Why Do You Support Those Who Hate You?

The left accuses the right of hating them, but we don’t execute them, and we don’t do this:

So why does the left love the Islamic people so much? Especially gay people? You do realize that the Islamic folks will kill you if they ever gain power, right?

Listening to a Child

It’s the holidays, and holidays mean seeing family. One of the family members I managed to see was my niece. Talking to her is always instructive, as I think that it’s important to peer into the minds of young people. The niece I am talking about? The same one from this post, where we talked about economics.

This conversation involved her announcement that she is a lesbian. I asked her why she thought she was a lesbian. Her reply was that a lesbian is someone who likes girls more than boys, and since she likes girls and isn’t too fond of boys, that means she is a lesbian. I asked her if she had ever kissed a girl, and she replied that no, she hadn’t. See, there is the confusion. Adults in her life are telling her that she must be a lesbian because she doesn’t like boys.

I have news for those on the left- many children at that age don’t like the opposite sex. Girls and boys like different things at that age, and for the most part don’t have many common interests. As a preteen, I was playing baseball and roughhousing. The girls were boring because they played with dolls makeup. I remember at summer camp, we chanted “2, 4, 6, 8, all the girls evaporate.” That didn’t make us gay. We didn’t develop sexual interests for several more years. I wasn’t interested in girls until I was 14 or so.

The same thing happened with my 21 year old niece- she said she was a lesbian and a vegetarian, until she wasn’t. Now she lives with her boyfriend and eats meat. OK, not all meat. She doesn’t like red meat, but I see her eat seafood and chicken on the regular.

For all of these issues, I blame my sister. She is a moron, a welfare queen, and a Democrat. I think the one is a precondition for the other. First, she believed that they drill wells, and if they hit water, they build a house. If they hit oil, they build a gas station. This wasn’t when she was a kid, either. She believed that in her 30s. Anyhow, she was a waitress until her child support for her oldest daughter came to a halt. Her welfare benefits went way down at the same time, so she married a guy who actually makes decent money, so that made the welfare and food stamps go away. That was when she had to get a real job, so she became an elementary school teacher (third grade).

Earlier this year, she told me that she didn’t like Ron DeSantis because he was against teachers, pushed through the “don’t say gay” law, and wanted to outlaw women having abortions.

I pointed out to her that DeSantis pushed through large raises for teachers in 2019, again in 2020, again in 2021, and yet again in 2022. The so-called “don’t say gay law” says nothing of the sort and merely prevents teachers from discussing sex with 8 year old children, and asked her why abortions are so important to her, seeing as how she is in her 40s and isn’t likely to get pregnant anyhow.

Her reply was that her pay hadn’t gone up. I said well, isn’t that your school board and union’s fault? She said “Well, that isn’t what the union tells me.”

This is the voting base for the Democrats. Uninformed morons.

Woke Mob Cancelation

The Hallmark channel, just like most other channels, has been overrun with gay characters. It seems as thought it is a requirement that every show have at least one gay character. It turns out that this is indeed the case, as the new Great American Family network, which has been described as ‘the God-and-country alternative for holiday entertainment,’ is discovering.

Stars have left Hallmark because of its bend to the right and loss of traditional family values, so they could join the new GAFN. Hallmark released its first film with a gay couple prominently featured, The Christmas House, in 2020. The new GAFN network announced that they will focus on ‘traditional marriage’ instead of gay couples, and the woke army is already attacking them for it.

Every time someone accuses the left of having or following a “gay agenda,” the answer is always “there is no gay agenda.” I think that we can put that to rest. Step out of line, and the Gay Mafia will make sure you get canceled.

Washington to Ban Hunting

The state of Washington is about to get rid of hunting, with groups claiming that hunting is not needed to manage wildlife.

Ultimately, hunters aren’t really necessary to manage wildlife, says Kevin Bixby. Executive director of Wildlife For All, Bixby says predators should be considered the primary wildlife management tool by agencies, which should adopt values consistent with the animal-rights movement.

“If we want to save our own species, then we have to adopt an attitude of coexistence with all the other species,” says Bixby. “And we can’t do that if human needs are placed above other lifeforms. That is the bottom line. Some people will never agree to that.”

So if a few kids get eaten by wolves, that is part of coexisting with all lifeforms.


This week has seen the left going apoplectic over Elon Musk buying Twitter and saying he will reinstate many on the right who have been banned. The left is claiming that they will leave Twitter while loudly stamping their metaphorical feet on the way out.

They will do no such thing.

Just like their threats of leaving for Canada, and their claims of becoming so-called ‘Sanctuary Cities,’ they are 100% full of bovine excrement. When we on the right are denied a voice, the left takes away our hosting services, they take away our ability to have a domain name, they take away our access. Then they tell us, “If you don’t like it, just go create and build your own Twitter and Facebook.”

So we try to do just that, and they take away your domain name. Then they deny your would be users the ability to download your app from their app stores, then they deny you webhosting service.

Elon Musk has done none of that. All he has done is say that he believes in free speech. The left still has the ability to say what they wish. They can still avoid hearing what they wish at the touch of a “Block” button. As they told us, it’s a free country. There is nothing stopping you from starting your own Twitter. Except when there is.

The next argument that we had thrown in our faces was “Twitter, Facebook, and the like are private companies. They can ban whomever they choose.” Having the power to ban whomever you choose carries with it the ability to NOT ban whomever they choose.

The tolerant left hates when people have or express an opinion that is different from their own. They hate that to the point where even this blog in its little corner of the Internet causes people to enter spastic fits of comment posting rage that are so incessant that even when they are banned from posting, they continue to send threats and insults by email, and when those are ignored, they begin posting comments on other blogs, attempting to continue the argument.

The left doesn’t just want to have its own voice heard, it needs to silence the voices of everyone else. This is a sign of a weak philosophy or faulty idea. If your system of beliefs is so weak that it cannot stand against opposing ideas, then it mustn’t be a very robust system.

I have to say that the left losing its collective mind because they can’t just go out and start their own Twitter is giving me a schadenboner.

Don’t Label Me

A staffer for Marco Rubio was attacked merely for being a Republican. It wasn’t enough that they put him in the hospital. Now the communists and their lackeys in the MSM are adding insult to injury. ABC news in Miami has decided to doxx him. It turns out that his name is Javier Lopez, a 22 year old staffer Christopher Monzon, a canvasser for the Rubio campaign. ABC news takes it one step further and calls him a “white supremacist.”

Sören Kierkegaard wrote, “Once you label me, you negate me.” This is exactly what the left is doing. The label that they have found most effective is “Racist.” There are others. They accuse gun owners of having a small penis. They accuse parents of being terrorists and abusers.

It’s an effective tactic. It not only forces the person labeled to defend themselves from the accusation, but also allows the person and their family to be targeted by the communists’ black bloc enforcers. This young man and his family will be targeted at work, at the store, and at school. Your job, your spouse’s job both forfeit. Your kids will be bullied at school. You may even have physical security threats at home.

Look at what they have done to George Zimmerman, the original white supremacist Hispanic. The lesson there worked as intended, with people afraid to report crimes or confront criminals for fear of being labeled and negated.

I have been hit with that label pretty often. It’s a tool used to silence and negate others. It’s a weak argument.


Communists are still committing violence against the right. A staffer for Marco Rubio suffered serious injuries late Sunday night while knocking on doors as a campaign worker.

“Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a DeSantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in Hialeah, Florida”