Presidential Race: One Scenario

All of the talk shows today were talking about two things: Donald Trump’s impending arrest, and last night’s Republican Presidential Debates. Even Larry Correia is going on and on about how Trump can’t win, and we need to support one of the guys from the debate last night. He seems to think that the left wants Trump to be the nominee because they know that Biden will beat him because everyone hates Trump. Here is Trump’s mugshot:

All things being equal, I don’t think Trump is a great choice. Mostly because we know the swamp will fight him every step of the way, and let’s face it, he is old. Still, he is polling with such a large lead that all of the Republican candidates combined couldn’t beat him. With that being said, I am not really liking any of the other candidates, either.

  • Christie is a RINO gun grabber authoritarian that will actually be worse than Biden.
  • DeSantis is a great governor here in Florida, but he is too polished, and too much a favorite of the establishment Republicans, and of the MSM. I don’t trust what he is selling.
  • Vivek is too young and naïve. He isn’t ready.
  • Pence will never get the MAGA vote. They will stay home before electing him. There is no path forward for a candidate that doesn’t have the MAGA vote. They are half of the Republican base, for crying out loud.
  • The rest of the field either has no shot or is even worse.

When it comes election time, Trump is still the best choice. I don’t think that it matters.

The talking heads were asking callers if it came to a choice between Biden and Republican X, what would you do in the election. Most of them said that if Trump were not the candidate, they would stay home. That’s important, and I will explain.

The cheat, the fix, is in.

Trump wins the Republican nomination. It is obvious that he will do so in a landslide. At least one of his trials will happen at some point between now and June 4, the date of the last Republican primary. The Democrats are likely to get at least one conviction on the 91 charges that Trump is facing. Sorry, but Federal prosecutors have better than a 90% conviction rate. They only need one conviction on one charge for this to work. That one conviction will be enough of a fig leaf for at least some Democrat Secretaries of State to deny Trump from appearing on the ballot, claiming that the conviction bars him from running under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. If even six states, currently with a Democrat as Secretary of state don’t put him on the ballot, the Democrat runs unopposed:

  • Arizona (11 electoral votes)
  • Illinois (20 electoral votes)
  • Michigan (16 electoral votes)
  • Minnesota (10 electoral votes)
  • Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes)
  • Wisconsin (10 electoral votes)

Do the math. Losing those six swing states would deny Trump 87 electoral votes and make it virtually impossible for him to get the 270 votes needed to win the election. They don’t need to stuff a single ballot box. That doesn’t require them to pull any other shenanigans. They don’t need Oprah, Big Mike, or even Newsome. All they need is a single conviction.

There is enough hatred of Trump among the establishment Republicans that I don’t think the party will put up more than token resistance. You know, like they are now. Some strongly worded letters, fiery speeches, that sort of thing. Even if they do scream- what can they do? We have already seen what good lawsuits and lawyers do.

So as far as worrying about the debates and all of that?

I don’t think it matters. There will not be another Republican in the White House, and the Republicans in charge of the party don’t care, as long as they get to keep their cushy positions.

Tone Deaf

Trump Shirt

Now that Georgia has filed charges against Trump, the Fulton County Sheriff has announced that he will be posting a mugshot of Trump online within days.

My prediction is that he will sell that picture on a T-shirt, and it will be the best selling mugshot on a shirt since Tupac. However, Trump will not enter the Whitehouse ever again, even if it means that he has a lethal case of Polonium poisoning. Remember the one thing about that “turn Trump into Tupac” statement: Tupac was murdered and to this very day, no one knows who did it.

This is being done to keep him out of the White House. They will stop at nothing.

Vivek Ramaswamy

I was listening the radio the other day, and the host was interviewing Vivek Ramaswamy. A lot of the things he had to say made sense to me. I thought to myself that I could easily vote for him.

Then I found out that he believes it’s wrong to kill animals for “culinary pleasure” (i.e. eating them). Holding an opinion like that is a deal breaker for me in a Presidential candidate. Why? If he really believes that it is wrong to kill and eat animals, he will be willing to pass and support laws and policies that make it more difficult to eat meat.

