All of the talk shows today were talking about two things: Donald Trump’s impending arrest, and last night’s Republican Presidential Debates. Even Larry Correia is going on and on about how Trump can’t win, and we need to support one of the guys from the debate last night. He seems to think that the left wants Trump to be the nominee because they know that Biden will beat him because everyone hates Trump. Here is Trump’s mugshot:

All things being equal, I don’t think Trump is a great choice. Mostly because we know the swamp will fight him every step of the way, and let’s face it, he is old. Still, he is polling with such a large lead that all of the Republican candidates combined couldn’t beat him. With that being said, I am not really liking any of the other candidates, either.
- Christie is a RINO gun grabber authoritarian that will actually be worse than Biden.
- DeSantis is a great governor here in Florida, but he is too polished, and too much a favorite of the establishment Republicans, and of the MSM. I don’t trust what he is selling.
- Vivek is too young and naïve. He isn’t ready.
- Pence will never get the MAGA vote. They will stay home before electing him. There is no path forward for a candidate that doesn’t have the MAGA vote. They are half of the Republican base, for crying out loud.
- The rest of the field either has no shot or is even worse.
When it comes election time, Trump is still the best choice. I don’t think that it matters.
The talking heads were asking callers if it came to a choice between Biden and Republican X, what would you do in the election. Most of them said that if Trump were not the candidate, they would stay home. That’s important, and I will explain.
The cheat, the fix, is in.
Trump wins the Republican nomination. It is obvious that he will do so in a landslide. At least one of his trials will happen at some point between now and June 4, the date of the last Republican primary. The Democrats are likely to get at least one conviction on the 91 charges that Trump is facing. Sorry, but Federal prosecutors have better than a 90% conviction rate. They only need one conviction on one charge for this to work. That one conviction will be enough of a fig leaf for at least some Democrat Secretaries of State to deny Trump from appearing on the ballot, claiming that the conviction bars him from running under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. If even six states, currently with a Democrat as Secretary of state don’t put him on the ballot, the Democrat runs unopposed:
- Arizona (11 electoral votes)
- Illinois (20 electoral votes)
- Michigan (16 electoral votes)
- Minnesota (10 electoral votes)
- Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes)
- Wisconsin (10 electoral votes)
Do the math. Losing those six swing states would deny Trump 87 electoral votes and make it virtually impossible for him to get the 270 votes needed to win the election. They don’t need to stuff a single ballot box. That doesn’t require them to pull any other shenanigans. They don’t need Oprah, Big Mike, or even Newsome. All they need is a single conviction.
There is enough hatred of Trump among the establishment Republicans that I don’t think the party will put up more than token resistance. You know, like they are now. Some strongly worded letters, fiery speeches, that sort of thing. Even if they do scream- what can they do? We have already seen what good lawsuits and lawyers do.
So as far as worrying about the debates and all of that?
I don’t think it matters. There will not be another Republican in the White House, and the Republicans in charge of the party don’t care, as long as they get to keep their cushy positions.