I’m Not the Only One

There are some great articles from this weekend that explain what happened to recent elections.

There is the Conservative Treehouse, explaining how ballot submission assistance is being used to rig elections.

Sara Hoyt has a great post up, explaining that yes, there WAS fraud in this past election. A quote:

Unless you can say with a straight face the following sentences: “Joe Biden had the most votes of any president ever elected, and the smallest loss of any midterm first term president ever. I guess he’s the most popular and charismatic president in America and all this time it was Barrack Obama holding him down” it was fraud.

Cheating takes money. John over at Wilder, Wealthy, and Wise details how it was financed. Hint: The war in Ukraine was actually a money laundering operation. I will leave you with a summary photo from the same blog.

This Smells

Nevada. It’s election night. Laxalt, the Republican candidate, is ahead in the count and it seems that the Republicans are on the way to winning control of the Senate. Check out this timeline from Wednesday, November 9:

  • The poll workers who are counting ballots and election observers go home for the night at 2230.
  • At 2324, all security cameras in the facility fail.
  • At 0753 on 10NOV, the security cameras are restored. 8 hours of no video, no observers, a completely unguarded and unobserved room containing up to 70,000 uncounted ballots with minimal security.
  • The election officials claim that no one entered the ballot counting rooms in the interim.
  • But no proof of fraud, right?

Then the Democrat wins. In every state with mail in voting where ballot counting is delayed, the Democrats pull out amazing wins that defy history, polling, and statistical analysis. There are anomalies like missing camera footage, ballots being delivered in the middle of the night, election observers denied access. People notice and comment on this.

Then the Democrats demand concrete evidence, knowing that it will never be found because they made sure there were no witnesses. They threw out observers, the disabled cameras, the “trust me” attitude of people who, just last week were wishing for our deaths and demanding we be fired because we didn’t want to wear a mask or take a vaccine. Then they called out two divisions of armed troops in the Capitol to prevent protests.

The movie 2000 Mules laid out evidence- there was video of people stuffing ballot boxes. The statistical anomalies. Tons of evidence. All dismissed out of hand. So to those who think that the election was on the up and up, what evidence would you be willing to accept that the election was a fraud? Keeping in mind that a rumor of Russian collusion was enough for many of you in 2016, how much evidence do you need now? What standard will you set?

I am betting that no amount of evidence, video, statistical improbabilities, or other evidence will suffice.


Now that the assholes who were the censors over at Twitter have been fired, the platform is now fun again. I am involved in a discussion of voter fraud on the platform, and have attracted the attention of a few lefties who are frankly pissed off that I think the 2020 election, and by extension, the 2022 election, were rigged. They asked how it was possibly rigged. I responded with:

The same way it worked in Broward county Florida before it was fixed: the Dems keep “finding” boxes of Democrat ballots over several days until their guy wins.

So, they ask. How did Florida count votes so quickly this time? My answer:

Because Florida counts votes with machine. You scan your ballot in, and it gets recorded right there. In AZ case, they WANT it to take longer, so they have time to “find” more ballots in order to get their desired outcome.

One of them is claiming to be a lawyer with 28 years of experience is demanding that I provide evidence of this. When I did, he dismissed it all as “rantings of right wing click bait sites.” When I pointed out that a summary of my grievances was found at here at Larry Correia’s site, he dismissed it out of hand by saying that “some rando on the Internet calling himself a monster hunter isn’t reliable.” Then began with the statements about “Not one legal case has been brought that proves fraud.” Then began quoting cases that didn’t say what he claimed that they did. So I pointed out that Twitter isn’t a court of law, and I don’t need to build a legal case in order to have an opinion.

That was when a list of other lefties came in and began telling me things like this:

That’s no excuse for paranoid, delusional ranting on your part. Spreading election misinformation is against the rules here, by the way.

Then it progressed to this:

I have reported this guy to Twitter. With the way things are going, they probably won’t do anything.

Twitter still hasn’t done anything. Even if they do, it isn’t hard to set up a gmail account and use it to get a new Twitter account. You can’t silence us. The people who believe one way or the other won’t be swayed, but people on the fence can see these oddities for themselves. So I taunt them when I can.

Let This Sink In

In the time it has taken California, Arizona and Nevada to count 70-80% of the votes from this election, Florida counted 100% of 9 million votes. After doing that, the state was hit by a hurricane and then rebuilt a road that was damaged by that hurricane. The left (and Trump) can bitch about Ron DeSantis all they want, but the man gets results.

Florida was the laughing stock of the country in 2000, and all we heard about was how Floridians can’t count. We fixed that, even though the lefties counting votes in Broward did their best to cheat the vote.

Florida has the rep of being “Florida Man” and the rest of the country talks about us like we are incompetent morons. We know how to fix hurricane damage, though.

I, for one, am relieved

The agency that is in charge of ensuring that our elections couldn’t be tampered with, the CISA, has declared that our election systems were, once again, completely secure. There were no shenanigans in this election. No siree, we are on the job, and can assure you that everything is in tip top shape over here. Everything is just as secure as it was in 2020, when it was revealed that the CISA was working with leftist lobbying groups and leftist corporations to lock down the most secure election ever. Ever.

If you don’t believe this, you are a threat to US security.

