In case you needed another piece of evidence that the 2020 election was stolen: the US Census bureau has confirmed that moar Americans voted than there were voters.
Rigging the vote
The Payoff
A Republican who was willing to sellout and voted to impeach Trump is probably going to be anointed as the next governor of New York, now that Cuomo has fallen from favor.
Cuomo was becoming too much of a force in the Democrat party, and the Harris administration couldn’t have a challenger for power, so Cuomo was politically eliminated. The Democrats need token Republicans who can be used for claims of “bipartisanship” but can also be controlled like the cucks that they are. Who better than a guy who values his chances in the next election so much that he will sellout if he thinks it will benefit his election chances?
Now that the Democrats have proven that they can outright steal an election and then publish a news story in Time Magazine admitting it and no one will stop them, no one gets into office over their objections. The ballots that were used to game the election in 2020 were a rush job, with Biden getting votes on ballots that had no down voting. Expect that to change in future elections. The next time, they will begin printing ballots weeks in advance. They will select the tame candidates from the President all the way down to dogcatcher.
John Katko has proven that he is tame and will vote as he is told to by his left wing masters.
Power Grab
As an atheist, I still believe that the right to worship whatever god you wish is a basic freedom that this government was established to protect. I also do not believe that the government should have the power to lock us in our homes, COVID or not.
To further establish a set of rules allowing people to leave for massages, dining out, or pedicures while prohibiting church services is an even larger violation. For that reason, I think that SCOTUS got it right in the Tandon decision. I also think that Roberts has been compromised. They have some kind of leverage against him.
Still, the left has GOT to demonize the Supreme Court so that they can get the kind of changes in the system that they are looking for. You see, they have discovered how to rig elections, but all of that is in jeopardy as long as there is a branch of government that can’t be replaced with rigged elections. That means that, if the Communists Democrats want to seize power, the judicial branch MUST be brought to heel.
SCOTUS will be eliminated in practice, if not in name. Expect to see the likes of Justice Obama, Justice Clinton, and justices who are even more extreme. For that reason, stories like this need to be written by the left.
Rigging the vote
Biden not moderate?
Who knew that a President who was elected after the most brazen and visible election fraud in American history would not rule as a moderate?
Don’t tell me there was no fraud- they have come out and admitted that the election was stolen by conspiracy in Time magazine, no less. The only difference is the ones who did claim they did it to save the country.
Rigging the vote
Not voting out of this
I posted earlier that the Democrats are pushing to eliminate the caucus in favor of a more easily rigged primary. They aren’t stopping there. Today, President Biden signed an executive order, ordering the FedGov to make it easier for more people to register and to vote. Sounds very fair and reasonable, right?
Except it is intended to assist prisoners and criminals in voting.
How many of you still think we are “going to get them in 2024?”
Rigging the vote
Rigging the primaries
The Democrats continue with their plan of rigging the election process in their favor. This time, they are concentrating on eliminating the caucus in favor of primary voting. Voting is easier to manipulate, as we saw with the last few elections. Don’t believe in rigged primaries? Ask Bernie Sanders what he thinks about that.
They even admit that it is being done to exclude white voters.
Rigging the vote
Altering the deal
Those who voted for Biden because he promised them $2,000 checks are upset that he is altering the deal. What do you expect from the dark side?
Rigging the vote
Dems to set election standards
Like I have been saying, the Democrats are going to change the rules so that no one but them will ever win control of the government again. The Republicans who say “we will get them next time” are deluding themselves.
Democrats make federal election standards a top priority
There won’t be a next time.
Rigging the vote
Illegals get representation
Thanks to Biden ordering the census to count illegal immigrants, Congress will soon represent citizens of other nations. This is another way that Democrats will rig the system to ensure that they win every election. Meanwhile, the Republicans are trying to play by a set of rules, claiming that “cheating just isn’t who we are.”
Rigging the vote
Democrat forever voting act
Congress will start early. They have introduced HR1, a 791 page act that will allow anyone to vote, same day voter registration, registration over the Internet, no ID requirement, and vote by mail without signature or any other verification of identity in order to vote.
Like I have been saying: If you think that the Communists will EVER lose another election, you are fooling yourself. Sure, a few token “tame” Republicans (Murkowski, Romney, etc.) will win an election here and there, so the Dems can claim “bipartisan support,” but the game is over.