I have it on good authority that school shootings don’t happen anywhere but in the US, so reports of a mass shooting at a University in Prague that killed 14 people must be completely false. After all, when leftists say that the US should model their gun laws after the Czech Republic’s…
Gun Laws
More ATF Changes
The ATF continues the war on gun ownership in general, and self made firearms in particular. Since they can’t get traction for changing the law through Congress, they are using the bureaucratic apparatus to pass new laws. If you don’t already have the means for making your own firearms, I would suggest you do so soon, or your window of opportunity will close for good.
Important Update Regarding ATF Regulations and Easy Jig Sales Due to recent changes in ATF regulations, 80% Arms and 5D Tactical can no longer sell or support jigs directly. Support and Warranty Service: For all Easy Jig and Pro Jig customers, modulusarms.com will now handle support. Modulus Arms will honor warranty services, provide technical support, and offer replacement tools and parts for all Easy Jig and Pro Jig products. Manufacturing and Sales: While Easy Jigs will continue to be manufactured by 80% Arms and Pro Jigs by 5D Tactical, all sales must now be conducted through their independent dealers to comply with the new regulation. They are no longer permitted to sell jigs or distribute manuals via their websites under these new ATF rules. Legal Challenges: Both companies are actively challenging this government overreach in court. They are optimistic about a favorable ruling from the Supreme Court in 2024, as both the District Court and the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals have ruled decisively in our favor. Availability through Dealers: In the meantime, both jigs are still available through their dealers, despite the inability to sell them directly. |
Gun Laws
GoSafe Bill Text
I found a link to the actual text of the bill. Here it is, hosted here at Sector Ocho. It begins with dishonest bullshit definitions. The definition of “gas operated” are wrong:
The term ‘gas-operated’, with respect to a semi-automatic firearm, means any firearm that harnesses or traps a portion of the high-pressure gas from a fired cartridge to cycle the action using—
‘‘(A) a long stroke piston, where gas is vented from the barrel to a piston that is mechanically fixed to the bolt group and moves to cycle the action;
‘‘(B) a short stroke piston, where gas is vented from the barrel to a piston that moves separately from the bolt group so that the energy is imparted through a gas piston to cycle the action;
‘(C) a system that traps and vents gas from either the barrel or the chamber to directly strike or impinge the bolt, bolt carrier, or slide assembly, to unlock and cycle the action;
‘‘(D) a hybrid system that combines elements of a system described in subparagraph (C) with a system described in subparagraph (A) or (B) to capture gas vented from the barrel to cycle the action;
‘‘(E) a blowback-operated system that directly utilizes the expanding gases of the ignited propellant powder acting on the cartridge case to drive the breechblock or breech bolt rearward; or
‘‘(F) a recoil-operated system that utilizes the recoil force to unlock the breech bolt and then to complete the cycle of extracting, ejecting, and reloading.
As far as I can think of, there are no other means of operating a semi-automatic firearm. This law defines all semi-automatic firearms as being “gas operated” by making the definition extremely broad. So what, exactly are they planning to do to these gas operated firearms?
The law goes on to say that no one can import, sell, manufacture, transfer, receive, or possess any gas operated firearm or combination of parts that operates like a gas operated firearm, nor can you own any mechanical or electrical parts that can make a firearm approximate the rate of fire of a machine gun.
It grandfathers in firearms owned before the date of the proposed law by the person who owned it on that date and their immediate family members. For the firearm to be transferred from one person to a family member, it has to go through a dealer. I’m assuming that, if a firearm isn’t transferred to a family member, it will be confiscated using the “voluntary buyback” clause in this law.
It requires all new magazines that are capable of holding more than ten rounds be inscribed with a serial number. All magazines that are sold from that point forward can only be owned by the government.
The law goes on to say that any unserialized magazine can’t be transferred after the date of enactment.
It also says that before any new design of a semi-automatic firearm is allowed to be sold, the plans have to be submitted to the ATF for approval. The ATF has 240 days to review the firearm and either approve or deny the application.
IN GENERAL.—Any semi-automatic firearm designed on or after the date of enactment of this section shall be required to have an approval under this subsection prior to the manufacture, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, of such firearm for sale to civilians.
