Colorado Democrat says that he is tired of playing games with the Republicans on the Capitol riot.

“I made the call to my wife, told her I loved her. I didn’t know whether I would be able to make it out of that chamber like dozens or other members, like journalists, police officers there,” he said.

Pussy. Hiding in fear behind armed guards who were busy killing unarmed women. The only person killed was killed by one of your armed guards.

Whatever. Remember what you assholes did for the ENTIRE Trump Presidency?

Categories: Anti American left


Jonathan · June 1, 2021 at 10:53 am

Don’t forget how they keep saying that murderous riots with far more destruction were “mostly peaceful”.
I saw one article that claimed the BLM/ Antifa/ etc ‘protests’ last year were “98% peaceful”. By that standard, Jan 6 was mostly peaceful too.

Don Curton · June 1, 2021 at 11:08 am

They honestly think we don’t remember the violent protests the left were throwing inside to capital building during the Kavanaugh confirmation. But that wasn’t an insurrection?

They even had a senator (Feinstein i think) sneak a Parkland parent past security to basically ambush Kavanaugh on the floor for an anti-gun photo op. But we’re supposed to ignore that.

ruralcounsel · June 1, 2021 at 4:43 pm

Our leftist legislators seem to live in a world of scary things. They are afraid of everything that doesn’t agree with them. But no worries. I’m sure their gold-plated Congressional healthcare will give them lots of mental health benefits to treat their phobias and paranoia.

joe · June 1, 2021 at 7:18 pm

they should pray to their satan lord that the protesters at the capital that day were peaceful…if they had wanted to be like blm and antifa, there weren’t enough officers there to stop it…which is exactly what they were hoping for…

Chris · June 1, 2021 at 7:23 pm

“”” Pussy. Hiding in fear behind armed guards who were busy killing unarmed women. The only person killed was killed by one of your armed guards.

Whatever. Remember what you assholes did for the ENTIRE Trump Presidency?”””””

BAM! And Amen!

It’s ALL, very clear.

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