DogKnight Armor

Did you know that the Bureau of Anything Terrifying FEinstein (BATFe) is preparing for the coming Assault weapons ban?

Don’t let YOUR dog become a victim. We here at DogKnight want to protect your dog from what is coming. Why, for just 4 easy payments of $462.78, you can get our new product, the Garland. It will help ensure that your dog doesn’t become a victim.

Don’t wait, act today!

Because fuck em.

I didn’t need a new pillow, but I bought one from My

Why? Because David Hogg said not to, and fuck ’em, that’s why.

(And no, I am not affiliated in any way with MyPillow, other than having just bought one. I am not a hedge fund douche. )

EDITED TO ADD: You get a discount for using the discount code Q (yes, just the letter Q)