Not Turning in Shit

The “Keep Americans Safe Act” is a proposed Federal law that would ban the sale, transfer, possession, import, or manufacture of magazines over 15 rounds, with the obligatory carve out for law enforcement.

“We in Las Vegas know all too well what happens when a mass shooter is armed with a weapon equipped with a high-capacity magazine,” Congresswoman Titus said, referring to the 2017 Harvest Festival shooting that claimed the lives of 60 people. “As a gun owner myself, I know these are not for sport or hunting, they are killing machines. The Keep Americans Safe Act would protect families, law enforcement, and community members from this deadly form of gun violence.”

It would require all magazines that are manufactured to have a serial number permanently engraved on it. It also mandates the mandatory buyback (which of course is a politically palatable way of saying confiscation) of all magazines holding more than 15 rounds.

I am not turning in shit.

Your Rights are Just an Obstacle

This is the story about how cops will try to lie to gain entry to your house. As an example, I am going to use the story of Stephanie Rapkin, a woman who lived in Shorewood, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. She was 64 years old at the time of these events. She was on her way home in 2020 when BLM decided to stage a protest in front of her house. They were blocking traffic and wouldn’t allow her to get to her house. She got in a confrontation with a 17 year old protester and wound up spitting in his face. The confrontation was caught on film. She then went inside of her home. Police were called. She was arrested then released due to COVID restrictions.

This is what BLM and their willing accomplices do- they provoke a confrontation while filming it. Then the cops come over and arrest you. That’s exactly what happened here. Never open your door or speak to police, they aren’t there with your best interests in mind. This continued the next day, when BLM decided to protest directly in front of her house. This is how the press characterized it:

peaceful protesters showed up on the sidewalk of Rapkin’s home to denounce the actions she took the day prior. The woman came out of her home and again started arguing with the demonstrators. That exchange led to her slapping and shoving one of the protestors.

Shortly after, police arrived at Rapkin’s residence and attempted to arrest her. At that time Rapkin kneed an officer in the groin before she was placed in the cop car. Rapkin is (still alive and) now facing criminal charges for battery, disorderly conduct, resisting an officer and battery to law enforcement,

The cops spent the next 30 minutes knocking on her door, but she didn’t answer. Good for her. Eventually, the cops decided that she wasn’t opening the door because she was probably committing suicide, even though there was no evidence that this was the case. They used this pretext to kick down her door, enter her home, search her home, and arrest her. Rapkin, who is an attorney, pointed out to them that they were illegally in her home without a warrant, but they arrested her for disorderly conduct anyway, claiming that they were there to check on her welfare and didn’t need a warrant due to exigent circumstances. During the arrest, she kicked one of the cops in the balls. Good for her.

The left had what they wanted. They claimed that Rapkin had attacked while BLM was “peacefully protesting.” Her case went to trial, and she was convicted of misdemeanor disorderly conduct and was sentenced to 60 days in jail. The leftist press claimed that the majority of Americans agreed with BLM and pushed to have her disbarred. They got their wish, but not in the way that they intended.

The police were caught on camera before they entered the home, discussing how they were going to arrest her on sight, and discussing how to find a pretext to enter her home. Rapkin sued them, and the discussions about circumventing her rights were enough to prove that the cops knowingly violated Rapkin’s constitutional rights, thus removing their qualified immunity. The case was settled out of court for $760,000.

Ms. Rapkin is now disbarred, but not by discipline. She stopped paying dues because she retired. As they say, take the money and run. She is now nearly 70 years old. It’s cases like this that caused me to put Milwaukee in Zone 3:

Zone three cities are areas where violence has has taken place with little to no attempt at mitigating response from local authorities. Additionally, police and/or prosecutors are likely to bring the full weight of the law down upon those who attempt to defend themselves from these actors, or those who speak out against them.

Don’t think that, just because Trump won the election, that the cops, officials, and communists in Milwaukee have simply given up or decided to follow the law. No, they are simply biding their time until they can attack again. Stay out of Milwaukee. I wonder what the loss of USAID slush fund money has done to the movement?

Here is a lawyer’s perspective on this case:

Bayside Shooting

A pair of cops in Virginia Beach were shot and killed this weekend. The area of town in which they were killed is just a couple of miles where I was involved in an incident between myself, a couple of military guys, and a local street gang. The area where these cops were killed is lousy with gangs.

You can read about my own incident here in part one, then you can find the rest of the story in part two and in part three. It’s a good story that tells how I was once arrested for aggravated battery and discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle.

At any rate, it’s a bad neighborhood, and the VA Beach police are pretty ineffective, or at least they were 30 years ago when I lived there.

I used to express condolences to police when they were killed in the line of duty. I don’t any longer.

