Another of those supposedly rare bad Apples

The description of the crime I am about to give is disturbing, but I think that it is needed, so that we all can understand the nature of the evil that we are looking at here.

A police officer in Bartow, Florida has been arrested after he went to a party and had four girls naked in his home in Lake Wales: two were 18 years old, one was 17, and the last was 16 years old. All were nude, all of them were high school students, and he gave them alcohol and marijuana before he directed the 17 year old to perform a sex act upon one of the 18 year olds. He had sex with all four girls, and even choked some of them.

He compounded this by recording the entire thing before showing the recording to his police officer coworkers. I guess he felt that the blue wall of silence was strong enough that his fellow gang members in blue would support him. At least one of them was brave enough to come forward, and for that I recognize that there is at least one cop with a conscience in the Bartow police department. As a result the police chief turned this over to the Polk County sheriff’s office, and Grady Judd himself made the arrest announcement. Judd, who occasionally does the right thing and never misses a chance to look tough on camera, then ran with it.

I know from personal experience that Bartow cops doing the right thing isn’t always the case, since one of them was part of a scheme to get me in some serious hot water a few years ago. That failed for two reasons:

What is most revealing about this, is that the cop thought that he would be safe in telling other cops about molesting kids, and that they would be OK with it. It makes one wonder what the police culture looks like, and how many crimes cops ARE cool with covering up.

Still, in this case, the police who decided to do the right thing are to be commended.


A 17 year old was shot in Haines City, Florida this weekend. The police officer in question spotted a 2014 Nissan Versa that had been reported stolen that day. They initiated a felony traffic stop, and the vehicle fled at a high rate of speed before striking another car, so police cancelled the pursuit. A short distance away, a Polk county deputy tried to use stop sticks on the car, but the car went off road to avoid them before taking off again at over 100 miles per hour. passenger of the car. The police then used a PIT maneuver to stop the car.

The passenger in the vehicle then tried pulling a gun, so one of the cops shot him. The 19 year old driver was then arrested.

These “teens” aren’t choirboys.

  • The 19 year old driver has 11 felony, six misdemeanor arrests, and three probation violations.
  • The 17 year old (deceased) passenger had been arrested for four misdemeanors, a felony and five probation violations- all by the age of 17.

They were in a stolen car, fleeing from the police, were involved in two hit and run crashes during that chase, and were illegally in possession of drugs and firearms. In my opinion, the actions by the cops here were proper, and the driver should be charged with felony murder.

This is why Gun Control Won’t Work

A group of fifth grade students were on a tour of the Rock Island Police Department. Students were allowed to step inside a holding cell when one of them pushed on a pillow and felt the presence of a handgun hidden inside. The student alerted staff who immediately took possession of the weapon. The gun was unloaded, and a check of the serial number determined that it had been stolen during a burglary in 2022.

If the police can’t even prevent people from getting a gun while in jail, where everyone and everything is searched when entering, then how can they prevent criminals from getting guns? Even if they turn the entire nation into a prison, criminals will still be able to get guns.

Incompetence Should Hurt

Tulsa police raid wrong house. Let’s remove qualified immunity and require police to carry malpractice insurance, like I must do. A million in malpractice insurance costs me less than $200 a year.

Also, look at this stupid stack. This is what a group of people who are not expecting, or have no experience with, taking actual, hostile fire. They way that they are bunched up, all of them could be taken out with a couple of guys armed with battle rifles. That body armor won’t stand up to sustained .308 fire.

The Real Crime

Below, you will see the deposition of a Brevard County Deputy who arrested a man for trespassing and obstruction. The man was in a parking lot, filming a cop who was on a road 35 feet away, conducting a traffic stop. The officer here being deposed arrived on the scene and told the man that he was being trespassed, ordered him to get in his vehicle and leave.

The man walked away, and immediately left the property. He was arrested for trespassing and obstruction. The law of trespassing is where a person refuses to leave private property after being told to leave. It says nothing of leaving your vehicle and wife behind. The cop even admits that leaving your vehicle behind isn’t a crime, but leaving it behind after a cop orders you not to, is.

The case here is one that is literally “respect mah authoritay” when the man didn’t do exactly as the cop told him to, the law be damned.

It is long past time for police to lose qualified immunity.

Twists and Turns

This carjacking in the Orlando area has begun sounding like a television show.

Police identified the car that was involved in the carjacking as a Green 2002 Acura. There are only three of them in the state of Florida.

  • The car was purchased at a “buy here, pay here” place in February. The purchaser was never seen again after buying it, despite owing money on the car.
  • The car was towed on March 19.
  • The tow truck driver was shot at over 100 times by a 10mm and killed on April 10.
  • The carjacking turned muder happened on April 11.
  • The car was found abandoned and towed on April 13

On top of that, despite police claiming that the woman and her husband had no relatives or known associates in the Orlando area, the woman’s husband and brother contacted the wife of an Orange County Deputy, and coopted the Deputy into calling the Seminole County Deputies who were conducting the investigation, and posing as someone else, recorded the call and forwarded a copy of the recording to the husband.

