First Domino?

Now that the Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified Trump from holding any public office, will this be the first domino? Are we seeing the first steps towards the 2024 cheat? Is this the next step in an American dictatorship?

Here is the tracker. This is important. Colorado is out of play for Trump, meaning that even if he DOES get the Republican nomination, he has just lost 10 electoral votes. Now Biden doesn’t have to cheat or even run for office in that state. He is the default winner. Watch this closely. If only ten states disqualify Trump, there is no point in even having the election. It’s a done deal.

The Republicans have no balls. If they did, Colorado delegates would not be seated at the convention.

It’s a good thing that the Democrats saved our Democracy, eh?

Let’s See Them Enforce It

The Supreme Court in June of this year ruled that the President doesn’t have the authority to forgive student loans, only Congress, with COTUS stating that all spending bills originate in the house, does.

Yesterday, another 813,000 people got letters in the mail, telling them that their student loans have been forgiven. To date, 3.6 million borrowers will have had $127 billion in student loan debt wiped out since Biden took office. The government isn’t even ensuring that the people borrowing the money are being truthful on their applications.

This President is simply ignoring the Supreme Court while his supporters are calling those supporting his opponents “fascists.” So what is fascism? The communists on the left have redefined it to mean a mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen.

However, the guy who invented fascism, Benito Mussolini, had this to say:

Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter’s prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes’ excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire (l926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud.”

Consider some of the components of fascist economics: central planning, heavy state subsidies, protectionism (high tariffs), steep levels of nationalization, rampant cronyism, large deficits, high government spending, bank and industry bailouts, overlapping bureaucracy, massive social welfare programs, crushing national debt, bouts of inflation and “a highly regulated, multiclass, integrated national economic structure.”

Tell me if this doesn’t describe the Democrat platform…

But instead, the left claims that they are a liberal democracy that supports individual rights, competitive elections, and political dissent, even while they cheat at elections, suppress dissent by deplatforming anyone who disagrees with them, and tosses their political opponents in prison.

The left claims that Trump and his supporters are fascists because they advocate for the overthrow of the existing system of government and the persecution of political enemies, even as they openly advocate for the same.

But now we have an Executive that simply ignores rulings of the Supreme Court when he finds it convenient to do so, and he is doing it because a Harvard Professor told him to back in June:

The central tenet of the solution that we recommend—Popular Constitutionalism—is that courts do not exercise exclusive authority over constitutional meaning. In practice, a President who disagrees with a court’s interpretation of the Constitution should offer and then follow an alternative interpretation. If voters disagree with the President’s interpretation, they can express their views at the ballot box. 

How can they express their feelings at the ballot box, when the ballot box is no longer a representation of the will of the people?

Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism 1914-1945, Madison: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1995, p. 7.

Unproven Allegations

Democrats in Pennsylvania are aghast at the appearance that voting machines in that state were flipping votes, prompting a shutdown of yesterday’s election. We tried to tell you that it was happening in 2020, but ABC told us that we were wrong, PBS fact-checked the claim, and so did the AP. In fact, the entire MSM leftist propaganda machine said those claims were unproven and wrong.

We have the most secure elections, ever. EVER. If you think that 2024 isn’t going to be just as rigged and phony, I have a snow skiing lodge in the beautiful mountains of Florida near Mount Dora to sell you.

Just to be Clear

Segments of the US government were working with the Chinese government to release a plague that they jointly researched so the rules for elections could be changed to put a Chinese agent in the Whitehouse.

Thus bringing about the end of the United States and catapulting China into the #1 spot. Does that about cover the last three years?

AI Knows the Truth

The left has their panties in a bunch because Amazon’s AI system has been telling people that the 2020 election was rigged. They have since overrode the AI and instructed it to no longer believe this. It isn’t as though the fine people at Time magazine didn’t already admit that this is exactly what happened.

They claim that they are trying to keep the AI from making false claims. What they are really doing is trying to stop even computer systems from realizing and distributing fraud. .

Steal the Vote, 2024 edition

Pennsylvania will now automatically register Pennsylvanians to vote when they obtain or renew identification cards and driver licenses. Twenty-three mostly Democrat run states and Washington, DC have enacted some form of automatic voter registration. That won’t ever be abused or used to affect an election. Biden had this to say:

To be fair, it was his PR team that said that. What Biden actually said was along the lines of:

And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are — why can’t the experts say we know that this is, in fact — is going to be — or, excuse me — we know why all the voters are temporarily approved, but my son Beau. That’s underway, too. I expect that to occur quickly as I used to work at the DMV in a black neighborhood. Don’t see that coming, did you, Jack?

Republican Party

So far Michigan, Connecticut, and New Hampshire’s Secretary of State are saying that they will not permit Trump to be on the ballot. Lawsuits have been filed in Florida and Colorado to have Trump barred from appearing on the ballot.

The nonprofit advocacy groups Free Speech For People and Mi Familia Vota Education Fund invoked that clause Wednesday when they sent letters to the chief election officials in nine states, including Griswold in Colorado, requesting that they exclude Trump, a Republican, from their state’s ballots. Mi Familia Vota is affiliated with La Raza, a racist communist group that seeks to overthrow the US government. I have blogged and warned my readers about them for over 15 years.

The loss of the electoral votes of the states indicating that they will bar Trump from the ballot: California, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon and Pennsylvania would give Biden 319 electoral votes, making it a lock that the Democrats will win the 2024 election. The fix is in, and the 2024 election is a done deal.

Our government is being overthrown, yet the Republicans not only sit and do nothing, they actively support the insurrection. I maintain that our government was ousted in a coup and the Republicans are supporting it.

Florida has a closed primary. That means the only way you get to vote for a candidate is to be registered to vote as a member of his party. I am currently registered as a Republican, and I will be voting for Donald Trump in the primary. I will not be voting for anyone else in any other race. Once I have voted, I will immediately change my registration to “no party affiliation.” Why?

Because I used to think that the Republicans were spineless cowards. I now realize that there is no such thing as a RINO. The typical Republican is a power hungry weasel who will say whatever they have to say in order to remain in office and in power. They don’t care about the voters, nor do they care about the nation. I can no longer vote for any of our current politicians.