Trump Witch Hunt

As I write this, the FBI has just raided Mar a Lago, searching for evidence that he planned the events on January 6 in order to overthrow the government.

As I wrote on January 7, 2021, President Trump needs to flee the country. The left will not rest until they see him dead or in prison. The left wants to get rid of Trump. Permanently. Since they couldn’t finish the impeachment and lock him out of office, they will find another way. As in death or prison. I have been saying this for awhile, he needs to take his money and go to a non-extradition country. With his family. Before they kill them all, like the Bolsheviks did to the Romanovs.

The crisis phase of a communist revolution is where the insurgents eliminate anyone who can oppose the revolution. The counter revolutionaries must be eliminated. Once this phase began, the existing government usually collapses with blinding speed, perhaps only weeks. 

Violence is considered a means to achieving the goal of centralized power. There is not even a pretense of due process or respect for free speech. Yes, there are pretexts given for eliminating perceived enemies, excuses that have the perpetrators projecting their own intentions upon their victims, but the accusations are merely for show.

Trump needs to consider getting himself and his family out. They are going to silence him, even if that means his death.

At any rate, people disappearing was always my tripwire for knowing that we were officially in a dictatorship. Once that begins, it will be time to shut down this blog. Look up what the Russians under Soviet rule called “vzyali” to see how this worked.

I am not egotistical enough to think that I am important enough to be disappeared along with the likes of Trump, Hannity, or Paxton. However, I plan on melting away before they work too far down the list. Once the disappearances begin, the time for talking is over.


The Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania says that the First Amendment does not protect people who claim the election was stolen. According to him, freedom of speech means the ability to “talk all day about what [your] favorite football team is,” but no one has the right to say “incendiary lies” about the election.

He uses the “fire in a theater” excuse, which is a load of bullshit. As I have written here before:

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote the most well-known, misquoted, and misused phrase in Supreme Court history: “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.”

Without fail, whenever any controversy about limiting people’s rights comes up, someone will misquote this phrase as proof of limits on the right to free speech, then use that as support for their claim that all rights have limits. Whatever that controversy may be, the law can then be interpreted to mean that we should limit the rights of the people. Holmes’ quote has become a crutch for every would be tyrant in America.

Go read the case where the phrase originated before using it as your argument. I will wait. The case is U.S. v. Schenck, and it was so bad that was overturned more than 50 years ago.

The case had nothing to do with fires or theaters or false statements. Instead, the Court was deciding whether Charles Schenck, the Secretary of the Socialist Party of America, could be convicted under the Espionage Act for writing and distributing a pamphlet that expressed his opposition to the draft during World War I. The case didn’t call for violence. It did not even call for civil disobedience. It simply urged people to vote out any politician who supported it.

The crowded theater remark that everyone likes to trot out was an analogy Holmes made before issuing the court’s holding. He was explaining that the First Amendment is not absolute. The actual ruling, that the pamphlet posed a “clear and present danger” to a nation at war, landed Schenk in prison. That case, along with two others, was used to toss people in prison for daring to oppose or speak out against President Wilson’s policies.

The case was effectively overturned in 1969, with the Supreme Court’s decision in Brandenburg v. Ohio. In that case, the Court held that inflammatory speech, even speech advocating violence by members of the Ku Klux Klan, is protected under the First Amendment, unless the speech “is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Sound familiar? This is why they can’t do shit about what President Trump had to say on January 6, nor can they legally shut down the speech of the right. So instead, they are allowing large megacorporations to have monopolies on the digital town square, they coopting them into performing the censorship for them.

Florida: Home of the Resistance

The Capitol Police work for Nancy Pelosi. Now they are hiring their own prosecutor. Don’t forget that the Capitol Police have a field office in Tampa. The fact that Pelosi is setting up her own secret police force that will enforce her edicts using her own prosecutors has nothing whatsoever to do with Florida residents leading the nation in J6 arrests and prosecutions.

DeSantis needs to stay Florida governor. We need him to lead the resistance. Of course, that turncoat asshole Charlie Christ is demanding an investigation into why Florida is so resistant to the left’s shenanigans. The left’s hate for Florida has been high because of two events: Al Gore lost Florida and the Presidency to George Bush by 537 votes in 2000, and Trump beat Hillary in Florida by 113,000 votes to become President in 2016.

Enemy Action?

According to the NY medical examiner, Ivana Trump died from trauma to the chest. They say it was an accident. She was found at the foot of the stairs in her New York residence. No other details are available.

Being a former President’s EX-wife, Ivana is not under Secret Service protection.

Democrats hate Donald Trump and have been calling for the killing of Republicans.

I’m sure all of that is a pure coincidence.

War Drums

Malcolm Nance has been faking his participation in the Ukraine/Russia war. Now he is ready to bring that war home to the USA. In the process, he is willing to declare that Republicans are the enemy that must be eliminated. In his own words:

Here is the United States — to characterize that to understand what kind of terrorism we might be dealing with, you have to label it as white extremism because we have 30% of the population of the United States who no longer believe in the democratic norms that we established in the founding of the country…You know Irish Republicanism, where now the Republican Party is Sinn Fein, and it’s just a matter of seeing who comes up as the original Irish Republicans in this story and starts carrying out acts of violence to affect change. So we are well on our way to a multi-year campaign that we are already two years into this campaign where we may have to fight them. The ‘they’ in my title and the ‘they’ in my title is those who want to kill Americans are your neighbors.”

Emphasis added

So the left thinks that they are going to begin fighting. The war drums are sounding. The next few years seem to be propelling us towards armed conflict, neighbor against neighbor. Perhaps even within families. Be prepared to defend yourself and your household.

Bull Run, part 1

A lefty just discovered history. Northerners are always accusing those of us in the South of attempting to relive the Civil War. Read this:

Expelling members of Congress, or of SCOTUS, because you don’t like their politics is tantamount to a declaration of war. You are in effect saying that you are going to impose your will upon the other party.

Many consider the shots at Fort Sumter to be the first shots of the Civil War, but one must remember that no one was injured or killed in that event. The first skirmish of the Civil War that involved blood was the reason why those members of Congress were expelled: The Battle of Philippi.

The incident served to embolden the Union, but it wasn’t exactly a battle. Since there had been no hostilities at this point, the 800 confederate volunteers, who had not yet even formed into regiments, didn’t post any sentries and were unprepared for battle. The 3,000 Union troops surrounded and entered the town, intending to perform a sneak attack. This sneak attack accidentally began prematurely when Union troops scuffled with a farm owner. The shots caused the unprepared confederates to rout, and there were a few casualties on both sides (a total of 30, to be precise).

The Union press seized upon this rout of the confederates, and predicted that the war would be a pushover that would end in a few weeks. Some political machinations led to the congressional expulsions, with the Union replacing those members with northern sympathizers.

As a result of the sneak attack, the Union ordered the Union general (McClelland) to invade Virginia and drive to Richmond.

Seeing no other option, the Confederates decided that armed resistance was the only solution. The first battle of Bull Run came ten days after those members of the legislature were expelled. That battle was the first organized battle of the war, and resulted in 4,700 casualties.

Is that what they want? Do they think that the war will be easily won? Are they planning on kicking out our legislators, gaming the courts, and ruling over us? If so, do they think that we will simply accept being ruled? Judging by some of their statements, it seems so.