The Gulag

A long time ago, so long ago that the posts have been lost to time, I warned that we should not grant the powers of the Patriot Act or of the GWOT to the Republicans, lest we see those same powers granted to the left and abused by them. I was shouted down. I know some of those comments were made on the now defunct as well as on a couple of progun sites whose names I can no longer remember.

I didn’t take long. Even the Republicans abused them. For example, Sheriff Grady Judd abused the laws in order to shut down the website that made GW look bad. That was the case of Christopher Michael Wilson, who ran a website that allowed people to post nude pictures of women on the site, and it required a credit card to access, so that the Wilson would know that people accessing the site were adults. Military men complained that they could not do so while in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, because the web servers in those countries blocked credit cards from being processed by companies who promoted pornography. Because of this, Wilson allowed members who posted pictures from the war zone to have access to the site. The site became a photo journal that chronicled the Iraq war. It was one of the first sites to publish the Abu Grhaib pictures that so embarrassed former President Bush.

It eventually came to pass that Obama began abusing those same laws, declaring those who dared disagree with his policies.

It is those very laws, the same government policies and personnel, that were unleashed upon the enemies of the left, once Biden took office. I am talking about the way that the J6 rioters were treated. They were tortured, mistreated, and illegally held- despite all of the sturm und drang that was unleashed over the treatment of terrorists at Gitmo. Watch this video:

The comments to it are enlightening. The leftists on there who say “Well, next time he won’t trespass in the Capitol.” The issue is that Enrique Tarrio wasn’t convicted of being in the Capitol. He never, in fact, entered the building. Somehow, they took a man who was of mixed black/Cuban heritage and made people believe that he was a white supremacist.

I want you to replay every event in your life, especially the ones that can be used to paint you in an unflattering light. Now picture the left’s enforcement arm in the FBI spinning that in the worst way possible, then amplified and embellished by the MSM. Then they use it to toss you in the Gulag. That’s what happened here.

No matter how evil you think our government is, it is much worse than you can possibly imagine. Corrections officers are some of the most sadistic of the entire bunch. I watched a CO torture a man with my own eyes, then saw him lie about it, then watched as his own superiors told me and three other staff members that we didn’t see what we all just saw.

If you think that, just because Trump one an election, that the left has given up, you are sorely mistaken.

Pardons Don’t Mean Shit

President Donald Trump ordered that the defendants from January 6 be pardoned. As the chief executive, the power to issue pardons is absolute. That doesn’t mean shit to the leftist enforcers. Although Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson III have been pardoned for their actions on January 6, the Feds still would not drop the counts of failure to appear in court from 2023. Why didn’t they appear in court?

After reading stories about the abuse suffered at the hands of police that are detaining J6 defendants for trial, knowing how cops will abuse and torture prisoners, and how they are transferring them to Supermax prisons, many J6 defendants began simply skipping out on their trials and sentencing hearings:

So Pollock and Hutchinson did what many would have done- they simply removed their ankle monitors and skipped town. Because of that, the Feds decided that Trump’s pardon didn’t excuse them from criminal charges.

The good news is that a Federal judge ordered that the charges be dismissed. The Federal employees are refusing to obey orders. This is being replayed all over the government- there are employees and former military members who still are loyal to the commies that are trying to overthrow our government. They need to be rooted out- every last one of them.


Hating Government

However much you hate the evil government we have, you don’t hate them enough. The latest installment is that time the Broward County Sheriff’s office made a bunch of crack cocaine, then had undercover deputies sell it purposely within 1,000 feet of a school so they could get 3 year sentences on those who bought from them.

The State Supreme Court has since ruled the actions to be unconstitutional entrapment, but thousands of convictions remain on people’s records.

Like the FBI, cops follow Ayn Rand’s theory:

The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.

Not Murder in My Book

A man kidnaps and rapes a 14 year old girl. He is arrested and released on bond. A condition of the bond was that the man was to have no contact with the victim or her family.

That same night, the girl is again found to be missing at 1 am. The police and the girl’s father were looking for her. The father found her first. In a truck. In a park. With her rapist.

An argument ensued, shots rang out, and the rapist was dead.

The cops arrested the dad for first degree murder, and the dad is now out on bond. The cops said that there was no reason to shoot the man, because they were on the case.

“This guy that preyed upon their daughter was released on bond, and we had stopped him that night and got him with her,” the Sheriff said. “That bond would have been revoked. He would have never got out of jail. None of the bond companies would have let him out. We wouldn’t let him out.”

The mother of the child said that she and her husband were in fear that the man was going to murder their daughter.

“We absolutely called 911 during the entire event,” she wrote. “We had no idea this man was in contact with our child again. He was waiting 6-9 felonies for what he did, not 2. He was looking at the rest of his pathetic life in jail, and our daughter was the only witness.”

