This woman applied for an apartment and was denied. She arrived at the management company’s offices with no fewer than four cops in tow, demanding that the police force them to rent her an apartment. Four cops over a denied rental application, which proves that the Houston police have too much time on their hands and probably need a significant budget cut.

She comes in demanding an apartment, saying that they are in violation of the “disabilities act, 206” and that the woman needs to give her the keys to the apartment “I need you to underlay for me, OK?” She even sounds stupid in Spanish.

It turns out that she was denied the apartment because she submitted paystubs that she had typed up and printed herself. The management company wouldn’t accept those and asked for three months of paystubs in order to verify income. The woman replied that paystubs are unavailable because they are evidence in an upcoming criminal case against some people who had robbed her.

The management company was a lot nicer than I would have been. When the cops asked for copies of her file, I would have told all of them to leave. There is no evidence here of a crime, and if they want the files they can talk to my attorney. Also, would you mind writing a trespassing notice to this woman? She is not allowed back in this office. Ever.

Also notice that some black woman talk with an annoying cadence while using big words salted with legal terms that they are clueless to the meaning of when they are attempting to sound smarter than they are? Don’t do that, it just makes you look stupid.

Categories: Uncategorized


Don W Curton · December 12, 2024 at 11:10 am

To be fair, if I was a cop and got called to something like this, I’d want 3 or 4 other cops there too. No telling when that she-boon would go off the reservation and then when you step in to stop it, instant lawsuit against you. I’d rather have 3 or 4 other cops to back my side of the story and make sure I don’t get fired cause some big fat black lady got upset.

Also, cops don’t do anything alone anymore. Fender bender on a side street, 3 cruisers and 5 cops show up, with 4 of them standing around doing nothing. Like any other gang out there, when they show up, they show up in numbers. Thin blue line, my ass.

Cederq · December 12, 2024 at 7:11 pm

Don W. What I would like to know is what she said to the dispatcher or the front desk at the cop shop to get four cops out on what is basically a civil matter. Where I live in an apartment I had a manager would enter my apartment unannounced, meaning she did not put a 24 hour notice on my door of entry and I had her on a camera with date/time stamps and went to the local cop hut and wanted to file a complaint and charge her with a B/E and cops told me it was a civil matter and I would have to go to the county district court to get a restraining order… Mucho money out of my pocket. I wrote a letter, addressed to her, copied to the corporation that owned the complex, the local police department and a lawyer that added his letter and video and contacted the corporation, the manager got canned. You have very few avenues of regress when it comes to apartment living. But not suppling proof of income and committing fraud to do so. I wonder if the cops arrested the sheboon for fraud?

    Don W Curton · December 13, 2024 at 8:09 am

    I completely agree, no reason for cops to be there at all, but … My only point is that if there’s one cop showing up, there’ll be 4 or 5 cops showing up. But yeah, there should have been zero.

Jester · December 12, 2024 at 8:28 pm

Well, I wonder if the cops could have nailed her for false documents with the intent to defraud. No matter, though this boils down to someone has something that you don’t and you want so you will take it by force if nessicary. Either by leveraging the system or by straight force.

SoCoRuss · December 12, 2024 at 9:46 pm

I’m confused, WTF are Houston cops doing going to this? Is there no crime in Houston?
This should be a civil or DA issue, not street cops. Hell, we barely get cops to show up for shootings here!!!!
Guess they must be employees of her gang as a side job.

Steady Steve · December 13, 2024 at 9:18 pm

Maybe the cops showed up because they were bored and wanted some entertainment. Figured that maybe someone would chimp out and they could make an arrest.

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