Unlimited Cosmic Powers

The Key deer is a subspecies of the whitetail deer. They only live on one small island of the Florida Keys. At one point, there were only 75 of them left. Now, there are more than 750. This has been such a success story that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Service wants them removed from the endangered species list. The director of the FWS wrote:

This determination is based on the best available scientific and commercial information, which indicates that the threats to [Key Deer] have been eliminated or reduced to the point that the species no longer meets the definition of an endangered or threatened species.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Service Director Leo Miranda

The left can’t have that. Instead of being happy and taking the win in saving an endangered species, they need emergencies to give themselves power. So they insist that the deer are still endangered by climate change, and use 2017’s Hurricane Irma as evidence that climate change is going to wipe out the deer. They claim that rising sea levels will wipe out the deer in 100 years unless we do something.

Never let a crisis go to waste when there is money to made and power to be wielded.

Pull the Other Leg

Florida has a bill winding its way through the Legislature that would prohibit schools and teachers from discussing LGTBQ matters with children in kindergarten through third grade. Students in eleven different Seminole county schools decided to “spontaneously” walk out of class in protest. With no prompting from the school district. Right.

So you are telling me that 12 year old kids care so much about teachers being able to talk to five year old children about homosexuality that they monitor the state legislature for pending laws and then organize a mass protest with no input whatsoever from teachers or staff?

While we have nearly half of our students unable to read at their grade level, there are teachers who are fighting to be allowed to discuss sexual intercourse with five through nine year old children. Maybe they should be concentrating on teaching their students what they are supposed to be teaching them, instead of trying to have sex with kids.

FEMA on Fallout

In keeping with my post on fallout, FEMA has come up with some “helpful” advice concerning shelter from radioactive fallout. I am not kidding, this is the newest plan from the Federal Government agency that is in charge of disaster response:

Go to the basement or middle of the building. Stay away from the outer walls and roof. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household. Children under two years old, people who have trouble breathing, and those who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them.

I did take the liberty of bolding the dumbest part.

They go to tell you what supplies you should bring with you:

If you are able to, set aside items like soap, hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, disinfecting wipes, and general household cleaning supplies that you can use to disinfect surfaces you touch regularly.

Again, I was going to bold the stupid parts, but I decided to leave their links in place.

If you have to take shelter from nuclear fallout, whatever else you do, make sure that you don’t expose anyone to the illness that 99.6 percent of the public manages to survive.

Parent’s Rights

A mother was actively contacting her daughter’s teachers because she believed that the teachers were impressing sexual beliefs on her daughter. During the school year, she wound up sending 500 emails to school staff, which triggered at least three investigations into the behavior of various staff members. As a former teacher, I can understand how parents can be vexing and unreasonable at times. This doesn’t appear to be one of those cases.

The first complaint lodged by the mother was triggered by a teacher who asked students what name and pronouns they preferred. They also asked if it was OK to share that information with the teens’ parents. This attempt at grooming and converting children into the LGTBQ lifestyle has spawned at least one lawsuit Florida already.

This has been going on for years. I faced it when I was teaching. There is a battle going on in school districts between liberal advocates who want to groom your children and conservative teachers who are opposing them. It’s gotten so bad that there is a bill in the Florida legislature that bans schools from discussing homosexuality with students.

It gets worse. The mother reported that various teachers were discussing issues such as “safe space” rainbow stickers on classroom walls, the intrusion of “critical race theory” into the schools, and even made regular trips to the School Board to express her views.

School staff tried taking her to court for restraining orders on three different occasions. They lost. One of the teachers even claims that she was forced to retire, rather than continue answering emails from a parent. That is pure horse manure. There is a statute that permits a teacher to force a student to be removed from their class and placed in another teacher’s classroom. This is pure sympathy grandstanding.

As a result of all of this, the superintendant of schools has had the girl removed from her school and sent elsewhere- essentially expelled her- because her mother chose to exercise the rights she has under Florida law as a parent.

These communists are waging all out war in any way that they can. They are trying to hold your children hostage. Don’t let them.

Protecting Criminals

I know that many of us talk about how the government seems to be protecting criminals. In New York, that has become quite literally what is happening. The city has established the country’s first “overdose prevention center” where medical professionals oversee and assist people in administering illegal drugs to themselves.

The people behind it say- and I’m not kidding- that this is based upon science. They are saving lives, don’t you know.

I wonder what science will discover next. Perhaps they will declare that the police need to escort thieves into your home, so that thieves don’t have to risk working and stealing in an unsafe environment. Think of the lives they will save.

Hungry Like the Wolf

When I was a teacher for those seven years, I got to see the weird and stupid things that teens and children do on an industrial scale. We had one group of students who called themselves the “wolfpack.” They dressed with ears and tails and travelled the hallways of the school in a well, pack.

When one would howl, you would hear the rest of them howl in response, even when separated by an entire schoolyard.

When one of them was being bullied, the other members of the pack would rush to defend their mates. This was probably the most sane part of the entire thing.

They went to the school office and demanded to all be assigned to the same class schedule so they could remain with their packmates. The school denied the request.

I was reminded of that story when I read this article from the Daily Mail that I found because of wirecutter. The person in this article is obviously unhappy with himself. He first decided that he wasn’t a man and declared himself to be a woman. Even though the article keeps using the pronoun “she,” this nutbar is actually a man pretending to be a woman who thinks he is a wolf. Or something. Is that literally violence to refer to transspecies people as people? Or does that only apply to transgender? What pronoun does a wolf use? This shit literally gives me a headache.

At its core, trans anything is the manifestation of a mental illness. It is a psychosis that the psychology industry has decided is no longer a mental illness. From my favorite Christmas movie:

You believe yourself to be Judge Harper, yet no one questions your sanity because you are Judge Harper.

In this case, the loon appears not to be a danger to others. In that case, I don’t care if he believes himself to be a woman or a wolf. Just don’t ask me to play along with him.

On a side note: The only good version of Miracle on 34th Street is the 1947 version in black and white, starring Maureen O’Hara and Natalie Wood. The abomination that was the colorized version doesn’t count, nor does the 1994 remake


The Loudon county tranny that raped two high school girls was convicted of two counts of sodomy. He won’t be forced to register as a sex offender. Why? The reason given was that it would hurt the boy’s chances of getting a job in the future, which would then cause him to reoffend:

The teen’s probation officer, Jason Bickmore, opposed forcing him to register as a sex offender, saying studies show teenage sex offenders required to register actually have a higher rate of re-offending. He said the aim of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, not punishment.

I have an idea. A father in Spokane found the solution to recidivism.

Virtual Crime

WIRED tries to make the case that virtual crimes should carry criminal penalties because the virtual world seems real to some people. I have a few questions:

  • If I commit a virtual crime, will my avatar go to virtual prison?
  • If I am accused of a virtual crime, do I receive a virtual trial?
  • Will I get virtual jury duty?
  • If my avatar is a POC, can I receive virtual affirmative action?
  • Do I have virtual rights under a virtual constitution?
