Reading what isn’t there

Whenever a shooting suspect is described in the press, you can tell a lot about what happened by what they DON’T say. If the event is barely mentioned in the press, the shooter is always described as a “man” or a “teen” with no further details. This invariably means the shooter was black.

If the shooter is white, it is a national news story for weeks and is accompanied by nearly universal calls for gun control.

The Big Guy

Remember when the left said that Trump was Putin’s stooge? Remember when Biden cancelled the Keystone pipeline in order to save the environment? Do you also recall how Hunter Biden was on the board of a Ukranian energy company, even though he has no experience with oil, doesn’t even speak the language, and is completely unqualified for the job?

So explain to me how it is that Biden waives sanctions so that a Russian oil company owned by Vladimir Putin can build a pipeline. Was this because Trump was a Russian stooge, or was it to save the environment, or perhaps it was because ten percent goes to the big guy?


Two years ago, I posted about a Florida deputy who was was recently caught planting drugs on drivers during traffic stops. He had apparently been doing it for years, and more than 100 people were charged based upon the drugs he ‘found’ in their cars. The pattern was the same- pull the car over on some pretext, claim that he could smell marijuana, and then meth would be found. Mysteriously, his camera would not be turned on until AFTER the drugs were found. In one case, he did leave the camera on, and it caught the drugs in his hand right before he planted them.

He was just convicted on 19 counts including racketeering, official misconduct, fabricating evidence, perjury, false imprisonment and possession of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

Before anyone says that this is because of “racist cops” the article from the Democrat shows 36 people who were victims of his scheme, and only four of them were black. Not racism, just an officer trying to make a name for himself.

Holy Crap

The women who threw a severed pig’s head onto the porch of a house that used to belong to the expert witness for the defense in the Chauvin trial have been arrested.

Those are some seriously ugly -er- women. Holy shit. That one in the middle looks like Jerry Seinfeld and Rosie O’Donnell had a love child. Don’t even try to picture what happened the night that Rosie tried to convince Jerry to to let her play the part of Elaine.

Let’s look at a Conservative woman to help clear our palate a bit.

Some people are just evil

Here is a case of a 14 year old evil person, who killed his 13 year old classmate. Some want to make sense of it, and I just don’t even try. To try and understand some things is to invite yourself to become like them.

Whenever someone asks me why people can do things to others, that is what I tell them: “Some people are just evil. The things that they do to other people don’t make sense to you, because you aren’t evil. Those people are broken, and that is why they do the things they do. “

I may not want to understand them, but I *do* know how to keep them from doing it again. It seems odd for me to say, because- I am opposed to the death penalty. Why? Because I don’t trust our court system not to do underhanded things like hide exculpatory evidence or manufacture evidence, not because I oppose the concept.