Executive Orders

Executive orders are orders written by the chief executive, instructing executive branch employees in how they are to carry out their duties. In the case of the Federal government, the chief executive is the President, of course.

I have long been highly critical of how Executive orders have been used. They cannot be used to create laws out of whole cloth, as that is the job of the legislature. What EOs can be used for, however, is to instruct federal employees in how they will carry out the duties that have been assigned to them by law, in my opinion.

So that brings us to our current problem- there are state and local governments that are refusing to abide by or even comply with the enforcement of Federal law. Namely, there are cities who are refusing to comply with ICE in removing illegal immigrants from our country. I would wholeheartedly approve of an EO instructing Federal employees to refuse to issue or approve ANY grants or Federal funding to any local government who declares itself to be a sanctuary city. That would also include providing access to Federal programs like the NCIC or any other crime related database to any police department who refuses to comply with Federal law.

The entire Federal grant system is based upon Presidential Executive Order No. 12372, which was issued by President Reagan in July of 1982. That EO allows states to establish a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to review proposed federal financial assistance. So Trump could simply modify that EO to make this happen.

The Feds have been tying funding to their edicts for decades. It’s how 21 became the national drinking age nationwide– it’s time that the Trump team begin playing the game.


The US under Trump is set to deport and return illegals from Honduras back to their home country. In response, the President of Honduras is threatening to shut down a US military base that is located at the Soto Cano air base. She claims that the US maintains this military base without cost.

OK, shut down our air base and we will cut off all money that is given to Honduras in any form whatsoever. Last year, that came to more than $152 million in direct payments.

Why do we continue to give money to countries that hate us? The only reason I can come up with is – money laundering. I really believe that most government expenditures see some form of kickbacks coming to the people in our government who decide who gets what funding. That includes everyone- legislators, government bureaucrats, all of them. Most of our middle level, and all of our senior level government officials are crooked.

It needs to stop.


NORTHCOM has just announced increased security at all CONUS military installations, effective Monday morning:

The Commander of U.S. Northern Command has directed all military installations to immediately implement heightened security measures. These include:

100% ID checks

Random inspections

Suspension of the Trusted Traveler Program. (The Trusted Traveler Program was a procedure that allowed DoD-affiliated sponsors to vouch for vehicle occupants to gain entry onto an installation. )

Drivers should expect delays and random inspections at entry gates as we enhance the security posture of our installation to ensure our ability to project combat power when and where required. This is a critical step in ensuring the security and readiness of our installations. Drivers should expect delays at entry gates due to increased inspections.

Note that this move is supposedly in response to the events in New Orleans and Las Vegas, but if it was that serious, why wait nearly a week? Why would this move begin on the very morning that the Electoral College votes are to be certified?

Invading New York

Everyone has seen the video of the murdered woman on the New York subway who was killed when she was set on fire, so I won’t post a link to it here. It turns out that the asshole who is accused of committing the murder was deported in 2018, but immediately snuck back in just in time to commit at least one murder.

ICE issued an order to have him detained to Federal custody, but NY has refused the request, citing “sanctuary city” laws. If the state and city of New York can claim that Federal law doesn’t apply in their city, then DJT needs to issue a couple of executive orders on his first day.

  • All access to Federal law enforcement databases like NCIC will be suspended for the entire state of New York until such time as they participate with Federal Law Enforcement efforts
  • Any New York official who refuses to comply with Federal Law Enforcement gets arrested for obstruction. That includes the Governor, the mayo of NYC, state judges, and anyone else who says no to ICE detainers. If you or I refused to comply with a NY court order, we would go to jail, and we all know that “no one is above the law.”
  • All Federal funding or grants to NY are hereby suspended until NY pays by US law.

We all know that people in New York will then reply by claiming that they are not going to forward income tax payments, or some other nonsense. At that point, the President would then be permitted to declare that New York’s actions are making it impossible to enforce the law. The law here is 10 USC 252:

Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.

You’re reading this correctly- the President could then order Federal troops (or the NY National Guard, under Federal orders) to suppress the rebellion and enforce Federal immigration laws.

Just after this is complete, Trump should then tell any other “sanctuary cities” that they are next, unless they comply with the law.

As much as I feel that the Federal government is outside of its constitutional authority, enforcing immigration laws and defending the border is well within Federal purview.

What if the entire Barrel is Bad Apples?