I also don’t think it will matter. I think that the elections going forward are rigged, but will continue to vote anyway, because I may be wrong and it costs me virtually nothing to do so.

The Ballot Box is Gone

The battle for the nation’s electorate is over, and the statists have won. How did they do it? By realizing that it isn’t VOTERS that are required to win elections, nor is it VOTES. No, what is required to win elections is BALLOTS. The Republicans still can’t grasp this, and are spending all of their time and efforts in trying to make sure that one person gets one vote.

That’s so old fashioned and last decade.

With their hold on the nation’s governor’s offices firmly established, having added control of the state legislatures in both Michigan and Minnesota, Democrats are going to keep changing election rules nationwide. Their wish list of proposals for 2023 includes expanding automatic voter registration systems, preregistering teenagers to vote, lowering the voting age to 16, granting the franchise to felons, and criminalizing anything that the left disagrees with as “disinformation.” Anyone who opposes these policies will be branded as a racist.

Look at what is happening here- by focusing on the harvesting of ballots instead of votes, the Democrats can get elected, even if and when their policies are unpopular. Automatic voter registration means that everyone is registered to vote, no questions asked. Couple that with automatic mail in balloting where each voter gets mailed a ballot, and you have millions of ballots going out to people who aren’t even aware that they are registered to vote. Why, there are ballots going out to registered voters who aren’t real, living people. Those ballots are being mailed to addresses that don’t even exist.

During the 2020 election, Michigan’s Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent out automatic voter registration forms to all eligible Michigan residents. As a result, 114,000 people were added to Michigan’s voter rolls, with many being fake registrations. By padding state voter rolls with new unlikely voters, Democrats can harvest those ballots and put their candidates over the top. There are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations are solely dedicated to this, and we know this because of the FTX scandal.

Don’t expect that to change in 2024. Republicans are playing a losing game akin to playing Monopoly against someone who is the banker and is willing to give themselves interest free loans from the bank. The ballot box is gone. There are laws coming that intend on destroying the soap box. There aren’t all that many boxes left.

Not a Theory

The nerds over at Wikipedia define a conspiracy theory as:

A conspiracy theory is an explanation for an event or situation that asserts the existence of a conspiracy by powerful and sinister groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable. The term generally has a negative connotation, implying that the appeal of a conspiracy theory is based in prejudice, emotional conviction, or insufficient evidence.

A deeper dive into the Twitter files shows that the Federal government was sending so many requests for censorship to Twitter that the company was having to triage the requests. Twitter was receiving requests from more than 80 agencies- everyone from the DOD to the FBI.

This wasn’t a few rogue employees. This was a coordinated effort by hundreds of employees of dozens of federal agencies to influence the election. At this point, you can consider all branches of government to be suspect: Local and Federal agencies all working together to put their thumb on the scale.

There is more than enough evidence here to show that this was not just some conspiracy that exists only in the minds of paranoid wearers of tin foil hats. This did happen and is happening. Our nation is no longer a republic with democratically elected representatives.

It’s Almost Too Easy To Predict

A week ago, I pointed out that it would be easy to harvest ballots from dementia patients who are in a residential nursing facility. A person could use their personal information to obtain mail in ballots before voting for them, and there you go- 200 votes for the candidate of your choice. It turns out that this is exactly what happened in Pennsylvania, and Democrat voting boards voted to allow it.

That’s right- one person is allowed to receive 100 ballots at a time.

Never mind that this is contrary to the law in PA. That’s what they are doing.

Say Goodbye to Your Job & Your Country

According to Schumer, Americans aren’t reproducing fast enough to give us enough workers, so we need to grant full amnesty to all illegal immigrants.

By 2024, there will be 30 million more voters. They will vote for Democrats. How do I know this? Because of illegals voted for Republicans, you would be able to see the wall from space, and Schumer would have been the one to have it built.

I have said it before, and it bears repeating- The US has already had its last free and fair election. The US will no longer exist by 2030. We will be in a single party dictatorship by that point. It’s over. Call me black pilled, but I just can’t see any way forward at this point.