Where I Support BLM

LAPD raided the offices of an attorney who is representing a BLM activist in her lawsuit against the cops. During the raid, the cops took pictures of documents that contained privileged information. The judge in the case ordered the cops to destroy the photos.

He didn’t go far enough. Behavior like this on the part of the police needs to be dealt with harshly. The judge should grant a directed verdict in favor of the BLM supporter. Any time a cop is caught using their powers to cheat in a case should result in an automatic loss for the cops.

Persecution Continues

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has ordered banks to flag transactions that contain certain keywords such as “MAGA” “Trump” and other political words. If those words are found to be tied to a financial transaction, that account and the person who owns it is referred for further investigation. You can bet that other keywords are also being used. I could easily see all transactions involving products like Ghost Gunner, bulk ammo purchases, and even donations to SAF or FPC being used to flag people. There lies your de facto gun registration.

Like we have been saying for years about registration- there is only one purpose for a firearm registry, and that is confiscation. These keyword investigations are a prelude to mass arrests, denial of public access to things (a social credit score), or some other punitive action. There is nothing else that these investigations can be used for under the law and Constitution as it exists today.

Police LARP

A short platoon of armed cops are raiding a house while armed with grenades and suppressed machine guns. The way that they bunch up and ignore their rear tells you that they either don’t know how to advance to contact, or they don’t really think that the people inside are a threat.

They’d already been to this house multiple times looking for the person of interest and knew he no longer lived there, yet they tossed a grenade inside, injuring an infant.

They’re larping. Unfortunately when these jackboots larp, it has real world consequences. Ones they don’t have to pay for because they have qualified immunity.

Now ask yourself- if these guys were engaged in an ambush being carried out by an armed, well motivated and trained opposing force, how many casualties would they take?

Booty Patrol

A guy driving a truck marked like a Border Patrol vehicle with “Booty Patrol” emblazoned on the sides was given a ticket for $115 because it had red and blue lights on it. He paid it. Then police found his website, one where he was trying to get social media fame, then arrested him for impersonating an officer.

Now we all know that I am not a lawyer, but I of course have an opinion on the matter.

  • He was already convicted of the offence and paid his fine because of the red and blue lights. Arresting and charging him again for that is double jeopardy.
  • Unless there is a “Booty Patrol” police office, he isn’t impersonating any cops with those markings. A green strip isn’t enough for impersonation charges. These charges are bullshit.
  • To publicly admit that you only charged him after you saw his social media page should be admissible in court, as it is evidence that they are trying to infringe on his First Amendment rights.

Don’t forget the Florida case where a man was arrested for having an “I eat ass” sticker on his truck. A police officer saw it and demanded that he remove it. The man refused, and was arrested for resisting an officer and obscene writing on a vehicle. The charges were dropped, but so was the man’s lawsuit, with the judge citing “qualified immunity.”

Though it was supposed to shield government officials only from lawsuits without merit, it instead shields them from ones with merit, including the two-dozen cops who blew up an innocent man’s home during a SWAT raid on the wrong residence, a cop who conducted an illegal search and ruined a man’s car, and cops who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars