Every winter, Florida gets overrun by rich assholes who flock to our state – people who own multiple homes and want to dodge the shitty cold weather from more northern climates. They bring with them their northern political opinions and attitudes. States like Pennsylvania, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio as well as the nation of Canada send us millions of old, rich assholes that force our cost of living higher, fill our hospitals, and make it impossible to get into a restaurant without waiting an hour or more for a table. The regale us with tales about how they “do things up north” and tell us how backwards we are down here for the way that we like to live our lives.
It seems that the Canadian Dollar weakening in relation to the US Dollar, and combined with increasing costs of living in Florida, this is causing Canadians to sell their property and go home. Good. GTFO and stop pushing Florida towards being the socialist shithole that Canada has become.
The asshole in this story, a man by the name of Jasmin Gosselin (what man is named after a Disney Princess?) is saying that the financial burdens of living in Florida has combined with Trump being an asshole is making him move back to Canada. Really? It’s Trump’s fault? Then why didn’t you leave in 2017?
“Trump doesn’t respect snowbirds who spend their money during four, five months in Florida. We feed their economy and he doesn’t respect us.”
What’s really going on is now that Canada’s money isn’t doing as well, he can no longer afford to take advantage of Floridians and is now returning to his home. Good, GTFO. We don’t want you here. Our emergency room sees twice as many patients during the winter, and more than 80% of the excess patient load are people over the age of 70 who don’t live in Florida full time. You aren’t really helping the economy- you are taking advantage of it.
The story claims that he has been living each of the last 20 winters in Boynton Beach. Snowbirds are killing the economy there. The average cost of a new home in Boynton Beach is about $360k, but the average income there is only $66k. Even with the low salary, Boynton Beach is considered one of Florida’s most affluent zip codes. Why? Snowbirds buying up all of the beachfront property and causing housing prices to rise. While Florida’s cost of living is 3% lower than the national average, the cost of living in Boynton Beach is 10% more than the national average.
Snowbirds don’t help the local economy- they destroy it. Their throwing around money from outside of the state for 4 months of the year raises prices and puts a strain on local resources. Then they leave for the summer, but the high prices remain. The employees who are hired to work in the businesses that support the snowbirds need jobs for the other 8 months of the year, but the money to support them isn’t there.
No, GTFO and go back to where you came from. Interstate 95 runs north as well as south. Take your leftist politics, a friend or two, and your illegal immigrant housekeeper with you when you go.
GreenCross4Safety · January 27, 2025 at 9:14 am
Good on you, Divemedic for telling the truth. Agree 1000%
Noway2 · January 27, 2025 at 9:39 am
I was once told that there was a car running around Gulf Shores, AL with a bumper sticker that read, “if it’s snow bird season, why can’t we shoot them?”
Jonesy · January 27, 2025 at 12:44 pm
Hailing from Ohio and now Michigan, it’s tough being a conservative up here. There’s a lot of us, but the Dem machine is just too big. You can live by your principles, but you always collide with the lib BS at some point.
Retirement is on the horizon, and the wife and I are looking to move south to enjoy warmer climes, and especially the common sense of conservative principles lived on a daily basis. We won’t make as far south as Florida, it’s way too hot in the summer. South central Appalachia is the likely destination. We are visiting friends in the Ft Meyers area in a few weeks, and that’s to get out of the cold for a long weekend. Visiting during snowbird season is maddening even for me. I can’t stand all the traffic and just people everywhere you turn. It would certainly piss me off if I was a resident.
Aesop · January 27, 2025 at 1:32 pm
Hey, at least your carpetbagging @$$holes only come for the winter.
The ones hereabouts move in to stay.
Divemedic · January 27, 2025 at 1:35 pm
Please contact me through the email address for this blog.
C · January 27, 2025 at 3:23 pm
Hey Aesop. I’ll take back all of my state’s toothless banjo playing carpet bagger kinfolk. You can only return them by air, and the aircraft cannot drop below an altitude of 300′. The LZ will be a large alligator filled swamp. Sound like a good deal?
Aesop · January 28, 2025 at 9:37 am
If it’s okay to bundle them in clumps of 5 or 10 like hay bales for the drop, you’re on.
oldvet50 · January 27, 2025 at 3:23 pm
I really do have a hatred of snowbirds. I worked as a US Census recruiter and my job was to encourage people to work as census takers. In so doing, after explaining how the census worked, I was quite disappointed to learn that even though many of them spend April through October (7 months) here in Florida, they still fill out their census as if they were back north. I explained the law required them to report where they lived on April 1st, but they did not care. What this means is even though they spend the majority of their time in Florida, they make sure their home state gets the representation in Congress and the federal budget dollars. I would not be surprised if many of them vote in both states.
Archie Bunker · January 27, 2025 at 5:30 pm
No room for commie. GTFO commie rat POS vermin.
Commies and Yankees are why we can’t have nice things.
Anonymous · January 27, 2025 at 9:22 pm
“But despite the worries weighing on Gosselin and pushing him to sell his condo, one incentive also stands out: profit.
“When I bought the place 11 years ago, I bought it with a much lower US dollar, so I will obviously make a capital gain on that,” said Gosselin.”
Sigh…Now you know what Californians have gone through since the 1960’s. And this is in ADDITION to every fucking foreigner who wants warm weather moving here. These asshats blow up property values: Ojai, San Luis Obispo, Ventura, even Santa Barbara. These places were-believe it or not, middle class strongholds in the 60;s. Now? Everyone is either making money on the dole or with drugs but they want those escalating housing prices so they can sell and make tons of money Now multiple that by anything Orange County, San Diego, or Malibu. If you are moving to a new state/home then try to Fit IN! Don’t demean the folks who went before you.
AnonyMouse · January 28, 2025 at 8:13 am
Having lived in Florida, I will assure you that I for one will never again set foot in that purple state. I wish you well that live there; it keeps all y’all from living here.
Exile1981 · January 28, 2025 at 10:10 am
As a Canadian i went and read the article and found exactly what i expected. The princess is from Quebec, thats were our biggest assholes live and most of our Prime Ministers are quebec lawyer sodomites. The best way to describe quebecers is that they are so entitled, egotistical and self centered that even Parisian french avoid them.
Spin Drift · January 29, 2025 at 12:33 pm
I have had a condo on the Emerald Coast for the last 24 years. We purchased it while living in a suburb north of Chicago. We only used it for 2 weeks out of the year until we were able to permanently move to a southern state to escape the leftist assholes. We rent it out to people for their spring break and summer vacations. It is a “business” we don’t make any money on. Right now our break even revenue number is $25k if there isn’t another special assessment for building repairs. This money is spent locally for trades, taxes and local support services. We’ve been through Ivan, the Deep water Horizon spill and Sally. That was a loss of 4 years of revenue but not of the costs of carrying the condo. The thing is that the taxes on the unit equal the taxes on my house. Florida rapes the the people on the beach. Also on a dollar and cents basis, the vacationers also contribute at least the same amount to the local economy. This year the windows damaged by Sally are finally being replaced and will keep our condo off the market through April. The thing is the Snow Birds are dieing off, from almost the whole building 24 years ago to less than 15% now. Short term vacation rentals have taken over. These are much younger people who don’t end up in the ER but don’t cook so the ER is empty but the restaurants are full. BTW the Biden economy has also torpedoed the #’s. Two bedroom units are renting for one bedroom rates. Trump effect will show up next season, so come on down and vacation cheap while it lasts.
Bear Claw · January 30, 2025 at 5:24 pm
Most of them don’t have enough foreskin in the game of life