A large group of Amish Canadian Priests who were on their way to Bible Study decided to argue with a liquor store owner when one of them sucker punched the businessman in the face. Once that happened, the rest of the chimps decided to join in the group beating. That’s when the man produced a gun, which caused the entire group of them to collectively decide that they had other places to be. One of the little assholes filmed the encounter:

Police responded when shotspotter reported gunshots in the area, but Oakland police say no one was shot and nobody was arrested. Since the police and courts aren’t going to do shit, people will begin to take matters into their own hands. This video pissed me off just watching it. He would have been totally justified in shooting one of the assholes if he actually lived in America, but he lives in California. I would feel sorry for him, but he is likely a Democrat and voted for all of the diversity that he is currently experiencing.

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Don Curton · August 29, 2024 at 6:58 am

The kid at the end, complaining “Nigga just pulled out a gun, nigga. Over kids on bikes”

That’s their mentality? Ignore the fact that a mob of 10-12 grown man-sized “children” suddenly mobbed and violently attacked a single person. Punching, kicking, attacks from all sides, from behind, multiple attackers at once. Nope, it’s just “kids on bikes”. There’s your diversity, good and hard.

Derbyshire had it correct – avoid large crowds of blacks at all costs.

Stefan v. · August 29, 2024 at 7:08 am

“He would have been totally justified in shooting one of the assholes”

One? However many, up to and including “all”, the camerape would be top of the do not miss list .

    Robert · August 29, 2024 at 9:39 pm

    White guy in California shoots a Black guy?

    Regardless of circumstances, the White guy would be prosecuted and bankrupted by legal defense costs at a minimum. As we all know by now, “The process is the punishment”. Most likely he would go to jail as well.

    The store owner is fortunate that the mob broke and ran after he pulled his gun out. He did not shoot anyone. But the authorities can still charge him with “brandishing”.

    “Disparity of Force?” “Justified in self-defense”? Nope. Does not matter. Laws do not matter. Government does not tolerate “self-defense” or any other resistance to predators of a protected class.

    The “rules” are a little different for Hispanic-on-Black conflicts. And for “Black-on-Black” conflicts, the authorities could not care less about the outcome. What matters is to avoid sending members of a protected class to jail.

    No, this system is not going to last much longer.

Michael · August 29, 2024 at 7:37 am

Owner of a liquor store in chimp infested Oakland California?

BTW this applies in many more Blue Cities all across our once Fine Republic.

Cue the Rent a Riot Social Crew and LAWFARE to remove this EVIL GUN OWNER in 3,2,1…

We can beat our chests all day long, saying “we’d DO THIS and THAT” until it becomes REAL for YOU and your employment, business and all that is destroyed by shooting some well deserving chimp out specialist.

I hope you set up your home in a good legal trust, so your family still has a home after this clears up. Lawfare fines are bankruptcy level.

Hope you pick the right gang in prison to protect your ass.

Ole Remus was right, stay away from crowds.

    Joe Blow · August 29, 2024 at 9:51 am

    LOL! That mans’ store is toast. He sold the monkey’s their moonshine and they’re going to ruin him for it.
    They are fundamentally incompatible with western society.
    I have met and worked with several that are fine upstanding people. As a group however, the, ahh, lower-IQ portion of the group, is simply not compatible with the rules, laws, and customs that govern our society. They must either be brought to heel, or society will devolve to the 3rd world shithole they are compatible with. That is patently evident in every blue city on the planet. It’s not racist, it’s not bigoted, it’s not derogatory. It’s merely observational.

Will · August 29, 2024 at 10:01 am

Who knows if Disparity of Force is even a thing in California? Bring it down to Florida and FAFO.

Elrod · August 29, 2024 at 11:35 am

“Owner of a liquor store in chimp infested Oakland California?”

Some might consider that a self-inflicted wound; there are probably some prosecutors in Kali who already look at it that way, erasing any migating factors such as size of the mob and physical size of the attackers.

What’s really disturbing about this sort of thing is, first, how common it’s becoming, and the decline in availability of the resources citizens depend upon and pay for (police, prosecutors, jails) to deal with it. We seem to be getting closer and closer to “you are on your own” everywhere and like preference cascades and bankruptcy, it starts slowly and suddenly doesn’t just speed up, it goes exponential and explodes. I can envision hunter-killer squads in some places and when stuff like that happens it usually marks the end of civilization, at least in those places.

I wish I could offer a solution, or at least some sort of preventive, but there are a too many places where all that has been ruled out. Maybe we just have to go through our Mad Max Years to learn.

At any rate, buy more ammo and practice your marksmanship, we’re all going to need it.

Dirty Dingus McGee · August 29, 2024 at 4:35 pm

“We seem to be getting closer and closer to “you are on your own” everywhere”

I would say we are already there. Look back to “the summer of love” with the blm and antfa riots. Couple that with the actions of ALL branches of LEO, including that drunk sheriff in a previous post here and you are pretty much hosed from every direction. I certainly don’t concealed carry because it’s comfortable, I’m just too old to be fist fighting with a pack of feral “yutes”. I certainly try to avoid putting myself in places where they are likely to congregate, but that is becoming harder every day. Case in point; at a local pub that is 90% local rednecks a guy I know was shot and killed by an out of town knee grow. He had went to piss, leaving his drink and smokes where he was sitting and when he got back the shooter and his woman had moved his stuff and took his seat. Argument, knee grow pulled a gun and shot the guy who had been sitting there. The 2 hauled ass out the door, but sadly for them 3 people followed them and neither of the 2 made it out of the parking lot alive. So far no charges have been filed due to the male firing one shot from inside the car, and an additional gun found near the passenger. Certainly won’t bring the original victim back, but probably kept there from being more in the future.