This is some organized crime television drama. It stinks of organized crime.

Dyke Cop is an Asshole

Last May, this dyke cop pulls a gun on a man who called 911 after he had another man threaten him with a gun. Here is a short summary of the story.

If you want to know why the cops there are such assholes, simply advance to the 5:20 mark of the video and listen to how the Police Chief addresses the man who was there to file a complaint, then threatens him with yet another arrest.

Finally, after the above video was released, the cops released investigation materials and announced that the cop had been fired. I’m guessing that was because the cops knew at this point that they were in deep shit, so they needed a sacrificial lamb.

Watch the video of her internal affairs interview that includes her body cam footage and hear the following exchange:

LesboCop: “I’m detaining you.”

Guy: “For what crime?”

LesboCop: “Because you don’t want to listen.”

Guy: “That’s not a crime. You’re fucked. Are your bodycams on?”

Guy: “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

LeboCop: “Yes I do.”

and therein lies the problem. Cops think that because they have a badge and a gun, that they are our masters whose commands must be obeyed. Before you get into the whole “resisting an officer” thing, you should note that a person can’t resist an officer in the LAWFUL performance of their duties. If what the officer is doing is unlawful, there can be no crime for resisting them. We know that what she did was unlawful, because the cops admitted to that when they fired her for her unlawful actions.

She yells for him to drop the phone, then draws a gun on him when he refuses. There is nothing here that would indicate that drawing a firearm on him was appropriate. Watch her body cam video. He obeyed every one of her commands. Her problem was that he wasn’t showing the proper amount of deference and boot licking.

As soon as they display that they are treating you as a suspect, you should immediately say, “I am not answering any questions without a lawyer present.” Then shut the fuck up. There is no reason to EVER talk to a cop. The risks are too high.

She claims that she acted this way because someone on scene may have had a gun, and she wasn’t sure who had it. Her excuse?

“It’s never easy when you know there is a gun out there.”

Note that she never searched the guy who she was so concerned was armed that she drew down on him and placed him in cuffs, yet once they got to the guy who DID have a gun and matched the description of the guy with the gun, they didn’t draw on him. This wasn’t about a gun- this was about demanding that people kiss their ass because they are so brave. Now that we have permitless carry in Florida, expect unhinged cops like this to get worse.

This slot licking dyke then makes fun of the man’s nail polish and later tells her sergeant on camera: “Fuck that guy.” Totally unprofessional and unhinged. She is then asked by the sergeant: “Did anyone go talk to the other party?” (you know, the guy who actually DID have the gun that she was claiming as the cause of her unhinged behavior?) and she replied that no one had yet done so.

Then the guy who had brandished the gun had his gun taken and was allowed to leave the scene without charges. You know why? Because the cops don’t care if you commit a crime, as long as you lick the boots.

Why do I keep mentioning that the cop is a dyke? Because she was fired as a result of her unhinged handling of this incident, and is now claiming that she was fired because she is a lesbian. By the end of the interview, she began crying and blamed her behavior on stress and adrenaline, proving that she doesn’t have the temperament to be a cop.

To the supervisor’s credit, he drove the victim to Red Lobster, bought him lunch, then took him home. Why? Because they knew that they had fucked up.

Every other cop that was there is a bad cop. The department found that this cop violated the law and department procedure to the point that she was fired. Every other cop who was there should have received discipline for seeing her behavior and not only standing there, but actively assisting her in depriving this man of his rights- they left him in handcuffs for over four hours, despite them knowing that he hadn’t violated the law. Not only that, the dyke falsified his arrest report. There should be criminal charges here.

This was a bad cop, and everyone knew it. She used her police database access to stalk her lesbian lover’s ex, she left her department issued AR-15 in her patrol car, which was burglarized and the rifle stolen, and she had a previous incident exactly like the one that is the subject of this post. Despite all of this, she was allowed to keep her job earning over $100K per year.

When they finally did talk to the guy with the gun, the guy was allowed to sit in a chair and calmly answer questions. Security video showed that the guy with the gun was the aggressor. The dyke was calm and bordering on kind to the guy with the gun.

She then turned off her body camera. I maintain that any cop who turns off the body camera during an investigation, that investigation should by law be considered in automatically result in the cops entire testimony be disregarded.

This guy’s mistake was in calling the cops. At this point, they are to be considered to be unpredictable loose cannons who are just as likely to make a situation worse as they are to solve the problem. I can’t imagine a reason for calling the cops at this point.

He has filed a Federal lawsuit against the officer and the Palm Beach Gardens police department. He filed a lawsuit after moving to Chicago, where he claims that it is safer.

On a side note that speaks to tactics- These cops were so focused on the guy who was arguing with them, that they ignored the reported gun that was on scene, even though they had been called about an armed individual. An ambusher could have wiped out all three of these idiots. That detail may be important someday.