Shut up, white boy

Shannon Lee, the daughter of Bruce Lee, says that she is tired of white men telling her father’s story. Why does she think that they are incapable of telling it?

“I’m tired of hearing from white men in Hollywood that he was arrogant and an asshole when they have no idea and cannot fathom what it might have taken to get work in 1960s and ’70s Hollywood as a Chinese man with (God forbid) an accent, or to try to express an opinion on a set as a perceived foreigner and person of color.”

Note that she doesn’t deny that he was an arrogant asshole, but instead excuses it because racism, or something. I would point out that Ms. Lee, who was born in 1969, wouldn’t have any idea about what it was like to get work in 1960s and ’70s Hollywood, either. So maybe she should shut the fuck up. But that isn’t what she is saying. What she is saying is that Whites need not have an opinion about anything because we can’t know what its like to ever be discriminated against because of the color of our skin. The irony completely escapes her.

Black Magic

Read this ad copy for shampoo:

Experience the gold standard in moisture, with Gold Series from Pantene Moisture Boost Shampoo. Thoughtfully developed by Black PhD scientists and perfected by Black hair stylists, every bottle of our paraben-free formula is infused with Argan oil. (emphasis added)

What difference does THAT make? Why is the word ‘black’ capitalized? What would be said if a company advertised that their products had been invented by other races? “Our calculators were designed by Asian PhD scientists and perfected by Asian math students, because you know that Asians are good at math!”

This is more proof that using black people to do things is evidence that your company is woke, because black people are magic. This woke bullshit is a religion.

Kill everything white

The New Black Panther party sponsored a rally in Tulsa, OK over the weekend. The theme of the rally was “Reparations Now!”

“The struggle for Reparations must be escalated,” a news release from organizers read. “We must fight on every front to achieve redress and Reparations for the atrocities committed upon Tulsa Massacre descendants; and we must intensify the fight to achieve Reparations for all 40-million Blacks still grossly affected by racism, inequality, wealth disparity, police brutality and the like. Tulsa will mark a new beginning in the upgraded fight for Reparations for Black people.”

The following groups were present:

  • The Huey P Newton Gun Club (HPNGC)
  • The Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club (EGPGC)
  • The New Black Panther Party for Self- Defense (NBPP)
  • The Fred Hampton Gun Club (FHGC)
  • The New Black Liberation Militia (NBLM)
  • The Panther Special Operations Command (PANSOC)

The rally was nothing but a black version of a Klan rally, with one speaker saying “We will kill everything White in sight.”

Why is the press ignoring this? Would they ignore it if the Klan made a similar speech? While I will point out that this rally was “peaceful,” the rhetoric was inflammatory. The entire basis of the rally, that whites are killing blacks, just isn’t supported by the facts. Per the FBI, even though white people outnumber black people 5-1, black people kill white people at a rate greater than 2-1.

Facts don’t matter.

Inside a liberal’s head: thoughts on the cops

Thanks to Big Country, I saw a story that came out yesterday about the Seattle Police Department no longer performing traffic stops. I met my wife after work last night- we went to the house of one of her friends. Another of her liberal teacher friends who was there was talking about this story with me. He is all in favor of it. I shot several holes in his argument.

His claim was that there is no reason for police to do a traffic stop when they can simply take down your tag number and mail a ticket to your house. Traffic stops, he says, are an escalation and almost ensures that the subjects of these stops will be nervous or scared, thus also ensuring that there will be some kind of violence that will end with the police shooting people.

I replied, “So you don’t think the cops should ever stop anyone?” He replied no, and I told him that as a paramedic who has responded to perhaps 25,000 car accidents in his career and seen hundreds of fatalities as a result, that I disagree. People would soon drive even worse than they already do. He replied that people mainly have any good driving habits because they are afraid of getting a ticket, so mailing out those tickets would have the same effect.

This was where I laughed and said, “I will just remove the license plate from my car and never get another ticket in my life. After all, if there are no traffic stops, without a tag, you have no idea where to send the ticket.”

His reply was that, of course police would stop you for no tags. I said, “Oh, so SOME traffic stops are ok?” He says yes, in cases where there are no tags, or for safety reasons. So now I move on to- what about suspected DUI? Yes. What about someone speeding? Yes, but only if someone is 25 mph or more over the speed limit. What would prevent the police from simply lowering speed limits by 25 mph? What about the kid who gets hit by a car going 44 mph in a school zone?

So then he moved the goalposts. He said that his problem was that the police use traffic stops to profile people. His daughter (white, liberal, purple hair and many piercings) lives in a ghetto, all black neighborhood and drives a red, lowrider Honda with dark tinted windows. She “gets pulled over all of the time” they question her and then “let her go because she is white.”

I said, “But profiling works.” He replied: “What?”

“Look, you are a cop. You are trying to prevent crime, or at least catch a criminal. It’s kind of your job. Which scenario will likely accomplish that- Stopping a 60 year old man driving a Lexus in a neighborhood of half million dollar homes, or a red Honda with dark tinted windows and a coffee can muffler being driven by a couple of white kids in an all black neighborhood that is notorious for drug sales and random drive by shootings?”

To his credit, he admitted that the Honda is most likely. Then I said, “Could it be that they let your daughter go because they could see that she wasn’t breaking the law, and not merely because she was white? Is it possible that they let black people go without a ticket as well?”

Then I had to let it go, because my wife was giving me “the look” for grilling her coworkers.

The fact is this: Florida did a study of traffic stops. They found out that blacks are not stopped in numbers that are out of proportion to the population of the areas where the stop is made. That is, in areas where all of the residents are black, police stop- mostly black people. Not because they are black, but because that is who is driving in that area.

Black gun stores are racist

Amid all of this talk about how white supremacy is the largest threat to America, we see this article. To date, we hear about how the gun culture is filled with whites who hate the fact that black people want guns. This article shows something different.

Blacks are arming themselves because they don’t like whites, if this story is to be believed. The black gun store owner showcased in the story had this to say:

“It was a terrifying, horrible experience, not just because I was buying the gun; it was because of how I was treated,” Solomon told NBC News. “I looked around the room and there was nothing but white men behind the counter. There wasn’t even a woman there.”

She claims to have been treated badly, but the only thing she can point to is that there were no women or blacks working there. The story then doubles down:

After watching report after report of police killings of Black people and her experience living in a predominantly pro-Trump neighborhood, she decided to buy a gun.

Still a third black woman had a gun buying experience:

The class of 20 new gun owners was predominantly Black — exactly what fellow student Erin Wood was looking for. “It’s just nice to have people that look like you in the group. It just makes you feel a little more comfortable to have the instructors be from your community,” Wood said, emphasizing that she sought out Redstone Firearms specifically because it is Black-owned.

Had this story been reversed, and a white gun store owner or gun buyer would have said they want to buy guns and take classes from people who look like them, Biden’s DHS would be dropping a JDAM on the store by now.