Milesq · August 30, 2024 at 1:47 am

“He would have been totally justified in shooting one of the assholes if he actually lived in America, but he lives in California.”
And this is why such shenanigans are not seen in most of the U.S. These dimwits are stupid, but they’re not dumb and they know that outside of the ‘blue’ metro areas, they’d have been on their way to the morgue, or ER

    Divemedic · August 30, 2024 at 7:54 am

    But mobs of ferals beating up shopkeepers and stealing their wares is more civilized than criminals getting shot, as far as the left is concerned.

      ModernDayJeremiah · August 31, 2024 at 12:47 am

      Sadly, probably none of them know who Dr. Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Condoleeza Rice, or Dr. Walter E. Williams (RIP) are. But they ALL know who LeBron, JayZ, Beyonce, Oprah are.

McChuck · August 30, 2024 at 6:33 am

“I can envision hunter-killer squads in some places and when stuff like that happens it usually marks the end of civilization, at least in those places.”

On the contrary. Decent people organizing themselves to defend against marauding bands of predators is the definition of civilization.

wojtek · August 30, 2024 at 7:54 am

“I would feel sorry for him, but he is likely a Democrat and voted for all of the diversity that he is currently experiencing. ”

Now this was childish. First of all this guy is way too young to have voted for all the diversity he gets in Oakland. Oakland was a shithole even before he was born. Second, in that one brief video this guy demonstrated a real discipline and character on so many levels, that questioning his choice in politics (which we don’t know) is uncalled for. (20% of people in Oakland still vote against kammunists.) Finally, reading old comments about the liquor store you can find stories about employees helping people out in the past. One guy even claims they saved his life. So who cares about their politics?

    Divemedic · August 30, 2024 at 8:03 am

    More than 80 percent of voters in Alameda county (where Oakland is located) vote for Democrats, whose party platform includes letting criminals run free, decriminalizing theft, and prosecuting those who defend themselves. By continually living there under those conditions you are voting with your money, your feet, and your choices to live with conditions as they are. As I said, he is likely a Democrat- likely being the odds of him being a Democrat are more probable than of him being of another party. I don’t give a shit if they help people or not, as that isn’t germane to the discussion.

    You get the government that you vote for, and Oakland is getting it good and hard. So yeah, I don’t feel sorry for anyone who chooses to live there.

Big Ruckus D · August 30, 2024 at 2:08 pm

Besides which, the fact he is working in a liquor store in Oakland, CA is ample evidence in it’s own right of having made multiple poor life choices already. If the guy is a democrat, he certainly deserves what he got. If he’s a republican, he is clearly too stupid and/or deluded to know when to get out for his own good (which was sometime before he took a job at a liquor store in Oakland, CA). If he doesn’t vote at all, he is still giving defacto approval to the situation he finds himself in by continuing to live and work in a place like Oakland, CA.

Tolerating the intolerable is always a bad look. Just as with those who begrudgingly took COVID shots to keep their jobs (and are still pissed about it), or who have ever remained in a bad/abusive relationship because they decided it was the path of lesser resistance and discomfort, if you continue to permit yourself being stepped on, that’s exactly what you’ll get. I’m not saying doing the right thing is necessarily easy, but sometimes you just have to GTFO, irrespective of the cost and consequences.

It would be informative to see what this guy does now. If the state ruins him with lawfare (and they probably will) he’s fucked regardless. So too if he gets jumped again in a planned retaliatory attack by (or on behalf of) those he has now publicly “dissed”. However, if – somehow – neither of those two scenarios ends up playing out and he stays where he is, and continues to tolerate the shit he is already neck deep in, then he is just a fool who has learned nothing.

This would be the time for him to cut and run, there simply is no ground for him to stand where he presently finds himself, as the insanity that permeates the people and place around him is just too great to prevail against. Trying to effect change for the better there is pissing in the wind. Cede the territory and let the idiots burn themselves out in a state sized cage match. Maybe it can be salvaged once the feral elements have destroyed each other, but that’s going to be a ways off.

Tree Mike · August 30, 2024 at 7:06 pm

I lived in So. Cal.for 63 years. Carried a Colt Commander until 1990, then switched to a Glock 19. Never had a permit, every traffic ticket I got, I had a gun on me, no problem, I know how to talk to cops. I also knew what would happen if I had to shoot someone. With the use of humor and de-escalation,most situations can be dealt with. Also, I never had to deal with joggers and thugs. The closest we had to “vibrants” were black folks and Mexicans that were friendly, family oriented, workers, occasionally used them as day labor. Left the 1st week of 2015, now in rural, middle Tennessee, where everyone is friendly, family oriented, polite folks. ALL the female cashiers, clerks, service people call you sweetie or sugar, or hun, etc. Not an offended female yet (9 years, 9 months and counting). They seem to have a healthy immune system to geezer male flirts. We also have 30 mile yard sales where you can buy guns, as if it were a free state. The local State Troopers and county mounties aren’t cop fucks, so that’s nice.

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