A guy in a gym is looking at a woman. That apparently justifies her and her husband in threatening the man. It isn’t a crime to look at someone, but it certainly IS a crime to threaten someone with violence.
Chicks like this dress the way that they do because they WANT people to look at them. They just don’t want people who they find unattractive to look at them. If the man had been “hot” she would have enjoyed the attention and continued to show off for him. Because he wasn’t physically attractive, she decided to play like she was offended. These women seem to think that they can use or threaten force because a guy that they don’t find attractive dares to look at them. This is evidenced by the fact that they post videos and pictures of themselves all over the internet for people to ogle. They enjoy being the center of attention.
Back in 2011, I was standing in line in a Quizno’s sandwich shop in Tampa. The woman who was standing in line in front of me had on one of those midriff-bearing tops, and had a tattoo in the middle of her back. The tattoo was in an old English type of font, with her pants covering the lower half of the letters. I was standing in line, trying to figure out what the tattoo said when she turned around and asked me what I was staring at.
I replied that I was looking at her tattoo, and asked her what it said. Now it’s been my experience that people with tattoos love to show them off. Not this woman. She got angry and said, “Did I give you permission to look at it? Where do you think you get the right to stare at me without my permission?”
Now my natural smartass came out at that point, and I replied “What were you thinking when you put on that outfit this morning- ‘Oh, I hope no one looks at me!’ ??”
At this point, some huge guy, presumably her boyfriend, comes over and asks her if I am bothering her. She replies in the affirmative, and the meathead tells me that we are stepping outside to settle this. I tell him that there is no way that I am going outside and that I am not going to fight him, to which he replies that either I am going to go on my own, or he is dragging me outside, and he is kicking my ass whether I like it or not.
At that point, I tell him that it would be a VERY bad idea to drag me outside, and tell him that he needs to just let it go. Long story short, I didn’t have to go outside, and I didn’t have to shoot anyone.