The US expects a diplomatic response to a Hezbollah rocket attack in a children’s playground that killed 12 children.
If some muzzie asshole killed my kid in a rocket attack, my response would be remembered for generations. There is no fucking way I would try to respond by talking them to death. As far as I am concerned, Israel is being restrained by not nuking the country that is behind all of these attacks. Iran is going to find out, if they keep it up.
wojtek · July 31, 2024 at 12:14 am
Nuclear war? There’s no good answer to a conflict that is 100 years old, where most people already forgot who started it. And during which both sides demonstrated to be beasts fully worthy of each other. As tragic as this event is, this is just a random time point in a war that already killed tens of thousands of children. (Mostly on the Muslim side.) It’s moronic to think that nuking tens of thousands more will solve anything.
If anyone was serious about solving this conflict, then the only potential solution is something like they did in Bosnia: UN would need to dissolve and disarm Israel and PA, and then create a new country and enforce a new joint government, where one side couldn’t do anything without the other side’s approval. That is IF anyone was serious about it.
Divemedic · July 31, 2024 at 6:37 am
Iran has already claimed that they will use a nuke on Israel as soon as they get one.
wojtek · July 31, 2024 at 8:02 am
So this is equally moronic. I am not saying that the Bosnia-like solution is guaranteed to work. But I am quite sure that nothing else will. Certainly not starting a nuclear war.
Divemedic · July 31, 2024 at 9:01 am
Would you support the UN dissolving Poland? So why would you expect Israel or Palestine to go along with such a plan? The only reason it worked with Bosnia was the nation had already ceased to exist for all intents and purposes.
This would never work on a government or a people who are willing to fight back.
The UN has no way to enforce such a disbanding without putting troops on the ground, and it will go the same way whether it is Israeli,UN, or US troops. Remember the Marines in Beirut?
There are a couple of choices:
1 Status quo
2 Tell Iran to butt out, and if they continue supplying the terrorists with weapons, you solve the problem permanently.
We have this problem because Iran has been the main state sponsor of terrorism for more than 30 years. A couple of well placed JDAMs would solve it, whether they are conventional or nuclear. Otherwise, you keep getting more of the same.
wojtek · August 1, 2024 at 12:23 pm
Wrong example. UN did not create Poland, so it has nothing to say about Poland’s dissolution. But it did create Israel. And generally the one that has the power to create has the power to dissolve. Similarly like Bosnia was created on the ruins of Yugoslavia. But Serbia and Croatia still existed and were forced to stop the ongoing fighting. It’s not a perfect solution, but it works waaay better than what was there before.
And tbh none of your 2 solutions is an actual solution. The problems in Palestine exist not because of Iranian support, but because foreign powers suddenly brought in a couple million people who had nothing to do with that land but who kicked the rightful owners out, terrorizing them, murdering women and children, raping them, etc. And the cycle continues until today. And it will continue until some semblance of justice is introduced. Which today effectively means that both sides need to manage to live together as equals.
So the way I see it, all the talk about Iran is just a diversion to keep the status quo.
D · July 31, 2024 at 8:33 am
I’m serious about it. If I were an Israeli citizen, I would absolutely refuse to live under some shitty UN government.
If Palestine laid down their weapons, the war would stop.
If Israel laid down their weapons, a number of neighboring countries would kill ever last Israeli they could find.
The solution is clear: Scorched earth. Wipe Palestine from the face of the earth.
wojtek · August 1, 2024 at 12:26 pm
I did not say that part of the solution is to ask if Israelis would like to live side by side with Palestinians. Because just like you, I figured by now they don’t. The difference between us is that I don’t condone murder and theft, and you do.
D · August 5, 2024 at 1:47 pm
That’s a long and strange jump from “I would absolutely refuse to live under some shitty UN government” to “I support murder and theft”.
I’d love to hear how you connected those dots…
Divemedic · August 5, 2024 at 1:51 pm
I support murder and theft under certain circumstances. If a group of people has sworn that they are my enemy and want to kill me, my family, and all of my neighbors, then proceed to begin carrying out that threat, that is called a war.
You want a war, fine. But when I began kicking the shit out of you and winning that war, you don’t get to then complain about it. Reap the whirlwind, bitches.
Beans · July 31, 2024 at 12:34 am
From what I’ve read and seen, the normally kinda-mellow Druze are about ready to go full Crusader on the attackers, the people behind the attackers and those (financiers) behind the people behind the attackers.
Someone said once that, for whatever reason, islamics in the Middle East, especially the ‘Palestinians,’ choose practically the wrong time to do anything.
Which, of course, right when Israel has Gaza pretty much under its control and showing Hamassholes and the Houties the meaning of FAFO (in full Judas Maccabeus mode) that Hezbollah and its controllers and backers picked the wrong time to tag in to the ‘Israeli Death-Cage Match.’
So stupid. So dumb. Oh, well.
And that Houti attack? Gee, shows the capabilities of the F-35 as a long-range strike aircraft quite well. Almost like Israel was showing someone (cough, Iran, cough, cough) that pretty much nowhere in said Middle East and Persia that isn’t within reach of Israel, and an especially pissed-off Israel at that.
TCK · July 31, 2024 at 2:59 am
While I am firmly on board the “send them to their evil god on a plume of atomic fire” train in regards to islamo-fascists, the weight of evidence strongly suggest that this particular tragedy was the result of an Iron Dome rocket, not Hezbollah or Hamas. I’m sure sure it’s just a coincidence that such a rocket “accidentally” fell on a group of religious minorities that the Israeli elite despise.
McChuck · August 1, 2024 at 4:11 am
Even if you’re right (minuscule chance), the Iron Dome missiles are fired in response to a missile attack. So Hezbollah was firing missiles at the area already. Would you do nothing while your neighbor shot at your house?
EN2 SS · July 31, 2024 at 6:16 am
The country responsible and their proxies should have been nuked YEARS AGO.
tfourier · July 31, 2024 at 6:44 am
Looks like Israelis also believes in a “diplomatic response”.
Drone Missile Diplomacy
Three Spike Anti-Tank missiles
And taking out the Hamas leader in Tehran was also a “diplomatic response”.
There goes Bidens totally fake Hamas “Ceasefire” negotiations.
And its still not even August yet.
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