Sending a message

Not only will they destroy people who cross the goals of the left, but anyone who dares defend them from the mob will be destroyed as well. They are making lists, and will destroy anyone who they deem worthy of destruction.

So now they are going to destroy the reputation of the defense expert witness from the Chauvin trial. Once they are done with him, any cop accused by the left will have no chance of being able to defend themselves, because no lawyer or witness will dare come forward.

This sets the stage for what communists always do. They engage in show trials before shipping people off to the gulag.

another bad apple or three

There is also a south Florida cop who was a Sergeant and member of SWAT that was using his police powers to force women to have sex in order to avoid arrest. In that case, five different women came forward (one of whom a police cadet he got pregnant, ending her career) and said that he had raped them.

In the case of the cadet, the woman was a student where the cop was working as an instructor. They were having an affair, and she got pregnant. The rest of the class urged her to come forward and tell the academy. She did. After that, our amorous Sergeant told the class that he had enough pull to make sure none of them got hired unless the pregnant cadet recanted. Under pressure, she did.

He then bragged that he was protected by a fellow cop in the Internal Affairs division that he was also sleeping with. It didn’t hurt that his father was a chief of police (now retired).

No one would do anything until the Feds stepped in. It took four years. One thing that slowed it down was much of the evidence against him was kept in an evidence room that his police chief father had access to, and much of that evidence remains missing. In all, a total of 7,877 evidence and property items are missing, including 19 weapons, 177 valuables, 19 bikes and 44 items from the narcotics cage.

This appears to be a crime family. The police chief father was alleged to have ties to a drug kingpin, and the chief’s brother (who worked for Miami PD) was an “inside man” who was assisting in the smuggling of drugs into South Florida.

The charges against the son for his sexcapades were filed in December of 2019. It is still tied up in court, and he is a free man. He is still working for the police department, but in a desk job in the communications division.

More bad apples

Here is a song I have heard before. Cops caught issuing traffic citations to people that were never pulled over. In one case, the motorist had received 10 bogus traffic tickets. Another woman had received 6 bogus traffic tickets in a single month.

Also don’t forget the South Florida cops who took cover behind a family while engaged in a shootout.

I don’t think the issue is that cops need defunding. I think that we need fewer laws, and the laws that we do have shouldn’t be set up to be funding sources for greedy politicians.

SCOTUS isn’t coming to save you

The Chauvin case is over, and there are already talks of making appeals to the courts. After all, there is no doubt that the trial could not have been a fair one. Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man lays it all out– there are more than enough grounds to file an appeal. There is no doubt that Chauvin cannot get a fair trial in this country. That conviction should be overturned. But that won’t happen. That was the old USA. The one that no longer exists.

The mood in the country is such that any court overturning the conviction would virtually guarantee court packing, term limits for SCOTUS, or some other tampering with our courts. For that reason, the courts have been subverted and will forever bow to the demands of the left. Think that’s not realistic? Let me point out that just six months ago, we still believed in fair elections.

Our constitutional government is dead, and has been since November. This is the USSA. Expect even more show trials. George Zimmerman is as good as dead.

Where from here?

By now, the entire country knows that Chauvin was found guilty of simultaneously accidentally and purposely killing George Floyd. Anyone paying attention knew that this would happen. Why? Because potential jury member likely to view the case on its merits and give Chauvin a fair trial stayed far, far away from this case and its potential for doxxing and mob violence against any jury that acquitted Chauvin. This left only the jurors who would vote guilty either out of revenge or a sense of self preservation.

Even though most of my readers knew the outcome of this trial before it even started, the question is: “What effect will this have on the country?” To answer that question, all we have to do is listen to the people in charge.

The NAACP says that policing is going to change. I concur.

A former NYC police commissioner says “We still have a long way to go, but the death of Mr. Floyd will accelerate and make much more comprehensive that process of change, and you see it already in the sense of the president of the United States, the vice president, tonight, speaking out in support of the legislation they’ve filed.”

Speaking of the Biden administration- they applauded the verdict, then proposed legislation that effectively destroys law enforcement in this country. I can hear some of you cheering now, but if you think that this will in any way make us more free or be good for the country, you haven’t been paying attention for the past year. Oh- most telling of all is the fact that the law does not apply to Military Police, the US Army Criminal Investigation Command, or to Federal Protective Details. I wonder why that could be…

All of this tells me that I was correct- we are seeing steps to destroy policing in this country so that it can be replaced with a Federal Police Force. Perhaps they can call it the “National Keep Violence Down” force. The abbreviation is cool, too: NKVD.

