Police cut off voting at 1345, when it was supposed to go until 1630. Why isn’t the press going nuts over this? Because its Quakertown, PA. The city is 94% White, mostly Trump voters.

I want to point out that the woman in this video isn’t an election official. She is a Democrat who is posing as one. Look at her badge very closely.

Similar stories are playing out all over Pennsylvania- in areas containing white, mostly Trump voters, the voters are being turned away from the polls. Election officials are excusing it by saying those being turned away can apply to receive a mail in ballot.

“We are aware that, due to a miscommunication, individuals in line to apply for an on-demand mail-in ballot were briefly told they could not be accommodated. In fact, these voters were given the opportunity to submit mail-in ballot applications today.”

Applications. Will those applications be approved, ballots filled out, and mailed in time to arrive for election day, 5 days from now? Of course they won’t be. That’s why they are doing this.

Let Republicans demand ID in order to vote, and the communists scream that voters are being disenfranchised. Let the left cut off voting three hours early and turn voters away, and it’s a long and grueling process.

The left, as well as the Federal bureaucracy, cannot and will not let Trump become President. They are terrified of what he will do if he regains power. The cheat, the fix, is in.

Still, there is a chance that I could be wrong, and you miss 100% of the shots that you don’t take. I am going to vote this morning.


Dan D. · October 30, 2024 at 8:11 am

I am not a man prone to violence but I consider that gay ass badge an invitation for, at minimum, a slap to the face. If anyone wants to take it more toward a dentistry bill then be my guest.

JP_IN_MI · October 30, 2024 at 8:37 am

Yeah just watch what happens next Tuesday when most of the voters show up to vote in person… the election workers will be short staffed due to some kind of “illness”, computers will be down, voting machines will mysteriously start jamming.

“If you don’t want to stand in line all day and night just put your ballot in that box over there and we’ll be sure to get to it later”

    Joe Blow · October 31, 2024 at 4:44 am

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!
    It’s funny watching people run around thinking they’re going to win. My God man, were you asleep the last 8 years?! Who got hung for the previous round of shenanigans? Right… nobody. Of course they’re going to do it again.

    YourAverageJoe · October 31, 2024 at 5:28 pm

    Everyone take pictures of these traitors for easy identification for future retribution.
    Make sure not a single one of their cats survives the stolen election.

Bad Dancer · October 30, 2024 at 11:39 am

The cop is hanging his head in what looks like shame with a mix of “and what are you gonna do about it”.

The two women with the lanyards are smug and grinning they know exactly what they’re doing and they do not fear any reprisal what so ever.

This is very frustrating.

    Joe Blow · October 31, 2024 at 4:45 am


    Just something the cool kids on the internet are saying, eh?

      Divemedic · October 31, 2024 at 6:10 am

      I have been saying this for a few years now.

SoCoRuss · October 30, 2024 at 12:52 pm

I’m shocked, Shocked I say!!! And what will the sheeple do??? Nothing as usual. BBBAAAAAA

Why not just tell the cop, fuck off. He doesn’t have the power to shut down a voting place. Neither does the little commie bitch with the official badge that people have been trained like dogs to submit to. That’s not a big place, someone knows who she is and where she lives Go on Arrest me. I will go away in handcuffs with a big fucking smile and my lawyers phone number memorized. I always wanted to own a town and its police dept.

That’s why I say fuck it, let the country burn. It cant be fixed. That’s the only way to start to fix things. The weak and stupid will die off first and that will help a lot only the strong and hard can fix this mess.

JoshO · October 30, 2024 at 3:26 pm

Kill them ALL

    Stealth Spaniel · October 31, 2024 at 11:57 am

    From your lips to God’s ears. It’s also my new mantra.

    LoL No · October 31, 2024 at 1:31 pm

    That’s plan B I fear this go ’round. Even worse, I fear it ain’t.

Chris · October 30, 2024 at 3:35 pm

There was recently a video of some guy with dark skin and a foreign accent opening mail in ballots and tearing them up if they were for atrump?

Iirc, the ballot envelopes had Bucks County, PA election office as the location they were mailed to.

    Patrick · October 30, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    The video of the guy opening the ballots was fake according to Dan Bongino

ColdSoldier · October 30, 2024 at 7:28 pm

I know what I saw the last two times and I will not beclown myself a third.

Viva Ramon Mercader · October 30, 2024 at 8:55 pm

CPUSA/CCP (D) comrade kommissar Shapiro will deliver PA by any means necessary.
Especially after BlackRock failed to KIA Trump.
Comrade Raffensberger (CCP) will not fail in GA.
Conquered by Bolshevik Revolution Redux as in past tense.