Check this arrest of February 2023 out:

The guy was arrested for making an obscene hand gesture and 2 counts of obstruction for refusing to provide ID as a result of the unlawful stop. It’s a violation of the man’s Constitutional rights to initiate a traffic stop because you don’t like his hand gestures. The fact that the cop even admits this as a reason for the stop makes this case a slam dunk, IMO. The officer even put this in writing in his arrest report, claiming that giving the middle finger isn’t allowed, as it is a hand gesture that is not being used to signal a turn. You can read the arrest report here.

He was held in jail for four days on a cash only bail. The charge for hand gestures was dropped, and one of the obstruction charges was dropped. I expect the second one will go away as well, since the entire pretext for the stop is unconstitutional and a violation of Mr. Lambert’s rights. There is a lawsuit pending.

This is the same police department that paid a $3.5 million settlement when they stopped a pedestrian for not walking on the sidewalk. They shot the man 22 times, and even though he had been armed with a knife, it was after he was incapacitated, not moving, and was lying on top of the knife, thus he was no longer a threat to the officers.

Of course, the cops tried to hide behind qualified immunity. Sorry, but that legal concept has to go. Force cops to buy malpractice insurance. It’s one area where I disagree with Trump. Cops don’t deserve more immunity, because this will only get worse.

There are some who are trying to make this about race, but I don’t think that police abuse of power is about anything other than power corrupting those who wield it. It’s time that cops lost a bit of that plenipotentiary power.

Federal Issue

The man who killed the Unitedhealthcare CEO is being charged with the Federal crimes of stalking and murder. I don’t think that he should be. I would go one step further to say that stalking and murder shouldn’t be Federal crimes. Stalking and murder are already crimes in each and every one of the states. In this particular case, he committed both crimes and their predicates primarily within the state of New York.

If New York wants to charge him under those statutes, then the state of New York can request that he be extradited to stand trial, then so be it, but I don’t see where we need a Federal law making either of those acts a crime. In fact, I think that most laws at the Federal level can be dispensed with as redundant. The only exceptions would be crimes specifically against the Federal government, such as assassination of a Senator, accepting bribes, or other crimes that are particular to the operation of Federal government.

Otherwise, you might as well admit that the states are merely political subdivisions of the Federal whole and stop pretending that we are a United system of independent states.


Some of the cops who are acting as SROs in Orange county schools are demanding raises. This will result in $18 million in costs to the county for police coverage in schools located in 5 different Orange county cities. The school district says that they can’t afford it, so they are going to transition to using Guardians.

Don’t get excited. That doesn’t mean that teachers and other staff who want to carry concealed weapons will be permitted to do so. No, I have already posted on how the Guardian program is being misused because school administrators are leftists who only want guns in the hands of their friends.

Mom’s Demand Action is demanding that the schools simply find the money somehow.

It’s a little scary that our children’s safety can be negotiated, especially based on dollars

Yep, that’s the left- there is no tax to high, no gun control too onerous, no Constitutional right that is off limits, nor government spending that is too much when it comes to doing what they want done.

Keep in mind that cops who are charged with defending students have claimed in court that they don’t have to do anything, and the court has agreed.

Orange county was not previously a participant in the Guardian program. They would rather squander tens of millions of dollars each year in paying cops to arrest and hassle kids, but then hide in the parking lot when God forbid there IS an actual shooter.

When the Guardian program was first announced, I bought a new handgun just for what I thought it was going to be- armed teachers. I practiced with that firearm until I could exceed the minimum standards on the course of fire for Federal Air Marshals. Then the program was actually put in place, and what do you know- only cops and people who were politically connected were allowed to be part of it. May issue ALWAYS becomes a grift for leftists to steal more money from the public trough. It isn’t that the left is antigun, they are just only in favor of guns for other leftists.

Automatic Money Generators

Osceola county is installing cameras at schools that will issue speeding tickets to drivers who exceed the speed limit in front of schools. The county claims that a law enforcement officer will verify each infraction before a citation is issued.

We all know how that really works. About a decade ago, 2,000 Baltimore red light camera traffic citations which require a police officer to swear that he or she has reviewed the photos as showing a traffic violation when it was discovered that all the verification signatures on the citations issued were from an officer that had died a year before the citations were issued.

Hating Government

However much you hate the evil government we have, you don’t hate them enough. The latest installment is that time the Broward County Sheriff’s office made a bunch of crack cocaine, then had undercover deputies sell it purposely within 1,000 feet of a school so they could get 3 year sentences on those who bought from them.

The State Supreme Court has since ruled the actions to be unconstitutional entrapment, but thousands of convictions remain on people’s records.

Like the FBI, cops follow Ayn Rand’s theory:

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.