Citrus County, Florida median home price was $195k in February of 2021. In March of 2022, that had risen to $280k. A 44 percent increase in 13 months. That makes the 30% increase in rent prices seem tame.

Thanks, Brandon.

Categories: economics


Jonathan · May 8, 2022 at 8:26 pm

I’d be curious to see what the median sale price was and how the lot and house features compared.
I noticed that half of the recent sales were cash, not financed, and the county warns of higher taxes for non primary residences. This makes me wonder how many are either rentals or second homes for city folks.

Angus McThag · May 11, 2022 at 8:48 pm

In late 2019 my Parents-In-Law sold their house in Iowa and purchased their house two doors down from us for $80k.

We’ve had serious offers of $160k pretty much weekly for the past three months.

We’re paying on a mortgage for our own home and our $77k purchase price has gotten me offers of $140k of late.

And the 900-1,200 sf houses where we live North of Tampa ain’t McMansions either.

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