“Some things we will never know, but we know that the police department afforded this predator privacy they did not give our family,” she wrote. “I’m deeply offended by the way this was handled by the county sheriff’s office.”

The prosecutor has not yet filed any charges. Gofundme is not permitting the father to raise money for his defense, because they claim to not allow collections for legal defense of an alleged violent crime.

The child’s mother claims to know why the police are so determined to arrest her husband: the dead rapist was a retired police chief and former school resource officer from Indiana:

[The mother] said the Lonoke County Sheriff’s Office’s actions are proof that the sheriff “supports predators” and that he will prosecute those who are trying to protect their families.

I am not sure you will be able to assemble a jury that will find him guilty, unless the court wants to cheat the system and prevent the defense from mentioning the events that led up to the shooting.

I do know that in Florida, the law says that you can use lethal force to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony, which includes sexual battery and kidnapping. Of course that won’t stop a crooked cop or politically motivated prosecutor from charging you anyhow, leaving you penniless. Ask George Zimmerman how that works.


From the Interwebs comes this notice:

The wannabe dictator cites the state law 870.044 almost verbatim, but leaves out the important part:

870.044 Automatic emergency measures.—Whenever the public official declares that a state of emergency exists, pursuant to s. 870.043, the following acts shall be prohibited during the period of said emergency throughout the jurisdiction:

(1) The sale of, or offer to sell, with or without consideration, any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size or description.

(2) The intentional display, after the emergency is declared, by or in any store or shop of any ammunition or gun or other firearm of any size or description.

(3) The intentional possession in a public place of a firearm by any person, except a duly authorized law enforcement official or person in military service acting in the official performance of her or his duty.

Note that the pertinent part was left out- the state of emergency has to be declared pursuant to 870.043. What does that particular law have to say on the subject? State statute 870.043 reads:

870.043 Declaration of emergency.—Whenever the sheriff or designated city official determines that there has been an act of violence or a flagrant and substantial defiance of, or resistance to, a lawful exercise of public authority and that, on account thereof, there is reason to believe that there exists a clear and present danger of a riot or other general public disorder, widespread disobedience of the law, and substantial injury to persons or to property, all of which constitute an imminent threat to public peace or order and to the general welfare of the jurisdiction affected or a part or parts thereof, he or she may declare that a state of emergency exists within that jurisdiction or any part or parts thereof.

The state of emergency in Florida wasn’t due to an act of violence or a flagrant and substantial defiance of, or resistance to, a lawful exercise of public authority. It was due to an approaching hurricane. Therefore, the entire declaration of this tyrant was unlawful.

This is what tyrants do- they twist the law to suit their own purposes.

You Can’t Live There.

Peter and Aesop both ask the same question: Should the government ‘let’ people build a house in an area known to be prone to disasters like hurricanes? The reasons that they give:

  • it costs local and state authorities huge amounts to maintain access to such areas to protect them, fire and rescue departments to aid those living there during disasters, etc.;
  • Insurance companies typically won’t insure against hazards that are so easily foreseen, meaning that either they have to be compelled to do so through legislation, and/or subsidized to do so from taxpayers’ coffers, and/or have state-aided insurance plans such as flood insurance to cover the risks they will not.
  • There’s all the infrastructure (roads, power, water, sewage processing and disposal, maintenance, etc.).  That’s not just capital cost to provide them all, but ongoing running costs year in, year out.
  • There’s the expense of subsidizing and/or providing insurance coverage.
  • There’s the burden of restoring services to such areas when natural disasters disrupt them (which also means the resources devoted to doing that can’t be used in other areas where they may be needed, imposing additional delays and costs).
  • There’s the additional bureaucracy and complexity of legislation and/or regulation accompanying all of the above.

These positions seem reasonable. They are also tyrannical and wrong. If we were to grant government the power to declare that you can’t live somewhere because it is too expensive to provide services there, then you open the door to government getting involved and ruling over your entire life.

Owning guns is too dangerous, and therefore illegal. So is smoking, drinking alcohol, eating salt, eating fatty foods, and not exercising 1 hour per day. SCUBA and sky diving, contact sports, owning a car that is capable of speeds more than 40 miles per hour, as well as roller skates, bicycles, and air conditioning (Climate Change!) are all dangerous.

Governments were created, among other things, to provide for the common defense. Services like fire, police, and rescue are properly part of that response. Don’t tell me how we should have for profit fire and rescue services- we tried that, and it plain doesn’t work. (Seriously- read the link before you comment)

Water, power, roads, and all of those other services are paid for by companies that have been granted a monopoly by the government. They aren’t paid for by taxes in many cases, but by fees passed on to consumers.

Back to the subject- when the government decides that it’s most cost effective to make everyone live in tenements in downtown Detroit, come back and explain to me how you didn’t see that coming. But hey, you can sign on to the Green New Deal if you prefer.