It is plain that things are going to continue to get uglier as time goes on. Keep your powder dry and your batteries charged.

George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020

The Biden administration introduced legislation that redefines deadly force to include “multiple discharges of an electronic control weapon.” That’s right- more than one discharge of a Taser is the same as a gunshot. It goes on to prohibit police from investigating other cops for use of deadly force. It grants to the US government the power to set universal standards that all US police agencies must adhere to- including standards on use of force, traffic and pedestrian stop policies, and even controls hiring and recruitment, dictating that police departments must engage in the “hiring and recruitment of diverse law enforcement officers who are representative of the communities they serve.”

That same law prohibits arrests in schools, dictating “restorative justice” practices instead of arrests. This will make our schools even worse than they already are.

The law defines “less lethal force” to include even pointing a gun at someone, and then prohibits the use of that force unless all reasonable alternatives have been exhausted.

The law goes on to prohibit the Federal government from giving firearms, ammo, silencers, vehicles, acoustic equipment, aircraft, drones, and other equipment to police.

It spells out that people must be notified when a body camera is recording and they then have the right to refuse being recorded.

The law goes on and on. In other words, the police will be effectively neutered.

Except that the law does not apply to Military Police, the US Army Criminal Investigation Command, or to Federal Protective Details. Go figure.

Lynch mobs

Andrew Branca talks about the intimidation of the jury in the Chauvin trial, and he made some points that struck a chord with me. First, let me start with the relevant quote from the esteemed Mr. Branca:

If it cannot be expected that Chauvin can get any fairer a trial elsewhere in Minnesota than he can in the rage-mob surrounded Hennepin County Courthouse, the solution consistent with the “justice” any of us would want for ourselves or anyone we care about is not to compel him to endure an unfair trial where he is.

That is the point- if a person who is accused of a crime cannot receive a fair and impartial trial under the law, then the law has become nothing more than a codified lynch mob, and we can forget about calling our legal system a “justice system” because there will be no justice of any kind to be had.

The whole point of a trial is that the evidence is heard- both for and against- and then a jury decides whether or not the person is guilty of a crime. If we are to decide that a person is to be punished before the trial is even held, thereby making the trial a mere formality, then why bother with the trial at all?

Is that really what people, especially black people, in this country want? Are we to return to the days of lynch mobs? I fear for the times, the trials, and the tribulations to come. We are truly seeing the end of this republic, of very civilization itself, at least on the North American continent.

What comes next will be horrific.

Federalizing the police

Try to find any information about the number of National Guard troops currently deployed in Washington, DC to guard the capitol. The information was there yesterday. It doesn’t seem to be available today. Almost like we are not permitted to know. The last I saw, it was 2,500 troops authorized until at least May 23. The Capitol is fenced off like this:

Nancy Pelosi has selected the commanding General of the Washington, DC National Guard as the Sergeant at Arms, or head of security for the Capitol. The Military is now in charge of Capitol Security. (Of course, Pelosi is claiming that she would have fought off the attackers in hand to hand combat. Big talk from a woman who fled with her armed secret service detail.) The Capitol will be a walled fortress, staffed by armed troops, just like this famous building:

I also would like to know how the Vice-President was giving orders to the Army, seeing as how he isn’t in their chain of command. Doesn’t seem to me that his orders would be lawful ones.

The National Guard troops in the Capitol have formed a QRF, which they recently deployed. Note in the picture below that the QRF has no firearms, and there are no armor panels in their plate carriers. At least three of the eight members of this squad have mags in the ammo pouches. Does this mean that they are only armed with riot gear for this specific mission, but have the option of firearms?

Meanwhile, the US military is busy purging itself of anyone who is remotely Republican or has Conservative leanings. This, coupled with a push to call all police forces tools of racist oppression, makes me believe that we are seeing the pieces being put in place for a national police force. This is typical of communist takeovers- the personnel for the national police force comes from pro-Communist forces. That’s right- BLM and Antifa will likely be the core of this new police force, if history is any guide. In fact, documents leaked in 2016 show that George Soros was planning exactly that, and has been funding BLM to achieve this goal. Barak Obama himself advocated for the Federalization of the nation’s police in 2011.

The Hill has been calling for that since last July– the Federalization of all local police. The Republic would have finally become the Empire.