To those who claim that the military won’t hunt down people on the right, simply because the President orders it:
and this guy.

To those who claim that the military won’t hunt down people on the right, simply because the President orders it:
and this guy.
Don Curton · October 19, 2024 at 10:23 am
Looking at Dan Barkhuff on X, I’m going guess he’s really big into the whole stolen valor scene. If you have to remind people on every single tweet that you were once a SEAL in order to validate your political stance, maybe you aren’t really real. So, he led a sniper team by kicking in doors and throwing frag grenades because he ran out of C4? Some of his stuff doesn’t even make sense.
And yeah, the soldiers they gonna throw against us are all going be Squatamalan brown-skinned spanish speaking illegals wearing a military uniform. You know that’s coming.
Divemedic · October 20, 2024 at 7:21 am
Supposedly he has been validated by some stolen valor groups
James Wrigh · October 22, 2024 at 6:44 pm
Don tell us about your MOS and service.
Stealth Spaniel · October 19, 2024 at 12:19 pm
This illustrious soul has more to say:
**I’m a straight white male, an ER doctor, an ex-Navy SEAL, own guns, box and train Jujitsu every day and have for 2 decades, have 4 kids and drive a truck.
Voting Biden because I’m not a self interested asshole.
**I’m a straight white male, drive a truck, hunt and fish, coach boxing, 20 years of jujitsu, an ER doc at a Level 1 Trauma Center, 4 kids, and I used to hunt jihadists for a living as a SEAL.
Voting Harris. Proudly.
You should too.
**I fought in the bloodiest battle of the Iraq War, was an ER doc through COVID and have been openly anti Trump since 2016 despite constant insults and threats.
It’s a privilege to do those things. I’m ready for a President who sees service as a privilege too.
Fuck Donald Trump.
Here is where I think this asshole is a poser:
**Honestly, I’m sick of news cycles. Teamsters, Hezbollah, JD Vance, bad mouthing immigrants…
I bet you are too. We can be done with Twitter, we can be done with Trump.
We can all end this horseshit that stole a decade from us.
We’re so close.
Vote Harris.
-I am not saying this jerk isn’t real, I just think his credits are a wee bit exaggerated. My mother was an RN, I knew many doctors who had dinner at our house. I never knew one who talked this way. Of course, it is the decade of “enlightenment” and things change. Seriously, who stole a decade from him/them? The Messiah Obama? The Fabulous Clintons? Or was it everyone’s favorite neocon, GWBush? Exactly what did the Teamsters do to him/them? Work and make an honest living? I don’t doubt that ANYONE would do anything if killing someone resulted in more money/status/control. Heads on a swivel, everybody!
ColdSoldier · October 20, 2024 at 2:27 pm
All bitches
Wilson · October 19, 2024 at 1:16 pm
I tell my wife , who is a viet nam era veteran, that not all vets are good. You wouldn’t say a vet who rapes or murders or robs is good. Why would a military person who goes after American citizens be good.
Dr. Hollowpoint · October 20, 2024 at 8:02 pm
Imagine still thinking voting will change the trajectory.
Barefoot Peckerwood · October 19, 2024 at 2:46 pm
They’ll outsource it to PMCs and bada bing, bada BOOM
Divemedic · October 20, 2024 at 7:24 am
They don’t have to. Being in the military doesn’t make you an automatic Republican
Xzebek · October 19, 2024 at 2:56 pm
I’m curious as to what his fellow Seals and other SOF guys think of him.
I wonder if he was/is a Blue Falcon who will be remembered as such should the scenario you describe come to pass.
Slats Grobnik · October 19, 2024 at 3:54 pm
Posse Comitatus was overturned on September 27.
Plan/Prep accordingly.
The CPUSA (D) comrades have made movies about what they plan to do, Purge.
There is no voting your way out of Bolshevik Revolution 2.0 and there is no Rapture Express.
Don’t get demoralized get mean as Josey said.
oldvet50 · October 19, 2024 at 4:15 pm
To be fair, the first guy, Dan Barkhuff, implies on his Twitter profile that he suffered a TBI. That may explain his TDS plus I imagine he is no longer in military service (if he ever truly was). The second guy? He should be kicked out of West Point, but if he has already gained his commission, he should be removed with a DD.
Divemedic · October 20, 2024 at 7:25 am
It’s not illegal to have an opinion.
Southernborne · October 20, 2024 at 11:07 am
Pretty damn close if you happen to be a white, conservative,straight male.
Aesop · October 20, 2024 at 1:53 pm
The West Point commie was bounced out of the Army on an other-than-honorable discharge for “conduct unbecoming”, shortly after that pic surfaced, and there was a scandal about how West Point was completely infiltrated if his professors and cadre officers let him slip through the system.
As for TBI/TDS SEAL, his medical profile explains a lot of the rest of his life.
That only makes him a douchebag, and he’s bragging about that. Which is always its own reward.