The law also says that at any time, the Director of the ATF can remove a previously approved firearm from the list.
Make sure you have plans for what is coming.
Gun Laws
Oh Look, More Gun Control From Dems
Democrats are introducing another assault weapons ban, this time by going after weapons that use expanding gases from a fired round to cycle the action. In other words, outlawing every semiautomatic weapon.
It also:
- requires that all designs of new firearms be submitted to the ATF for design approval before they can be manufactured
- outlaws “unapproved modifications to permissible firearms”
- outlaws “unlicensed firearm self assembly and manufacturing”
No weapon would be approved for manufacture or sale if it accepts or can be modified to accept any magazine or other ammunition feeding device that holds, or is capable of holding, more than 10 rounds. Magazines that are permanently fixed to the weapon and cannot be changed out and hold less than 15 rounds in handguns, and 10 rounds in long guns, would be exempt.
I am getting this from Lefty press releases. I am looking for the text of the bill as I write this.
I am looking at getting a 3D printer and/or a Ghost Gunner.
Gun Laws
No One is Coming to Save You
SCOTUS has allowed the ban on homemade firearms to go into effect. The courts aren’t going to save you. I once said that the biggest benefit to Trump’s election was his SCOTUS picks. Looks like that particular benefit may not be all it was cracked up to be.
Gun Laws
Below is a sign that governments know that an armed population is far more difficult to defeat. They are afraid of their citizens until a greater threat presents itself.
The truth is that an armed populace can’t be enslaved or subjugated. The most that an enemy can do is try to wipe them out- and whether that enemy is an outside force or their own government, an armed people is a formidable foe.
Science for Sale
Johns Hopkins, which used to do good work, but is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Bloomberg, has come out in favor of microstamping.
- No manufacturer has ever manufactured a firearm with microstamping. Why? A reliable way of doing it hasn’t been invented yet.
- All you need to thwart it is a nailfile applied to the end of the firing pin.
- As a bonus, a murderer could just scatter brass casings that he picked up from the firing range around the crime scene
- What if the gun used was stolen?
- What if that gun has a replacement firing pin?
That doesn’t stop the medical people at Johns Hopkins from attempting to push for things in a field where they have no experience whatsoever. They just whore out their credentials to whomever is willing to pay.
The paper touts California’s law, passed in 2007, that requires new models of handgun sold to be equipped with this unicorn technology. They don’t mention that the law was found to be unconstitutional.
Then they attempt to make it into a racial issue by claiming this:
One analysis of major U.S. cities found that law enforcement makes an arrest in only
35% of firearm homicides and 21% of firearm assaults when the victim was Black or Hispanic/Latino compared to 53% and 37% respectively when the victim was white.
You know why that is? Because in white neighborhoods, “firearm homicides” are usually solved when the cops arrive to find the shooter still standing over the decedent’s body with the gun still in his hand. Many of them are also legal self defense shootings. Contrast that with black neighborhoods, where the majority of homicides where a firearm was the means employed involve disputes over gang territory, drug deals, or simple drive by shootings. When police arrive, no one claims to have seen a thing.
A large portion of these unsolved shootings are perpetrated by guns that were recently trafficked and diverted into the illegal market.
Criminals steal guns and then use them to commit crimes? I’m shocked. Hey, explain to me how microstamping will in any way help in solving a crime involving a stolen firearm.
For example, an analysis of five years of data from the ATF found that more than 40% (528,855) of crime guns recovered by police and traced were used in a crime within three years of their initial retail sale at a licensed dealer.
Again, misleading. Used in crime? What crime? Theft? What about the guns recovered by police and not traced? This is a carefully worded statement, intended to mislead the reader.
No, this is where the conclusion leads them:
Microstamping should deter gun dealers and owners from selling or transferring their gun to someone who might commit a crime because microstamping evidence should lead law enforcement to the person who initially purchased the gun from a retail seller.
Of course, no criminal will be smart enough to replace the firing pin.
Doctors at Johns Hopkins: What does Michael Bloomberg’s dick taste like?
Gun Laws
The Goal
Democrats in New York passed a law requiring background checks for ammunition. Now it’s taking up to 30 days to buy ammo. People will simply go to other states to purchase ammo, putting NY gun stores out of business. That’s the real goal.