Election Watch

This morning we enter Election Day III: The Search for More Ballots (special thanks to Mel Brooks), Congress is still very much a tossup. In the Senate races, the two parties are in a dead heat at 48D and 49R, with a Senate seat each from Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia still to be decided. Best case I can see at this point is that the parties split Arizona and Nevada. Georgia will be a runoff. If that one goes to the Democrats, we have a 50-50 Senate and the Vice President remains the tie breaker. I still think that the Democrats will wind up with 51 seats. I hope I am wrong.

In the House, things are a mess. What should have been a clear Republican victory has degenerated into a 192D to 210R race. There are 33 seats still left to be decided.

It takes 218 seats for a majority, but remember that there are some RINOs there who will undoubtedly break from the rest of the party to give the Dems what they want. It would take at least 230 seats for the Republicans to have a firm grip on the House, and that isn’t in the cards. This is one of the reasons why the Democrats are so much more effective than the Republicans- they know how to be team players and stick together.

Both sides in this are claiming victory, but we won’t know that until we know who controls Congress. Still, people and businesses have skin in the game, and the stock market is reacting to the election. It was down yesterday as everyone knows that the Democrats are bad for business and the economy.

The left and their mouthpieces are busy claiming that there are no shenanigans even as they say that it will take weeks to count the ballots in some races. That is complete and utter horseshit. The state of Florida managed to count nearly 8 million ballots in less than an hour and a half, but California has weeks of counting mail in ballots ahead. Mail in balloting allows for a level of election fraud that is perfect if you are the party that wants to rig elections. Imagine a single Democrat operative filling out and mailing in 200 ballots for the dementia-ridden residents of the nursing home where she works as a nurse’s aid or the community organizer who fills out ballots for the 300 homeless drug addicts that frequent his shelter. This is how election officials mysteriously “find” boxes of ballots that are all in favor of Democrats days and even weeks after the election. Florida used to have the same problem, with Broward county ALWAYS finding several bags containing a few thousand Democrat votes days later. Replace a few election officials, tighten up some election laws, and create a law enforcement unit dedicated to finding this sort of criminal activity, and that problem is solved. The difference is that California and the Democrats WANT these sorts of opportunities.

The cold war, albeit with some warm spikes, between the communists and the forces of freedom, continues. Let’s hope that it doesn’t flare up into full blown warfare in the near future.

Where We Stand & What’s Next

As I sit and write this post on Wednesday afternoon, the election is still in doubt. There are 41 seats left to be decided in the House, with 14 looking like they are leaning Republican- but 5 of the ones leaning Republican are in California and three are in New York. The Democrats have a slight edge in 25 of those races. The Republicans need 14 more seats to control the House and the Democrats need 27. In other words, control of the House can go either way, especially since only about a third of CA precincts have reported yet. Too close to call, but the left is too good at cheating for this not to go their way.

In the Senate, the vote is split at 48 apiece, but Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada are still waiting results while Georgia will have a runoff. Arizona was one of the states that had “problems.” I expect that the Dems will end up with 51 seats and will also own the Senate.

There is every possibility that the Democrats come away controlling both houses of Congress and the Whitehouse. The left even openly bragged about this a week ago: they said that results would take days, and that the Republicans wouldn’t like it. I’m calling it now- this is open shenanigan territory. It isn’t as blatant and in your face as 2020, but the fix was still in.

Say that I am black pilled if you will, but as I said two years ago, we have already had our last free and fair election in this country.

So what comes next? There will be some base pandering- codifying Roe, some stuff like that. There will be a laundry list of new laws passed. I predict that:

  • SCOTUS will get term limits. Expect Thomas and Roberts to go first.
  • Gun control is coming. Expect a new AWB to be the first law.
  • Moves will be made to solidify the Democrat power base. Expect a “voting rights act” to be passed that makes it far easier for the Dems to stay in power.
  • There will be some sort of law passed that allows them to censor social media and/or take control of Twitter from Elon Musk.

What other priorities do you see?

Military Controlling Elections? Banana Republic Much?

The CISA, who is the same agency that has been tasked with controlling ‘disinformation’ on the Internet by instructing Social Media companies on censorship, is in charge of commanding the cybersecurity brigades of the National Guard during the election. Those brigades have been activated to “secure” the elections tomorrow.

So the same national guard that deployed several divisions of troops to lock down DC is now going to be overseeing US elections while under Federal control. This is seriously some banana republic shit. Since when does the military get involved in US elections? What would we say if another country was using the military to oversee elections?

The NG also provided the same “help” in the 2020 election. That’s why it was so secure, I guess. They are using the now debunked claims of “Russian collusion” from 2016 as the justification for military intervention in the election. The units will be operating in Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington and West Virginia. Keep an eye on those elections.

Watching for Shenanigans

For every US election, we knew the results within hours of the polls closing. Even the great contested election of 2000 saw the results being posted within hours. Until 2020, that is. Now all of a sudden, the White House is claiming that it will take days to know the results.

For weeks, the polls have been showing a Republican landslide. The President has a -23 presidential approval index. History tells us that the incumbent President’s party always does poorly in the midterm elections, especially in times of economic downturn. If there is any result other than the Democrats taking a beating, you will know for sure that there are shenanigans. Doubly so if it takes days or weeks to get the results out.