As far as pulling a trigger on his fellow Americans, the SEALs’ greatest loss of life occurred at the hands of illiterate goat-pumpers who splattered most of a platoon of them on a hillside in A-stan. SEALs are not magical, nor bulletproof.
The ones who aren’t brain-damaged know that. more to the point, they’ll also likely be the exact ones who shoot the Barkhuff types in the face, come the day.
Kamala’s Kommunist Kadre feels froggy? Jump, you fuckers, and let’s open that ball. I’ve a hunch their life expectancy on that day will be measured in fruit-fly lifetimes.
Steady Steve · October 20, 2024 at 4:05 pm
That cadet was kicked out of West Point shortly after that post went viral. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Divemedic · October 20, 2024 at 4:24 pm
That one was, only because he went public. The others who think like him learned an important lesson that day. Keep your mouth shut.
Now tell me that there aren’t any others who think like he does.
C · October 19, 2024 at 8:33 pm
You’re not wrong DM. I wouldn’t couldn’t on the military to save the day. Better than hoping the police will side with the populace. Isn’t saying much though.
I never understood the sheer amount of dick riding people perform whenever Navy Seals are brought up. They’re just men, and they die the same as any other men. Same with Special Forces, Marines, etc.
Personally the SF groups of the Vietnam era were the rock stars in my opinion. The coolest and baddest dudes we’ll never see in our lifetime. A lot of them put in the ground by 100lb illiterate conscripts with WW1-WW2 weapons. Quantity has a quality of its own.
If there is a civil war. The biggest victories for a resistance won’t be won on a battlefield. They’ll be won at the facilities that make the parts and fuel for the tanks/jets/etc. Lean manufacturing and JIT inventory isn’t just a bitch for civilians.
Big Country Expat · October 19, 2024 at 11:23 pm
I’ve kept following that lil fag commie-cuntbag.
Got his PhD after being shitcanned by the DotMil
Seems UT Austin (of fucking course!) hired him to be an Adjunct Professor of -something- at the History department’s School of Social Research.
Commies Gonna Cover/Help Commies and UT-Austin is a PRIME example of a commie capital in the center of a (for the most part) Red State.
TakeAHardLook · October 20, 2024 at 9:22 am
Yes, we refer to Austin as “A Blueberry in a Bowl of Strawberries.”
Aesop · October 21, 2024 at 1:54 pm
Feel free to check, but I believe you spelled “Dingleberry” wrong, sir.
Vlad · October 20, 2024 at 12:02 am
Good thing we outnumber the pricks. Yes, they have “force multipliers”.
So do we. Homemade firecrackers blew Abrams tanks inoperable in the sandbox.
Explosively Formed Projectiles can be formed easily from the bottom of a wine bottle.
Elvis 1968 · October 20, 2024 at 3:04 am
These Trumpers think we care about the constitution.
We have the power now, it’s time to end this.
They really don’t get it.
We will block them in the courts, we will use federal law enforcement and the military.
After Joe inflicts the death blow, I’ll take the reigns.
They will beg me for a loaf of bread.
Kamala Harris January 21, 2021
JoshO · October 21, 2024 at 9:58 am
sounds like something that canadian cunt would say, got a link?
Divemedic · October 21, 2024 at 11:29 am
I can’t find such a link. I don’t think that it is real
Stefan v. · October 20, 2024 at 4:33 am
Co-relation or causation, from commies and pagans and sodomites and muslims…..all enemies of God and man, and any decency and order and righteousness. These will be the ones herding people to the gallows, the trains, the camps, the gas chambers, and later claim they followed orders, and didn’t know the extent and intent of the evil.
Tsgt Joe · October 20, 2024 at 8:12 am
If you are counting on the cops or military to at least stand down, you’re going to be seriously disappointed. Having worked for government most of my adult life, I can say with confidence; careerists will side with those who pay them. Civil service and military promise a lot, steady pay, and a good retirement and its not portable. You have to stay in that particular organization to get the benefit. Almost all the big city cops I knew felt alienated from the populace and most of the career military did as well. I would hope I’m wrong.
Divemedic · October 20, 2024 at 9:14 am
Exactly. See New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina for a great example.
Aesop · October 20, 2024 at 2:03 pm
Point of order:
Nawlins post-Katrina was a small regional kerfluffle.
When it’s a nationwide problem, and those direct deposit checks don’t cash because there ain’t no system, and fiatbux are toilet paper, desertion with anything fungible will become the military and PTB order of the day, faster than the Iraqi Republican Guards.
Commands will institute lockdowns and on-base standdowns out of sheer self-preservation at that point, IMHO, or they’ll cease to exist in hours to days.
Then guess who else won’t have “F-15s and nukes” to enforce their king-of-hill plans, when they find out they’re perched squarely atop a house of cards.
