In 1990, a man named William Cooper wrote a book called “On a Pale Horse.” In this book, he detailed many experiments that were being carried out by the CIA, including ones where mental patients were given drugs known to make them commit mass shootings, and where they supplied firearms and drugs to the public in order to foment civil unrest and increase government power. This book quickly became popular amongst the militia movement of the 1990s.

William Cooper claimed that he was being targeted by the government because they wanted to silence him, after claiming that the government was hiding everything from aliens to assassinating JFK. He was killed by police in November of 2001.

I will leave it to the readers of this blog to decide if he was crazy or not, and if his book was fiction or not. In any case, I am providing a PDF copy of it here on this site, mostly because I want to make it available.

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J. Smith · June 14, 2022 at 5:30 pm

Experiments can fall under title 50, the intelligence side, listed under protocol 13 that makes experimentation on US citizens legal for intelligence purposes, as well as under a classification i will not list, just call it “operational” activity. Folks this hasnt been america or our government since somewhere around 1948.

name redacted · June 14, 2022 at 6:36 pm

Gary Webb was another journalist/writer revealing the Criminals In Action.
There is an interesting photo of George HW Bush in Dallas 1963, he was the leader of that organization in the 1970’s.
Mom and apple pie with USA flags for all doesn’t exist in alphabet soup agencies and most normie dullards just can’t handle that.
Did you see the Michigan governor candidate opposing comrade commissarina Gretchen getting picked up by the FIB for J6?

Skyler the Weird · June 14, 2022 at 9:04 pm

Bill Cooper used to be a frequent late night listen along with Art Bell and several of the left wing pirates on the ole Shortwave before the internet came along. Some of his stuff was way out there but a lot of it makes you go hmmmm.

Internet has killed short wave. I scan the channels and there’s only far out religious programming.

Papa · June 15, 2022 at 8:31 am

He did good broadcasts on the Founding Fathers, mystery religions, and occult. Amongst other things.
I’m reminded of the way he said and used the term “bullshit”.
Shortwave radio with cassette recorder. What a time.

Anonymous · June 15, 2022 at 12:47 pm

In this book, he detailed many experiments that were being carried out by the CIA, including ones where mental patients were given drugs known to make them commit mass shootings

You mean drugs like SSRI’s given to young men with mental illness? That Black Box warning on the drug insert about uncontrollable violence and suicide is there because they found those effects in the trials.

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