More peaceful protesting in Atlanta this weekend.
According to Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum, people protesting a new police training ground gathered around 5 p.m. and marched peacefully until, once downtown, several of the protestors “started committing illegal acts, which included the breaking of windows and also attacking police cruisers that were in the area.” Police suppressed the violence quickly and no law enforcement officers or citizens were injured
So it was peaceful, except for the vandalism, looting, and attacking police officers. But wait a tick, which version of the article is accurate? Reuters had something else to say.
Marchers had gathered to protest the killing of an activist by law enforcement on Wednesday during a raid to clear the construction site of a public safety training facility that activists have derided with the nickname “Cop City”.
The demonstration started peacefully, then abruptly escalated with some protesters throwing fireworks and rocks and smashing buildings’ windows with hammers
Chromosome 64 · January 22, 2023 at 2:03 pm
There must be a reason why the CPUSA activated the shock troops.
Orange Man Bad is gone and surely they are smart (LOL!) enough to leave something for Big Mike to burn down and destroy in 2024.
Shh…don’t tell the faculty lounge 1960’s LARP useful idiots that they are the state now and own all of the FAIL.
mike · January 22, 2023 at 8:52 pm
I didn’t think of this, but they seem hell bent recently of norming child molestation and grooming for gay and tranny theologies. The drag shows and attacks on the family go on, the blackbloc SWAT teams show up to protect the other freaks and hope for trouble from non-existent fascists. it seems like 50% of the freaks involved in violent direct action lately are trannies, and they are probably angling for a tranny “George Floyd” to get the pot boiling. The loser killed in Atl would meet this criteria. What they fail to realize is that the negroes will not turn out in anger in the same numbers they did in 2020 for Floyd. They need that unstable 13% nitro to hopp up the level of violence to the what they want.
DBM · January 22, 2023 at 3:38 pm
Don’t forget that the young activist whose “light was extinguished” was shot because he chose to shoot at a policeman first…
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
mike · January 22, 2023 at 8:18 pm
There was almost no coverage in the Maine news media about the 2x antifa arrestee until after 6 pm Sunday night. They somehow neglected to mention the other Maine antifa tranny who was arrested and charged with terrorism in the Atlanta forest last week. The Local online regional “paper”, the Penbay Pilot has also missed the story.
Same news media sources jump right on any updates to J6 prisoners as the lead right after the weather and traffic.
Meanwhile in the Boston media market, The tranny wombdropping of US Rep. Katherine Clark, who is the new Democrat minority whip was also arrested last night while engaged in antifa destruction in support of Atlanta. That was only given the light of day locally by the Bostoon Herald, as close to an opposition paper as Boston can produce.
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