The police will simply be badged blue-suited warlords (they’re halfway there now), albeit with a 33-60% reduction in manpower, when most of their number decide family welfare trumps putting your neck on the line for some local @$$hole whose paying in MREs.
Any serious push, and System gonna fall down and go BOOM.
Bosnia x Rwanda, with a trip through downtown Beirut.
Folks had best plan accordingly.
Divemedic · October 21, 2024 at 11:30 am
I don’t think it will fall that far. See Eastern Europe for an example.
Aesop · October 21, 2024 at 1:57 pm
I looked there.
I found the former Yugoslavia, AKA Beirut on the Danube.
The central question remains “How big will the collapse be?”
I think the answer lies in
“The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”
Trumpeter · October 20, 2024 at 2:36 pm
Time to remind. In the country it is Shoot l, Shovel & Shut Up! In the city it changes to Shoot, Skedaddle & Shut Up.
This timely public service announcement brought to you by . . .
Dave · October 20, 2024 at 3:13 pm
The retired Seal, if that’s what he is or not, can say whatever he wants. The firstie at West Point, no. Regardless, people in our uniform who support the left are frankly, mental. But to the point of where authority will support the people in a revolt – no. Prepare accordingly.
LoL No · October 20, 2024 at 3:28 pm
It’s nice when they run their mouths loud enough to paint that target on themselves. We wont forget.
Steady Steve · October 20, 2024 at 4:30 pm
I remember reading, and wish I had saved the link, a paper produced by several West Point academics. It was a “what if” study of what would happen if fedgov went totalitarian and the people decided to rise up against it. They took into account the economic, social, and political impact. The upshot was that the federal government would collapse in about 3 months. State governments would remain mostly intact as well as local government as long as they were popular with their citizens. This is likely why the illegals were brought in.
JoshO · October 21, 2024 at 10:05 am
Would love to read that if you ever find it back
Aesop · October 21, 2024 at 2:05 pm
I think 3 months’ survival is wildly optimistic. People will already have starved to death by that point. They start dying of thirst in 4-7 days.
I give it 10 days before TEOTWAWKI goes into high-grade meltdown, and once it begins, the avalanche is unstoppable.
By three months, the die-off of the unprepared is growing exponentially, and 1/3-1/2 of the country isn’t going to pull out, depending on the time of year it starts.
Long before then, FedGov is probably a shredded memory, and/or severed heads mounted on poles.
Look at the demographics of both D.C., and the territory TPTB think they’ll be relocating to, and tell me how long either population takes to drag them out of their holes, and eats them. Or just barbecues them for entertainment. Same-same.
realwesterner · October 20, 2024 at 4:52 pm
The Kweer Kenyan fired 300 flag officers and replaced them with his guys. Guys that believe in communism, socialism, homosexuality, transgenderism and worse and the destruction of America and western civ. So, when the military went woke, there were enough key players in enough key positions to make it stick. Clearly, none of these events took place in a vacuum. Now DoD is greenlighting its victim-class wokesters to shoot the “enemies of democracy”-which is Christians, conservatives and patriots. We are on a continuum here, that appears to include US military in open warfare against real Americans. Spicy times ahead, no doubt.
Out West · October 20, 2024 at 5:23 pm
This guys resume is a colostomy bag of contradictions. He took the ticket and now he does and says exactly what he’s told. He’s someone’s dog on a chain.
BarkBeetle · October 20, 2024 at 7:02 pm
So there’s gonna be a fight, Ok , but remember you started it !
Boba O'Really · October 21, 2024 at 7:26 am
“Reminds me of that time I scored four touchdowns for Polk high where we did this ultra edgy-cool haka war dance ceremony thing to the tune of Rock and Roll part 2 and then before you knew it 20+ years have gone by and I quietly vote for who I wish without feeling the need to virtue signal everyone …because LOOK. AT. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ”
-Al Bundy (maybe)
Gryphon · October 21, 2024 at 2:54 pm
There’s No Question that the feral ‘Military’ will act against the Citizens when Ordered to. Always have, Always will. Remember, the Sainted George (freemason) Washington, who led a Tax Rebellion against the ‘english’ Crown, promptly led the Army against Tax Protesters after the “Colonies” became Independent.
(((their))) Problem is, the ‘Military’, and all ‘law enforcement’ Combined, is Outnumbered and Outgunned, and will have a Hard Time defending “Green Zones” like the District of Criminals, and State Capitols. There have been a number of (Classified, wonder why) studies of various (un)Civil War scenarios. Supposedly, none of them showed “the Government” maintaining “Control” for more than a few Months before complete Collapse.
Bear Claw · October 21, 2024 at 9:59 pm
Everyone has a theory until we’re punched in the face. Let’s get this shit show on the road, I know where I’m going when I don’t make it.
Hariman · October 22, 2024 at 7:05 pm
“I was just following orders.”
“I was told they were a threat to the country.”
And more.
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