaos and control large amounts of money that is used for bad things. For a lot of folks that says things. Whether that belief is right or wrong or doesn’t matter is up for debate.
Divemedic · September 1, 2024 at 11:36 am
One of the reasons why Jews did so well historically is that Christians were prohibited by the church from charging interest on loans. For that reason, it was those of the Jewish faith that owned the banks and became successful merchants.
IcyReaper · September 2, 2024 at 12:06 pm
DM, that’s very true and says quite a bit about some religions getting involved in things they don’t comprehend. I’m not arguing interest and predatory interest rates, there has to be a balance for progress. Personally, I hate bankers probably more than most.
Divemedic · September 2, 2024 at 1:53 pm
Bankers are needed for a modern economy to function.
Aesop · September 2, 2024 at 10:23 am
Blog, schmog. World That Used To Be problems.
if things go to crap, what will follow shall become, in the words of Ernest Hemingway, like no other pursuit in the world.
Instead of despairing, people should load more magazines, with a cheerful outlook.
Summer Ends, 2024 – Western Rifle Shooters Association · September 2, 2024 at 10:43 am
[…] https://areaocho.com/how-the-feds-put-their-thumb-on-the-scale/ […]
Another Pathetic Example of Anarcho-Tyranny · September 2, 2024 at 6:25 pm
[…] How the Feds Put Their Thumb On The Scale […]
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