Liberal Moron: The person that owns the gun is responsible for making sure anyone that touches, or buys it, is not a criminal, and can be trusted with it, no excuses. If you supply to criminals, you get a really long time locked up getting to know lots of criminals.
I’m not absolutely for banning guns; yet am very much for making sure guns are only allowed in the hands of fit and proper people that can demonstrate they can be trusted with them. If we can’t have this then sure ban guns, though I have no hope that would ever happen
ME: If a person can’t be trusted to own a gun, they can’t be trusted to own baseball bats, knives, or gasoline and matches. If a person is so large a threat to the public that they can’t own tools that can be used to kill, then they should be locked up like animals.
LM: All those other things exist for purposes other than killing, a gun does not have any other purpose. It is an extra step for someone to take what is for one everyday purpose and turn it to another, that extra step can be enough to make many untrustworthy person to pause and not do this. (I consider knives that are purpose made to be used as weapons to be killing weapons.)
Yet as guns have only one purpose and are owned and carried with the intent of that purpose, then there is already an established decision to use it to kill with. For those that are untrustworthy the pausing and considering has already been done and has been set aside, the decision to kill has already been made, they only thing needed is what or who, to kill and when to kill.
Trustworthy people have not made up their mind about this, that is the first reason why they are trustworthy.
ME: Funny. I have owned multiple guns for decades and I have never used them to kill anyone. I have used them to target shoot, for recreation, and in competition. For the same reason that I can be trusted to own bats, knives, and gasoline, I can be trusted to own firearms.
Still, how about this-
Every person who has not been convicted of anything that would prohibit firearm ownership has an emblem placed on his state ID. drivers license. Say, a picture of a thumbs up in the corner. That way, anyone who wants to sell them a gun can simply look at their license. Now you know they are good to go.
George · March 1, 2023 at 9:24 am
I have said for years that a driver’s license is the best place to put an indication that someone is not a prohibited person.
If you are in court and found guilty of a disqualifying crime, surrender your DL right there and get a new one that tells the story.
Anonymous · March 1, 2023 at 9:44 am
Proof of ability to by a gun? How about using voter I’d card?
Why We Can't Have Nice Things · March 1, 2023 at 10:50 am
Liberals are just too fucking stupid to exist.
neomunitor · March 1, 2023 at 8:00 pm
If your state requires liability insurance to drive a car, and person had to have coverage to get a driver’s license, then an insurance company considered that person responsible enough to insure. A car is FAR more likely to kill someone than a gun. Therefore having a valid driver’s license would seem to indicate the person is responsible enough to convince an insurance company to underwrite them for operating a very deadly piece of heavy equipment. What else do you need? The rules about misdemeanors and felonies being disqualifications are bureaucratic BS and all over the place. As recently discussed in the courts, there’s nothing preventing a jurisdiction making jaywalking a felony. So have them show you their driver’s license and insurance card.
Divemedic · March 1, 2023 at 9:03 pm
You can be a prohibited person and have a DL.
neomunitor · March 2, 2023 at 6:46 pm
If you are that worried about it, go through an FFL and get an NICS on the recipient.
Robert · March 1, 2023 at 9:20 pm
My purpose is to protect my family and myself from those who wish to harm us. I don’t want to kill anyone. I don’t wish to harm anyone. But force will be met with like-minded force. I was threatened, attacked and came close to being killed by thugs. After that, my attitude changed. Before that happened, I was more like Dive, in my opinion of gun ownership. Now I carry a pistol and OC spray everywhere I go. Without fail. Especially these next two or three years… it’s going to get bad. Also, self-defense insurance is a must!
Divemedic · March 2, 2023 at 6:43 am
Where have I said that I don’t carry for protection?
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