Jonesy · October 30, 2024 at 10:39 pm

Well it looks like a trump campaign lawsuit is addressing part of that issue:


I’d like to know more about the fake workers. Of course the Dems are gonna cheat, and these games are probably just scratching the surface of what they have planned. I wanted to avoid any election day BS including long lines, so I voted early in person. It was very busy. I think that’s a good sign.

Rick · October 31, 2024 at 3:33 am

This isn’t shenanigans, this is criminal. Shown are violations of federal (52 USC 10307 Prohibited Acts) and probably state laws.

Other section of 52 USC include criminal violations by other people who refuse to intervene or otherwise do not act to prohibit such criminal acts. This would refer to, but not limited to, officers of the law such as police, DAs, or state or federal AGs.

The People must step up their game.

Joe Blow · October 31, 2024 at 4:42 am

You get it. I imagine most of your readership does as well. Many still don’t.

I dunno if that’s actually true, he had the chance first term and pussied out on Killary, I suspect he’ll do it again claiming “Heal the Nation” or some such drivel. His ego blinds him too much, but I’d digress.

The amount of FRAUD that has been perpetrated in the last 4, 6, 8 years alone, lets not even try uncovering the shit from 12, 16, and 20 years ago, just the stuff shown now in the last 2 weeks of the current, and previous election of 2020, is enough for half of the DNC to be hung as traitors (or jailed for 20-years to life). It’s obvious that they are scared shitless, and this is why. They’re ALLLLLLLLLLL going to go to jail if they lose. The Dem party and the agencies in Mordor are all complicit, and corrupt as hell from the top down. Hundreds and hundreds of people who think they’re the power-brokers in this world.

How hard would you fight to stay out of jail?

    Anonymous · October 31, 2024 at 7:08 am

    Trump wasn’t really allowed to go after the deep state including Hillary because he was hamstrung by traitor Mitch McConnell the whole time he wa in office. Remember, EVERYTHING, including his cabinet choices and in particular attorney general, has to be approved by the senate, and cocaine Mitch was there to sabotage him from day 1, so Trumo got stuck with nothing but deep state hacks. That bastard McConnell didn’t allow the senate to go into recess because he didn’t want Trump to get any recess appointments.

    Since the same senate leadersTrump probably can’t do much differently this time.

JP_IN_MI · October 31, 2024 at 6:32 am

I wonder what would happen if the sheriff was called in to deal with that asshole cop – assuming said sheriff actually believes in the constitution…

    LoL No · October 31, 2024 at 1:29 pm

    Then he’s a traitor to his oath and should be dealt with as such.

JP_IN_MI · October 31, 2024 at 7:50 am

The primary reason that Trump didn’t really go after the deep state (including Hillary) in his first term was that he was hamstrung by traitorous Mitch McConnell and his turncoat buddies. Remember, basically EVERYTHING having to do with the DC swamp, including cabinet choices and particularly attorney general position, has to be approved by the Senate… and Cocaine Mitch was there to sabotage DJT from day 1. Mitch didn’t even allow the senate to go into recess, which prevented Trump from making any recess appointments. Trump wasn’t allowed to hire any MAGA types whatsoever, all he had to work with his entire first term were a bunch of deep state hacks.

Basically the same senate leadership will be in place this time (even after McConnell steps down), so even if Trump somehow gets “elected” it’s likely there won’t be any major swamp draining. So damn frustrating…

I think Trump’s kind of pissed now after getting shot in the face so maybe that will lead to some creative solutions. At a minimum he can start declassifying stuff… Lots of dirt in DC that needs to be uncovered.

SocoRuss · October 31, 2024 at 11:25 am

Its not just PA, here in Colorado we are having abnormal numbers of issues also. The Denver Boulder commie hive have always fucked with our elections, we were the first in the new national system of election fraud. They even wrote a book about it!! But this is blatant and open because no one will put these fucks in jail.
Ballots from a certain company in certain counties wont scan.
Ballots of 3 counties wont let you make “Certain selections”, no one will say what those selections are. But I can guess..
The passwords to our ballot machine was “accidentally” released on state website.
I’m waiting for climate change caused fires in ballot boxes and voting locations next.

LoL No · October 31, 2024 at 1:28 pm

That should be a capital crime and No, I am not kidding. If the system wont do their job, someone will.

    JoshO · November 1, 2024 at 8:33 pm


Gerry · November 1, 2024 at 10:53 am

Quakertown PD says it wasn’t one of theirs.
Your browser won’t let me cut and paste the announcement, basicly the complex is not in the jurisdiction no officers or employees were involved.

I lived just south of there for years. Bucks County is close to a 50/50 split on registration and the congressman is more Democrat than most other RINO’s. Definitely some shenanigans going on.

Aesop · November 1, 2024 at 12:01 pm

Just another Democommunist, protecting America from democracy.
And as usual, the correct response to this sort of thing is simply shooting them in the face, wherever it’s found.
Perhaps people will figure this out before they’re being loaded into boxcars.

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