History Fail

An Orlando TV station did a report about how some residents found and removed a street paving brick that had “KKK” engraved into it. Here is the quote that stuck out at me:

“There was ignorance in the past here. Remember this is the South, so that’s one of the things that you’re living with when you come into the South,” Jenkins said.

Sheehan and her friend are both potters. With their artistic eye, they do not think the etching is new.

“These bricks have to be fired to a really high temperature. And they’ve been there for hundreds of years,”


The media is full of shit.

‘Everybody Takes a Beating Sometimes’

The Rittenhouse trial has exposed a central belief of the antigun left. There is this article, from a licensed New York attorney who specializes in International Human Rights and Islamic studies. The central belief of her opinion?

Kyle Rittenhouse had viable alternatives to patrolling the streets of Kenosha with an AR-15-style rifle… He chose otherwise, and that choice should have had legal consequences.

Then there are several student organizations at Arizona State University, including: the Arizona State University Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, Multicultural Solidarity Coalition, and MECHA de ASU. All of them are communist organizations, most are race based.

One of these groups- La MEChA, even has this in their constitution:

Chicano and Chicana students of Aztlan must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the struggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlan.

This MEChA group has a chapter on many College Campuses in this country. For example, they posted on the University of Texas webpage in 2007 (since taken down):

In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal “gringo” invasion of our territories

I wrote about them in 2007, back when they were advocating for an armed rebellion. It appears as though they don’t mind guns, as long as the guns are in their hands, not the hands of their would-be victims.

The groups are demanding that Rittenhouse be expelled from Arizona State. In their statement, they had this to say:

Rittenhouse took the lives of innocent people with the intent to do so—by strapping an assault rifle to himself in a crowd of unarmed citizens. That is the textbook definition of intention. 

Nevermind that the citizens he shot were armed with a length of chain, a skateboard being used as a club, a handgun, incendiaries, and other weapons. No, having a firearm for self defense is, to the commies, evidence that you intend to commit murder.

The Rittenhouse case is being used as an indictment of armed self defense as a concept. They hordes of violent Antifa and BLM warriors need unarmed victims for their tactics to work. If their intended victims are armed and begin to actively resist, their movement falls apart.

There is a reason why those “protests” have only been successful in Democrat run, gun restricted states. When your victims have the means of resistance, it’s a bit harder for them to become victims in the first place.

Remember what the ADA said in the Rittenhouse case:

Because ‘Everybody Takes a Beating Sometimes’

War on Smart Kids

As a follow up to the post last month about the NYC school system eliminating gifted programs: Since the science is showing that white and Asian kids are smarter than Hispanic and black kids, the science must be racist.

Why is this so? Because we know that everyone is the same. Equality, doncha know. This means that we should ignore any test results that do not agree with this basic premise. We can’t let the facts get in the way of our preconceived results.

Therefore, the only thing left to do is eliminate gifted and honors programs. There, we fixed the problem.

Let’s get one thing straight: After I was tested and found to have an IQ of 144, I was in a gifted program when I was a kid. I was always good at test taking. By the time I was in the sixth grade, standardized testing showed that I was reading at the same level as a college senior. I could read 300 words per minute with 85% comprehension.

A big deal was made of the fact that I was supposedly smarter than 98% of the population. It also sucked.

What all of that meant to me was that I was put into a class for gifted students one hour per day. It also meant that one of my other teachers, who happened to be black, led the class in making fun of me for being smart. I was constantly called out by the teacher with things like “I thought you were supposed to be gifted. You don’t seem smart to me.” The other kids would get in on it, and it made my sixth grade year hell.

I learned that the best defense was to act stupid. I began failing all of my classes, fighting, and getting in trouble. I got kicked out of school and wound up in a private school for a few years. I didn’t enjoy school again until I was in college.

As a result, when my own kids were in school, they were tested and found to also be intelligent. The school wanted to put them into gifted programs. I wouldn’t let them. They tried telling me that I was wrong, telling me that my kids would benefit from it. No, they wouldn’t.

To this day, I still wonder why a person who is talented at playing a sport is so revered, but a person who is talented at intellectual pursuits is so hated. I know what its like to be discriminated against, and putting a child in a gifted program shouldn’t be a punishment.

Vaccines are racist

If you will remember, if the outcome of anything affects black people more than white people, it is racist. With that in mind, I post this graphic from the CDC for your consideration:

  • 65% of vaccinations to whites, only about 7 percent to blacks.
  • 15 percent of the black population vaccinated, more than 60 percent of whites.

That, according to their definition, is racist.

I don’t buy it

So I can believe that there are swastika wearing idiots who identify with the right. It isn’t like I am going to claim that it’s impossible that a guy like that could exist.

I just don’t believe this story. We are expected to believe that a person can drive from California to Washington, DC with no plates, his truck covered in swastikas, and not one cop pulled him over? An Internet search for the guy finds nothing but the story from DC. Nothing on social media, no criminal record, nothing. It’s like the guy didn’t exist before today.

It just stinks.

Cause, effect

One of the many jobs I have had was at a plant that made stainless steel pipe and tube. The process was that we would buy large rolls of stainless steel, slit them to the proper sizes, then cold roll those into pipe. The edges of the roll would be welded together, then the now completed pipe was induction annealed so it would hold its shape.

We had a woman there who was in charge of QA. It was her job to test each batch of pipe to ensure that the pipe was properly manufactured. Once, the woman decertified an entire batch of pipe because the welds were faulty and had microscopic cracks in them. That batch had to go out the next day so we could meet the customer’s deadline. It was a couple of dozen tons of pipe.

Management fixed the problem by firing the QA department and shipping the pipe. Of course, the entire batch of pipe came back when the welds began to fail. Due to bad management, the company went out of business less than a year later.

I am telling you this story because there is a lesson there. One that will easily apply to the situation in this country with regards to our education. The Oregon governor recently decided that too many black students were failing tests in reading and math proficiency. To her, the obvious problem lies in the test, so the test was eliminated.


A member of the NFAC shot a cop awhile back. The Orlando media did a story about how he was tracked down. Read the story, and think for a minute. The shooter got rid of his car because he knew the police would be looking for it, but kept his cell phone. That’s how they knew where he was.

The same station published photos from inside of the man’s house, taken during the police execution of the search warrant. One of the things in the house was publications that he had been reading. I link to a story from one of those papers. It is an interesting read and will help you understand the mindset of the NFAC and the New Black Panther Party. In order to defeat an enemy, one must know how they think. I recommend reading it. It is eye opening in its revelation of the indoctrination coming out of the black separatist movement.

Racism lawsuit

A family is suing Universal Studios because their half black daughter allegedly had a “white power” symbol placed upon her shoulder by a costumed character while visiting the Orlando theme park in 2019.

(the news channel blurred out the gesture, not me)

The man in the costume was fired, and now the family is seeking $30,000 in actual damages, plus whatever other bonus money the jury sees fit to give them as winners of the ghetto lottery.

Let’s see who else we can sue. William Shatner, who was a part of the first interracial kiss to appear on American television. Racist.

Usain Bolt. I had no idea he was a closet racist.

Eddie Murphy. Of course he is a racist. He was also a huge homophobe, so why not a secret racist?

Oh shit, not you too, Oprah.

The first black president.

No, not THAT one, this one: