I recently asked “Can you imagine how that would go today?” about a sailor who was brought up on charges for saying he was “on the pussy watch” while serving as the sentry in front of the women’s barracks. Well, now we know. Anyone in the military who is accused of sexual harassment will be summarily discharged, as the military will have civilian oversight that will investigate charges of sexual harassment:
For sexual harassment cases, it also calls for independent trained investigators and the mandatory discharge of those who engage in sexual harassment.
I once had a boss who gave us a sexual harassment class. He summed it up perfectly: “Sexual harassment is whatever the woman says it is.” Of course, he said that back in the 90’s. Today, the accuser will also be one of the LGTBQHRY… mafia. Say anything that a person under your command doesn’t like, and your career is over.
Now that isn’t to say that all claims of sexual harassment are bogus. Some men are pigs who will use rank to get sexual favors. However, the vast majority of sexual harassment complaints are not because of that. The vast majority are for perceived slights that exist more in the mind of the accuser than anywhere else.
This is just another tool that will be used to eliminate those who are politically unreliable from the ranks of the military.