It’s been a bit since I updated the news on our Solar system. December went well. We generated 1121 kWh, and consumed 912 kWh, meaning that we sent an excess of 204 kWh back to the grid for credit. Our lowest power generated was December 6, with 12.6 kWh. Our best day was 54.1 kWh on December 2. That makes December the month where we generated the least amount of power of any month so far. Not surprising, since December has less daylight than any other month.
Temperatures for December were mild, so we spent most days with the windows open and the HVAC turned off, so we didn’t use a lot of power, which contributed to an excess. At the end of December, we had a total credit of 1121 kWh in case we ever use more than we generate, and it turns out that we needed it for January.
January was rough. There was a lot more cloudy days than there have been, and this month had the lowest average temperatures for any month in more than a decade. All of this contributed to our shortfall. There was a stretch of days from the 13th to the 23rd where 6 of those 10 days saw us generate less than 10kWh each day. We generated 1190 kWh for the month, still more than December, but we used 1238 kWh. Our highest use day was January 22 at 63 kWh. That was the day that the big snowstorm hit the state, and our temperatures dropped below freezing here, although it didn’t snow.
According to my weather station, the average temperature was only 54 degrees for the month. Since we maintain an average inside temperature of 70 degrees during the winter (68 at night, 72 during the day), the HVAC was warming the house against a 16 degree gradient.
Our bill didn’t change, thanks to our banked power that we have sold to the grid.
One small problem with our system has required a call to our installer, who put in a work ticket to Tesla. Our control system has been exercising the batteries by running them down to zero. It’s supposed to do that every 90 days, but it’s been doing it every 20 days. We are waiting for more word on why it is doing that.