I have done previous posts on firefighting, brain injuries, and other things seen in my various lines of work. Response to these insights into how the sausage is made have been generally positive, so I figured I would toss out another one.
Ever since Florida legalized medical marijuana, those of us who work in the emergency department have seen an alarming uptick in people coming in with complaints of nonstop vomiting. If you ask, they will usually admit to you that they smoke marijuana. Those who won’t admit it always show it on toxicology screens.
The syndrome that is responsible for this is Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, or CHS. This is a fairly new thing that has been becoming more and more of a thing since the legalization of marijuana has gained steam across the country.
How is it spotted?
It is reported in people who are frequent (more than once per week) users of cannabis for a year or more. The signs are pretty easy to spot:
- The victims make a loud, very characteristic retching sound
- Vomiting as often as 6 to 10 times per hour
- History of frequent marijuana use within the past 24 hours and over the past year or more
- Symptoms do not respond well to standard antiemetics (Zofran, Reglan, Compazine)
- The person will seek out and even crave hot baths and showers for temporary relief, but as soon as the shower is over, the vomiting starts back up again
- The symptoms ARE well controlled with psychoactive medications like Haldol
- They will also admit that they have been having lower abdominal pain/cramps for weeks before they began vomiting.
CHS is often misdiagnosed as Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, but note that CHS patients when questioned will tell you that they seek out hot water baths and/or showers for temporary relief of symptoms. CVS patients don’t get relief from hot bathing and showering.
Whenever I get a patient who complains of frequent bouts of vomiting, I always administer 8mg of Zofran (I have standing orders that I can give that to anyone over the age of 16 without asking the doctor) and order a urine drug screen. If the Zofran doesn’t work, I can be fairly sure that CHS is what we are looking at.
Then I ask them what they do to relieve their symptoms. They will always tell you that while they are in a hot bath or shower, they stop vomiting. Once we know for sure that they are cannabis users, I ask the doctor for an order for Haldol. I usually get it.
At the same time, we need to make sure that the frequent vomiting hasn’t been causing any mischief , so we will also do a CBC, a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel, and will also give them a liter of normal saline and possibly 2 grams of Magnesium sulfate. Expect to see elevated WBC counts in patients who have been vomiting for a while. Absent other signs of infection, this is an inflammatory response to the vomiting.
Depending on other factors found in the initial assessment, an abdominal CT with contrast, or even a head CT without contrast will also be ordered.
Since people are frequently dishonest about marijuana use, its impossible to know for sure, but among people who DO admit to frequent use of cannabis, between 35 and 45 percent report frequent vomiting. This is in line with my personal experience- nearly two thirds of those who come in with vomiting complaints test positive for weed, as opposed to about ten percent of general teen and adult patients.
No one is exactly sure what causes CHS. It is believed that, although cannabis calms the vomiting center in the hypothalamus, it also irritates the enteric nervous system. That theory also explains why hot bathing seems to give temporary relief, as the hypothalamus also controls body temperature.
The patients that I talk to admit to anything from “just one joint at night before I go to bed to help me sleep” all the way to “all day, every day. As many as 15 joints per day.” With edibles, I have had people say that they eat as many as 6 to 10 edible gummies per day. That’s a lot of weed.
To stop them from vomiting, the administration of 5 mg of Haldol usually does the trick and will stop the vomiting for a few hours. Antiemetics, including Zofran and Reglan don’t work very well or at all. Even with Haldol, the next time they use, the vomiting will start right back up again. The only way to stop the vomiting on a permanent basis is for them to stop using cannabis. Within a day or two, the vomiting will stop.
The problem is that people who use marijuana don’t believe you and will continue to do so. You will see them again in a week or two. Rinse, repeat. There is also a myth that you can’t overdose on weed. We are finding out that this is not true. The more weed, the higher your odds of seeing me with your CHS. Left untreated, constant vomiting can be fatal by causing lethal electrolyte imbalances. The severe retching that comes with it can cause issues like a Mallory-Weiss tear.
*I have also heard that rubbing capsaicin cream on the abdomen provides the same temporary relief as hot showers, but I have no personal data or experience on that. I would assume that long term use of this method will become less and less effective over time.